[SciPy-user] Debian package(s)? -- and RPM

RA Ralf_Ahlbrink at web.de
Mon Nov 18 10:05:52 EST 2002

On Montag, 18. November 2002 15:14:15, Pearu Peterson wrote:
> Do you mean:
>  python-f2py (stand-alone) contains f2py2e and scipy_distutils
> and
>  python-f2py2e contains f2py2e only
> ?


> Hmm, (i) isn't there a conflict then between python-f2py
> and python-scipy-core if both contain scipy_distutils?

You would only install '-f2py', if '-scipy-core' is not installed. They 
exclude each other. And, like you already said, -f2py2e (or call it 
'-f2py-scipy' ??) needs '-scipy-core'.

> And (ii) python-f2py2e will loose part of its functionality ("f2py -c
> ..." stuff) if it cannot use scipy_distutils (in fact, f2py will probably
> complain about it).

Therefore, you need the above mentioned dependency on '-scipy-core'.

> I think you can treat f2py similarly to '-scipy', '-weave', or '-chaco'
> (packaging should be then easier). All they depend on scipy-core and the
> only difference is that f2py comes with a script 'f2py'.

So, you mean, only _one_ '-f2py' package, with script-file and f2py2e 
directory? This would be indeed the simplest version. If someone wants to use 
f2py, but not scipy, he/she has to install scipy-core. 
Then scipy_test is also there and not needed, but: So what? It's a question 
about 273 kByte. If that matters, one has to split scipy-core or use the 
above listed two f2py packages...

> If you need certain changes to scipy or f2py2e setup.py scripts that will
> ease deb or rpm packaging, let us know.


> Pearu


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