[SciPy-user] A job for you !!!

produced2many2002 at yahoo.com produced2many2002 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 4 14:08:14 EST 2002


We are offering you a possibility to use your free time and make some money over the internet.

This is a global business with warranty.

As this is a serious business we expect from our candidates the following:
-      minimum 18 years of age
-      desire for team work

If you are interested you can find more information about this job on Page

Application is absolutely free and it doesn’t obligate you for anything and you can quit whenever you like. This is a simple 
way for you to familiarize yourself with a job we are offering and to decide if this is for you.

Some of our members already make more then $1500 monthly and there is no limit because income isn’t fixed and raises with 
every month depending on how much time you put in.

No, you don’t have to sell or buy anything.

Nobody here is trying to double-cross you. This is a very serious job.
I believe you won’t be disappointed.

I hope we will work together.

If you have any questions or the page doesn't work please contact on this address blazevic_m at hotmail.com
Miso Blazevic

You've received this message only once and if this doesn't interest you I apologize and I won't inform you any more.

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