[SciPy-user] constrained optimization

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Thu May 15 11:40:17 EDT 2003

John Hunter wrote:
> I need to do a bounded nonlinear minimization problem.  I've been
> using scipy.optimize.leastsq, and apply artificial bounds by increasing
> the error when then params escape their bounds, but this isn't working
> well enough.
> I see that scipy.optimize.anneal has bounds, but am wondering if there
> are any bounded optimizers available for general nonlinear least
> squares, like a bounded Lev-Marq alogirithm.

My brief investigations into this matter did not turn anything up that 
was open source.  It would appear that bounded optimizers are a current 
research area and the good algorithms are somewhat closely guarded.

It's been a while since I looked and I could very likely have missed 
some.  It's an area we would definitely like to add to scipy.


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