[SciPy-user] forcing compiler other than g77 on HPUX

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Tue May 7 13:56:54 EDT 2002

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Tim Carlson wrote:

> So now I am onto HPUX where both g77 from gcc-2.95.3 and gcc-3.0.4 fail
> with an internal error when compiling various parts of scipy.

Could you be more specific here? Is it a compiler or scipy issue? And
which parts are failing if the latter?

> --------
> The HP compiler on this system reports version information with +version
> and -O3 seems to be a standard optimization level.  There error I get is I
> think due to the return code from  "f90 +version". Here is where it dies
> running run_f2py
> running build_flib
> scipy_distutils.command.build_flib.hpux_fortran_compiler
> command: f90 +version
> 256 HP F90 v2.4
> error: Fortran compiler not available: None
> I don't know where that "256" is coming from.  I tried some things with
> ver_match but nothing seemed to work.

256 is the return status of the command. If this means success in HP then
you can add some hooks to fortran_compiler_base.get_version method, or
better yet, rewrite it for the hpux_fortran_compiler so that with this
status value it will return the version of the compiler.

BTW, you can try also --fcompiler=HP option to force to look only for this
compiler, eg.

 setup.py build build_flib --fcompiler=HP

Note that build must precede build_flib.


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