[SciPy-user] Announce: Python 2.3 for Windows (Enthought Edition)now available

Gary Pajer pajer at iname.com
Wed Sep 3 08:46:38 EDT 2003

I had a thought ... maybe I didn't install it correctly.
I checked the registry, and there are a bunch of references to c\python22,
mostly in relation to other packages.

Should I uninstall  python22 and uninstal / reinstall the other packages?

> Just gave it a whirl.   Some problems.
> The first thing I did was, from a DOS window python session:
> from scipy import plt
> plt.plot((1,2,3))
> pythonw.exe crash, asking me if I want to send a note to Microsoft.
> Then tried PyCrust shell.
> from scipy import plt
> plt.plot((1,2,3))
> This time the plot appeared, along with an error dialog:
> C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\wxPython\gdi.py:600: DeprecationWarning:
> integer argument expected, got float
>   val = gdic.wxDC_DrawEllipse(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
> This looks like it might be a wxPython warning.  Nonetheless...
> Finally
> from chaco import wxplt
> wxplt.plot((1,2,3))
> Plots the data, but again an error dialog:
> C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\kiva\agg\agg.py:611: DeprecationWarning:
> integer argument expected, got float
>   def draw_glyphs(*args): return
> apply(_agg._GraphicsContextArray_draw_glyphs,args)
> Again, it looks like a warning, but ...
> so far I'm 0 for 3.
> bugs?  or am I buggy?
> -gary
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David C. Morrill" <dmorrill at enthought.com>
> To: <scipy-dev at scipy.net>; <scipy-chaco at scipy.org>; <scipy-user at scipy.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 8:01 PM
> Subject: [SciPy-user] Announce: Python 2.3 for Windows (Enthought Edition)
> now available
> Just a quick heads up that Python 2.3 for Windows (Enthought Edition) is
> available at:
> http://www.enthought.com
> This is in addition to the Python 2.2.3 for Windows (Enthought Edition)
> was previously announced. Besides the obvious feature of being based on
> Python 2.3, this new version also includes updates to several other
> packages, such as wxPython
> So if you've been putting off giving Python 2.3 a spin, now might be a
> time to upgrade. And if you do decide to give it a try, we'd also
> hearing from you either on the mailing lists or on the bug tracker
> concerning what you think about the new Python distribution.
> Enjoy!
> The Python guys at Enthought, Inc.
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