[SciPy-user] testing SciPy without ATLAS ;-(

gvermeul at polycnrs-gre.fr gvermeul at polycnrs-gre.fr
Mon May 27 17:39:17 EDT 2002

Sorry, Pearu, it's me again:

After installing SciPy on a machine without ATLAS,
scipy.test() resulted in

ERROR: Test persisting a function in the default catalog
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/scipy/weave/tests/test_catalog.py",
line 274, in check_add_function_persistent1
  File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/scipy/weave/catalog.py", line 615, in
    module = getmodule(function)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/scipy/weave/catalog.py", line 66, in
    if mod and object in mod.__dict__.values():
  File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/scipy_distutils/misc_util.py", line 13,
in __getattr__
    raise self._info[0],self._info[1]
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/scipy/linalg/fblas.so: undefined
symbol: srotmg_
Ran 447 tests in 2.017s

FAILED (errors=2)
<unittest.TextTestRunner instance at 0x853506c>

grepping the output of nm, I found "srotmg" back in the ATLAS libraries
on another machine but not in the standard LAPACK/BLAS libraries.


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