[SciPy-user] Re: io.loadmat

Nils Wagner nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Oct 15 04:55:08 EDT 2003

Fernando Perez schrieb:
> Andrew Straw wrote:
> > Cool!  I hadn't seen that before, and it seems to work on the simple
> > test case I tried.  I made a setup script rather than fiddling with the
> > Makefile.  This seems like a useful enough utility that it should get
> > wider exposure.  Too bad it can't be incorporated into scipy as is (GPL
> > vs. BSD license issues...).
> Mmh, not necessarily.  Perhaps the author would be amenable to a license
> change for inclusion in scipy?  It wouldn't hurt to ask nicely, the worst that
> happens is that he says no.
> Since there seem to be a lot of matlab users out there (I'm not one of them),
> this may be worth pursuing by some.
> Cheers,
> f.
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Did you ask the author --> http://ion.le.ac.uk/admin/nigel.html already

It would be great to have this feature in scipy.

I am also interested in an interface to NASTRAN files - there is some
in this direction by Jose Fonseca



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