[SciPy-user] Problem with arange

Francesc Alted falted at openlc.org
Thu Nov 6 03:53:38 EST 2003

A Dijous 06 Novembre 2003 07:49, Fernando Perez va escriure:
> def frange(xini,xfin=None,delta=None,**kw):
>      """frange([start,] stop[, step, keywords]) -> list of floats
>      Return a Numeric array() containing a progression of floats. Similar
> to arange(), but defaults to a closed interval.

Uau, that's a very nice piece of code: simple and effective! What about
modifying arange in numarray/Numeric in that way? I think arange with
floating parameters is so common that such an addition would save many
headaches to users.


Francesc Alted

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