[SciPy-user] unhelpful error messages in weave

Fernando Perez fperez at colorado.edu
Fri Sep 5 15:24:17 EDT 2003

Christopher Fonnesbeck wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm trying to move some C++ code over to weave, but am running into  
> some problems that are difficult to debug. Specifically, there are  
> try/catch messages referring to lines of code in my module that do not  
> exist. Here is the error message:

A couple of general tips:

1.  try first with python 2.2.  I've seen weird messages pop up using py2.3 
which don't appear with 2.2 (and weave.inline, of course).  I haven't had the 
time to make a small, clean test case to submit for Eric to look at, though.

2.  use the verbose option in inline() and look directly at the 
~/.python_compiled2.2/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.cpp file which weave auto-generates. 
  It's big, but once you learn how it gets organized, you'll navigate it 
pretty quickly.  You can try to compile it separately yourself.  I've debugged 
weave.inlined modules this way before.



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