[SciPy-user] Problem with arange

Fernando Perez fperez at colorado.edu
Thu Nov 6 13:53:02 EST 2003

Travis Oliphant wrote:
> Francesc Alted wrote:
>>A Dijous 06 Novembre 2003 07:49, Fernando Perez va escriure:
>>>def frange(xini,xfin=None,delta=None,**kw):
>>>    """frange([start,] stop[, step, keywords]) -> list of floats
>>>    Return a Numeric array() containing a progression of floats. Similar
>>>to arange(), but defaults to a closed interval.
> Apparently most are unfamiliar with SciPy's linspace and r_[] 
> functionality (I never use arange)
> a = r[-1:1:100j]  gives 100 points between -1 and 1
> a = linspace(-1,1,100)  # endpoint defaults to 1

Well, I actually wrote this code long before I was aware even of scipy :)

But you're right, I didn't know about those.  Still, my little frange is 
useful when I don't want to load all of scipy but just need Numeric + a few 
simple utilities for plotting or testing things.

Thanks for the pointer, though.  As time goes by, I'm converting more and more 
of my daily use to scipy...



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