[SciPy-user] import scipy fails - cannot find liblapack.so.3

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Nov 14 11:16:42 EST 2002

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Ray wrote:

> Hello,
> After a comparatively uneventful, though long (4 hours to build ATLAS on
> a 1.1 GHz Celeron),

Hmm, in PII 400MHz it takes much less time (about 45min) to build
ATLAS (when I follow instructions in scipy/INSTALL.txt).

> >>> import scipy
> exceptions.ImportError: liblapack.so.3: cannot open shared object file:
> No such file or directory


> Would appreciate suggestions on how to fix this.  Build details and some
> output are given below.

When importing lapack, it is seems that lapack is picked up from
from /usr/lib, not from /usr/local/lib/atlas.
If that is the case, then there are several ways to fix it:
1) Define
2) Put /usr/local/lib/atlas to
and run ldconfig

You can use ldd to check the dependencies of shared libraries.
  ldd path/to/linalg/flapack.so


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