[SciPy-user] Getting postscript out of gplt

Neilen nmarais at hertz.ee.sun.ac.za
Sat Nov 2 19:35:16 EST 2002

OK, I found it :)

Just for the archives, the command is gplt.output("filname", "postscript
eps").  The format seems to correspond to "set termimal xxx" command in


On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 02:24, Neilen wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm trying to get some postscript output of a gplt plot. Is there
> somewhere I can find more documentation on the gplt.output function? 
> basically, I want the plot to be black and white, with a white
> background.  I tried replacing the png example from the plotting
> tutorial with ps, eps and postscript, to no avail.
> Thanks
> Neilen
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