[SciPy-user] scipy to C ?

Lance Boyle lanceboyle at myrealbox.com
Thu Mar 27 23:33:39 EST 2003

Is this what you need? From scipy.org:

Weave is a new  package that provides tools for including C/C++ code 
within Python code. Highlights include:

weave.inline(): Executes C code directly within Python.

weave.blitz(): Translates Python Numeric expressions to C++ for fast  

ext_tools module: Provides classes for building extension modules 
within Python, for those interested in building extension libraries.

On Thursday, Mar 27, 2003, at 03:15 America/Phoenix, Agustin Lobo wrote:

> Is there a tool to convert a (sci)python
> program into a C program? something like
> what the Matlab compiler is supossed to
> do (never tried) with matlab scripts?
> My interest is on improving the performance
> of scipy scripts that use (unavoidable, at least
> for me) "for loops".
> Thanks
> Agus
> Dr. Agustin Lobo
> Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC)
> Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n
> 08028 Barcelona SPAIN
> tel 34 93409 5410
> fax 34 93411 0012
> alobo at ija.csic.es
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