[SciPy-user] io.read_array in SciPy vs the one in "scientific"

Fernando Perez fperez at colorado.edu
Wed Jun 4 16:31:15 EDT 2003

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
>>> Well, for one, the Scientific readArray allows negative numbers, so it's 
>>> an improvement :)
> A bug that was fixed over a month ago.

Hence the smiley - I'd already seen the replies about it being fixed in more 
recent cvs and I was just joking about it.  Sorry if it came across as 
criticism, it wasn't meant to.

> read_array did borrow from Scientific.  It's just that significant 
> changes had to be made in order to support the full flexibility desired 
> from read_array.  io.read_array is quite a bit more flexible.
> We have not ignored ScientificPython but borrow from in when possible. 
> Contributions are always welcome.

Thanks for this info.  I knew you guys were aware of Scientific, of course, 
but I'd always wondered how much cross-pollination did in fact take place. 
I'm glad to see that you _are_ in fact getting as much as possible from 
Scientific, when it suits the design goals of Scipy.



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