[SciPy-user] Any paper about control applications?

Andrew Straw astraw at insightscientific.com
Mon Oct 20 05:39:44 EDT 2003

Ivan Martinez wrote:
> 	Hello all,
> 	I'm writing a paper where I list open-source languages for scientific 
> computing. For every language, I include a reference to a example of the 
> language being used in a control application. Could anybody give me 
> references to papers/proceedings about SciPi/Python being used to control 
> some process/experiment/robot/etc.?.


I and others use the Vision Egg http://www.visionegg.org/ for performing 
visual neuroscience experiments. It's written in 99% Python, but itself 
doesn't use scipy. (Although I use scipy extensively for data analysis). 
  Do you perhaps mean control systems applications?  In which case, have 
you seen "the other pyro" -- http://emergent.brynmawr.edu/~dblank/pyro/ ?

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