[SciPy-user] variable (undetermined at initialization) dimensionof an array ?

ferrell at diablotech.com ferrell at diablotech.com
Fri Aug 22 09:23:36 EDT 2003

Nils Wagner writes:
 > from scipy import *
 > a=array([])
 > ic = 0
 > eps = 1.e-10
 > f = 1.0
 > i = 0
 > while f < eps:
 >   ic = ic + 1
 >   a.resize((ic,))
 >   a[i] = somevalue
 >   i = i + 1
 > # f will be changed somehow in this loop
 > print a
 > Is this an effective way to implement it ?

I would think that in this case you'd want to create a as a list, and
then after the loop create the array.  The experts may need to correct
me, but I expect that the resize will cause a copy of the data each
iteration.  If you use a list that copy won't be done.  After the loop
you can then copy the contents of the list to an array.

  aList = []
  while f < eps:
    aList += [somevalue]

a = array(aList)


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