[Scipy-svn] r4035 - trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Mar 18 07:48:41 EDT 2008

Author: wnbell
Date: 2008-03-18 06:48:06 -0500 (Tue, 18 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 4035

split sparsetools into several files

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/bsr.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/bsr.h	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/bsr.h	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+#ifndef __BSR_H__
+#define __BSR_H__
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include "csr.h"
+#include "fixed_size.h"
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_diagonal(const I n_brow,
+                  const I n_bcol, 
+                  const I R,
+                  const I C,
+	              const I Ap[], 
+	              const I Aj[], 
+	              const T Ax[],
+	                    T Yx[])
+    const I N  = std::min(R*n_brow, C*n_bcol);
+    const I RC = R*C;
+    for(I i = 0; i < N; i++){
+        Yx[i] = 0;
+    }
+    if ( R == C ){
+        //main diagonal with square blocks
+        const I end = std::min(n_brow,n_bcol);
+        for(I i = 0; i < end; i++){
+            for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+                if (i == Aj[jj]){
+                    I row = R*i;
+                    const T * val = Ax + RC*jj;
+                    for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
+                        Yx[row + bi] = *val;
+                        val += C + 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+        //This could be made faster
+        const I end = (N/R) + (N % R == 0 ? 0 : 1);
+        for(I i = 0; i < end; i++){
+            for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+                const I base_row = R*i;
+                const I base_col = C*Aj[jj];
+                const T * base_val = Ax + RC*jj;
+                for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
+                    const I row = base_row + bi;
+                    if (row >= N) break;
+                    for(I bj = 0; bj < C; bj++){
+                        const I col = base_col + bj;
+                        if (row == col){
+                            Yx[row] = base_val[bi*C + bj];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * Scale the rows of a BSR matrix *in place*
+ *
+ *   A[i,:] *= X[i]
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_scale_rows(const I n_brow,
+                    const I n_bcol, 
+                    const I R,
+                    const I C,
+	                const I Ap[], 
+	                const I Aj[], 
+	                      T Ax[],
+	                const T Xx[])
+    const I RC = R*C;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+            for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
+                const T s = Xx[R*i + bi];
+                T * block_row = Ax + RC*jj + C*bi;
+                for(I bj = 0; bj < C; bj++){
+                    block_row[bj] *= s;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * Scale the columns of a BSR matrix *in place*
+ *
+ *   A[:,i] *= X[i]
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_scale_columns(const I n_brow,
+                       const I n_bcol, 
+                       const I R,
+                       const I C,
+	                   const I Ap[], 
+	                   const I Aj[], 
+	                         T Ax[],
+	                   const T Xx[])
+    const I bnnz = Ap[n_brow];
+    const I RC  = R*C;
+    for(I i = 0; i < bnnz; i++){
+        const T * scales = Xx + C*Aj[i] ;
+        T * block = Ax + RC*i;
+        for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
+            for(I bj = 0; bj < C; bj++){
+                block[C*bi + bj] *= scales[bj];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * Sort the column block indices of a BSR matrix inplace
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_brow        - number of row blocks in A
+ *   I  n_bcol        - number of column blocks in A
+ *   I  R             - rows per block
+ *   I  C             - columns per block
+ *   I  Ap[n_brow+1]  - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nblk(A)]   - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_sort_indices(const I n_brow,
+	                  const I n_bcol, 
+                      const I R,
+                      const I C,
+	                        I Ap[], 
+	                        I Aj[], 
+	                        T Ax[])
+    if( R == 1 && C == 1 ){
+        csr_sort_indices(n_brow, Ap, Aj, Ax);
+        return;
+    }
+    const I nblks = Ap[n_brow];
+    const I RC    = R*C;
+    const I nnz   = RC*nblks;
+    //compute permutation of blocks using tranpose(CSR)
+    std::vector<I> perm(nblks);
+    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++)
+        perm[i] = i;
+    csr_sort_indices(n_brow, Ap, Aj, &perm[0]);
+    std::vector<T> Ax_copy(nnz);
+    std::copy(Ax, Ax + nnz, Ax_copy.begin());
+    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++){
+        const T * input = &Ax_copy[RC * perm[i]];
+              T * output = Ax + RC*i;
+        std::copy(input, input + RC, output);
+    }
+ * Compute transpose(A) BSR matrix A
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_brow        - number of row blocks in A
+ *   I  n_bcol        - number of column blocks in A
+ *   I  R             - rows per block
+ *   I  C             - columns per block
+ *   I  Ap[n_brow+1]  - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nblk(A)]   - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   I  Bp[n_col+1]   - row pointer
+ *   I  Bj[nblk(A)]   - column indices
+ *   T  Bx[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Bp, Bj, Bx must be preallocated
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Input:  column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
+ *   Output: row indices *will be* in sorted order
+ *
+ *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + max(n_row,n_col))
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_transpose(const I n_brow,
+	               const I n_bcol, 
+                   const I R,
+                   const I C,
+	               const I Ap[], 
+	               const I Aj[], 
+	               const T Ax[],
+	                     I Bp[],
+	                     I Bj[],
+	                     T Bx[])
+    const I nblks = Ap[n_brow];
+    const I RC    = R*C;
+    //compute permutation of blocks using tranpose(CSR)
+    std::vector<I> perm_in (nblks);
+    std::vector<I> perm_out(nblks);
+    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++)
+        perm_in[i] = i;
+    csr_tocsc(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, &perm_in[0], Bp, Bj, &perm_out[0]);
+    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++){
+        const T * Ax_blk = Ax + RC * perm_out[i];
+              T * Bx_blk = Bx + RC * i;
+        for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
+            for(I c = 0; c < C; c++){
+                Bx_blk[c * R + r] = Ax_blk[r * C + c];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+template <class I, class T, int R, int C, int N>
+void bsr_matmat_pass2_fixed(const I n_brow,  const I n_bcol, 
+      	                    const I Ap[],    const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
+      	                    const I Bp[],    const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
+      	                          I Cp[],          I Cj[],          T Cx[])
+    const I RC = R*C;
+    const I RN = R*N;
+    const I NC = N*C;
+    const I SIZE = RC*Cp[n_brow];
+    for(I i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
+        Cx[i] = 0;
+    }
+    std::vector<I>  next(n_bcol,-1);
+    std::vector<T*> mats(n_bcol);
+    I nnz = 0;
+    Cp[0] = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
+        I head   = -2;
+        I length =  0;
+        I jj_start = Ap[i];
+        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
+        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            I kk_start = Bp[j];
+            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
+            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
+                I k = Bj[kk];
+                if(next[k] == -1){
+                    next[k] = head;                        
+                    head = k;
+                    Cj[nnz] = k;
+                    mats[k] = Cx + RC*nnz;
+                    nnz++;
+                    length++;
+                }
+                const T * A = Ax + jj*RN;
+                const T * B = Bx + kk*NC;
+                T * result = mats[k];
+                matmat<R,C,N>(A,B,result);
+            }
+        }         
+        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
+            I temp = head;                
+            head = next[head];
+            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
+        }
+    }
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_matmat_pass2(const I n_brow,  const I n_bcol, 
+                      const I R,       const I C,       const I N,
+      	              const I Ap[],    const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
+      	              const I Bp[],    const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
+      	                    I Cp[],          I Cj[],          T Cx[])
+    assert(R > 0 && C > 0 && N > 0);
+#define F(X,Y,Z) bsr_matmat_pass2_fixed<I,T,X,Y,Z>
+    void (*dispatch[4][4][4])(I,I,const I*,const I*,const T*,
+                                  const I*,const I*,const T*,
+                                        I*,      I*,      T*) = \
+    {
+        { { F(1,1,1), F(1,1,2), F(1,1,3), F(1,1,4) },
+          { F(1,2,1), F(1,2,2), F(1,2,3), F(1,2,4) },
+          { F(1,3,1), F(1,3,2), F(1,3,3), F(1,3,4) },
+          { F(1,4,1), F(1,4,2), F(1,4,3), F(1,4,4) },
+        },
+        { { F(2,1,1), F(2,1,2), F(2,1,3), F(2,1,4) },
+          { F(2,2,1), F(2,2,2), F(2,2,3), F(2,2,4) },
+          { F(2,3,1), F(2,3,2), F(2,3,3), F(2,3,4) },
+          { F(2,4,1), F(2,4,2), F(2,4,3), F(2,4,4) },
+        },
+        { { F(3,1,1), F(3,1,2), F(3,1,3), F(3,1,4) },
+          { F(3,2,1), F(3,2,2), F(3,2,3), F(3,2,4) },
+          { F(3,3,1), F(3,3,2), F(3,3,3), F(3,3,4) },
+          { F(3,4,1), F(3,4,2), F(3,4,3), F(3,4,4) },
+        },
+        { { F(4,1,1), F(4,1,2), F(4,1,3), F(4,1,4) },
+          { F(4,2,1), F(4,2,2), F(4,2,3), F(4,2,4) },
+          { F(4,3,1), F(4,3,2), F(4,3,3), F(4,3,4) },
+          { F(4,4,1), F(4,4,2), F(4,4,3), F(4,4,4) },
+        }
+    };
+    if (R <= 4 && C <= 4 && N <= 4){
+        dispatch[R-1][N-1][C-1](n_brow,n_bcol,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx);
+        return;
+    }
+#undef F
+    if( R == 1 && N == 1 && C == 1 ){
+        csr_matmat_pass2(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, Ax, Bp, Bj, Bx, Cp, Cj, Cx);
+        return;
+    }
+    const I RC = R*C;
+    const I RN = R*N;
+    const I NC = N*C;
+    const I SIZE = RC*Cp[n_brow];
+    for(I i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
+        Cx[i] = 0;
+    }
+    std::vector<I>  next(n_bcol,-1);
+    std::vector<T*> mats(n_bcol);
+    I nnz = 0;
+    Cp[0] = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
+        I head   = -2;
+        I length =  0;
+        I jj_start = Ap[i];
+        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
+        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            I kk_start = Bp[j];
+            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
+            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
+                I k = Bj[kk];
+                if(next[k] == -1){
+                    next[k] = head;                        
+                    head = k;
+                    Cj[nnz] = k;
+                    mats[k] = Cx + RC*nnz;
+                    nnz++;
+                    length++;
+                }
+                const T * A = Ax + jj*RN;
+                const T * B = Bx + kk*NC;
+                T * result = mats[k];
+                for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
+                    for(I c = 0; c < C; c++){
+                        for(I n = 0; n < N; n++){
+                            result[C*r + c] += A[N*r + n] * B[C*n + c];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }         
+        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
+            I temp = head;                
+            head = next[head];
+            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
+        }
+    }
+template <class I, class T>
+bool is_nonzero_block(const T block[], const I blocksize){
+    for(I i = 0; i < blocksize; i++){
+        if(block[i] != 0){
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+template <class I, class T, class bin_op>
+void bsr_binop_bsr(const I n_brow, const I n_bcol, 
+                   const I R,      const I C, 
+                   const I Ap[],   const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[],   const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],         I Cj[],          T Cx[],
+                   const bin_op& op)
+    assert( R > 0 && C > 0);
+    if( R == 1 && C == 1 ){
+        csr_binop_csr(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, Ax, Bp, Bj, Bx, Cp, Cj, Cx, op); //use CSR for 1x1 blocksize 
+        return;
+    }
+    const I RC = R*C;
+    T * result = Cx;
+    Cp[0] = 0;
+    I nnz = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
+        I A_pos = Ap[i];
+        I B_pos = Bp[i];
+        I A_end = Ap[i+1];
+        I B_end = Bp[i+1];
+        I A_j = Aj[A_pos];
+        I B_j = Bj[B_pos];
+        //while not finished with either row
+        while(A_pos < A_end && B_pos < B_end){
+            if(A_j == B_j){
+                for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
+                    result[n] = op(Ax[RC*A_pos + n],Bx[RC*B_pos + n]);
+                }
+                if( is_nonzero_block(result,RC) ){
+                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+                    result += RC;
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+            } else if (A_j < B_j) {
+                for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
+                    result[n] = op(Ax[RC*A_pos + n],0);
+                }
+                if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
+                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+                    result += RC;
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+            } else {
+                //B_j < A_j
+                for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
+                    result[n] = op(0,Bx[RC*B_pos + n]);
+                }
+                if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
+                    Cj[nnz] = B_j;
+                    result += RC;
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+            }
+        }
+        //tail
+        while(A_pos < A_end){
+            for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
+                result[n] = op(Ax[RC*A_pos + n],0);
+            }
+            if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
+                Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+                result += RC;
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+        }
+        while(B_pos < B_end){
+            for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
+                result[n] = op(0,Bx[RC*B_pos + n]);
+            }
+            if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
+                Cj[nnz] = B_j;
+                result += RC;
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+        }
+        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
+    }
+/* element-wise binary operations */
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_elmul_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C, 
+                   const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
+    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::multiplies<T>());
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_eldiv_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C,
+                   const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
+    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::divides<T>());
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_plus_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C, 
+                  const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
+                  const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
+                        I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
+    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::plus<T>());
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_minus_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C, 
+                   const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
+    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::minus<T>());
+//template <class I, class T>
+//void bsr_tocsr(const I n_brow,
+//	           const I n_bcol, 
+//	           const I R, 
+//	           const I C, 
+//	           const I Ap[], 
+//	           const I Aj[], 
+//	           const T Ax[],
+//	                 I Bp[],
+//                     I Bj[]
+//	                 T Bx[])
+//    const I RC = R*C;
+//    for(I brow = 0; brow < n_brow; brow++){
+//        I row_size = C * (Ap[brow + 1] - Ap[brow]);
+//        for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
+//            Bp[R*brow + r] = RC * Ap[brow] + r * row_size
+//        }
+//    }
+template <class I, class T, int R, int C>
+void bsr_matvec_fixed(const I n_brow,
+	                  const I n_bcol, 
+	                  const I Ap[], 
+	                  const I Aj[], 
+	                  const T Ax[],
+	                  const T Xx[],
+	                        T Yx[])
+    for(I i = 0; i < R*n_brow; i++){
+        Yx[i] = 0;
+    }
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++) {
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++) {
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            matvec<R,C,1,1>(Ax + jj*R*C, Xx + j*C, Yx + i*R);
+        }
+    }
+ * Generate the table below with:
+ *   out = ''
+ *   N = 8
+ *   for i in range(N):
+ *       out += '{'
+ *       for j in range(N-1):
+ *           out += ' F(%d,%d),' % (i+1,j+1)
+ *       out += ' F(%d,%d) },\n' % (i+1,j+2)
+ *   out = out[:-2]
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void bsr_matvec(const I n_brow,
+	            const I n_bcol, 
+	            const I R, 
+	            const I C, 
+	            const I Ap[], 
+	            const I Aj[], 
+	            const T Ax[],
+	            const T Xx[],
+	                  T Yx[])
+    assert(R > 0 && C > 0);
+    if( R == 1 && C == 1 ){
+        csr_matvec(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, Ax, Xx, Yx); //use CSR for 1x1 blocksize 
+        return;
+    }
+#define F(X,Y) bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,X,Y>
+    void (*dispatch[8][8])(I,I,const I*,const I*,const T*,const T*,T*) = \
+        {
+          { F(1,1), F(1,2), F(1,3), F(1,4), F(1,5), F(1,6), F(1,7), F(1,8) },
+          { F(2,1), F(2,2), F(2,3), F(2,4), F(2,5), F(2,6), F(2,7), F(2,8) },
+          { F(3,1), F(3,2), F(3,3), F(3,4), F(3,5), F(3,6), F(3,7), F(3,8) },
+          { F(4,1), F(4,2), F(4,3), F(4,4), F(4,5), F(4,6), F(4,7), F(4,8) },
+          { F(5,1), F(5,2), F(5,3), F(5,4), F(5,5), F(5,6), F(5,7), F(5,8) },
+          { F(6,1), F(6,2), F(6,3), F(6,4), F(6,5), F(6,6), F(6,7), F(6,8) },
+          { F(7,1), F(7,2), F(7,3), F(7,4), F(7,5), F(7,6), F(7,7), F(7,8) },
+          { F(8,1), F(8,2), F(8,3), F(8,4), F(8,5), F(8,6), F(8,7), F(8,8) }
+        };
+    if (R <= 8 && C <= 8){
+        dispatch[R-1][C-1](n_brow,n_bcol,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx);
+        return;
+    }
+#undef F
+    //otherwise use general method
+    for(I i = 0; i < R*n_brow; i++){
+        Yx[i] = 0;
+    }
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
+        const T * A = Ax + R * C * Ap[i];
+              T * y = Yx + R * i;
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+            const T * x = Xx + C*Aj[jj];
+            //TODO replace this with a proper matvec
+            for( I r = 0; r < R; r++ ){
+                T sum = 0;
+                for( I c = 0; c < C; c++ ){
+                    sum += (*A) * x[c];
+                    A++;
+                }
+                y[r] += sum;
+            }
+        }
+    }

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/coo.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/coo.h	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/coo.h	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#ifndef __COO_H__
+#define __COO_H__
+#include <algorithm>
+ * Compute B = A for COO matrix A, CSR matrix B
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row      - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col      - number of columns in A
+ *   I  nnz        - number of nonzeros in A
+ *   I  Ai[nnz(A)] - row indices
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)] - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)] - nonzeros
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   I Bp  - row pointer
+ *   I Bj  - column indices
+ *   T Bx  - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Bp, Bj, and Bx must be preallocated
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Input:  row and column indices *are not* assumed to be ordered
+ *           
+ *   Note: duplicate entries are carried over to the CSR represention
+ *
+ *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + max(n_row,n_col))
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void coo_tocsr(const I n_row,
+               const I n_col,
+               const I nnz,
+               const I Ai[],
+               const I Aj[],
+               const T Ax[],
+                     I Bp[],
+                     I Bj[],
+                     T Bx[])
+    //compute number of non-zero entries per row of A 
+    std::fill(Bp, Bp + n_row, 0);
+    for (I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){            
+        Bp[Ai[n]]++;
+    }
+    //cumsum the nnz per row to get Bp[]
+    for(I i = 0, cumsum = 0; i < n_row; i++){     
+        I temp = Bp[i];
+        Bp[i] = cumsum;
+        cumsum += temp;
+    }
+    Bp[n_row] = nnz; 
+    //write Aj,Ax into Bj,Bx
+    for(I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){
+        I row  = Ai[n];
+        I dest = Bp[row];
+        Bj[dest] = Aj[n];
+        Bx[dest] = Ax[n];
+        Bp[row]++;
+    }
+    for(I i = 0, last = 0; i <= n_row; i++){
+        I temp = Bp[i];
+        Bp[i]  = last;
+        last   = temp;
+    }
+    //now Bp,Bj,Bx form a CSR representation (with possible duplicates)
+ * Compute B += A for COO matrix A, dense matrix B
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col           - number of columns in A
+ *   I  nnz             - number of nonzeros in A
+ *   I  Ai[nnz(A)]      - row indices
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzeros 
+ *   T  Bx[n_row*n_col] - dense matrix
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void coo_todense(const I n_row,
+                 const I n_col,
+                 const I nnz,
+                 const I Ai[],
+                 const I Aj[],
+                 const T Ax[],
+                       T Bx[])
+    for(I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){
+        Bx[ n_col * Ai[n] + Aj[n] ] += Ax[n];
+    }

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csc.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csc.h	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csc.h	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#ifndef __CSC_H__
+#define __CSC_H__
+#include "csr.h"
+ * Compute Y += A*X for CSC matrix A and dense vectors X,Y
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - column pointer
+ *   I  Ai[nnz(A)]    - row indices
+ *   T  Ax[n_col]     - nonzeros 
+ *   T  Xx[n_col]     - input vector
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   T  Yx[n_row]     - output vector 
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
+ *   
+ *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + n_col)
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_matvec(const I n_row,
+	            const I n_col, 
+	            const I Ap[], 
+	            const I Ai[], 
+	            const T Ax[],
+	            const T Xx[],
+	                  T Yx[])
+    for(I j = 0; j < n_col; j++){
+        I col_start = Ap[j];
+        I col_end   = Ap[j+1];
+        for(I ii = col_start; ii < col_end; ii++){
+            I row    = Ai[ii];
+            Yx[row] += Ax[ii] * Xx[j];
+        }
+    }
+ * Derived methods
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_diagonal(const I n_row,
+                  const I n_col, 
+	              const I Ap[], 
+	              const I Aj[], 
+	              const T Ax[],
+	                    T Yx[])
+{ csr_diagonal(n_col, n_row, Ap, Aj, Ax, Yx); }
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_tocsr(const I n_row,
+               const I n_col, 
+               const I Ap[], 
+               const I Ai[], 
+               const T Ax[],
+                     I Bp[],
+                     I Bj[],
+                     T Bx[])
+{ csr_tocsc<I,T>(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bj, Bx); }
+template <class I>
+void csc_matmat_pass1(const I n_row,
+                      const I n_col, 
+                      const I Ap[], 
+                      const I Ai[], 
+                      const I Bp[],
+                      const I Bi[],
+                            I Cp[])
+{ csr_matmat_pass1(n_col, n_row, Bp, Bi, Ap, Ai, Cp); }
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_matmat_pass2(const I n_row,
+      	              const I n_col, 
+      	              const I Ap[], 
+      	              const I Ai[], 
+      	              const T Ax[],
+      	              const I Bp[],
+      	              const I Bi[],
+      	              const T Bx[],
+      	                    I Cp[],
+      	                    I Ci[],
+      	                    T Cx[])
+{ csr_matmat_pass2(n_col, n_row, Bp, Bi, Bx, Ap, Ai, Ax, Cp, Ci, Cx); }
+template<class I, class T>
+void coo_tocsc(const I n_row,
+      	       const I n_col,
+      	       const I nnz,
+      	       const I Ai[],
+      	       const I Aj[],
+      	       const T Ax[],
+      	             I Bp[],
+      	             I Bi[],
+      	             T Bx[])
+{ coo_tocsr<I,T>(n_col, n_row, nnz, Aj, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx); }
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_elmul_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                   const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
+    csr_elmul_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_eldiv_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                   const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
+    csr_eldiv_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_plus_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                  const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
+                  const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
+                        I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
+    csr_plus_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);
+template <class I, class T>
+void csc_minus_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                   const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
+    csr_minus_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csr.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csr.h	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csr.h	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+#ifndef __CSR_H__
+#define __CSR_H__
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+ * Extract main diagonal of CSR matrix A
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[n_col]     - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   T  Yx[min(n_row,n_col)] - diagonal entries
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
+ *
+ *   Duplicate entries will be summed.
+ *
+ *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + min(n_row,n_col))
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_diagonal(const I n_row,
+                  const I n_col, 
+	              const I Ap[], 
+	              const I Aj[], 
+	              const T Ax[],
+	                    T Yx[])
+    const I N = std::min(n_row, n_col);
+    for(I i = 0; i < N; i++){
+        I row_start = Ap[i];
+        I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
+        T diag = 0;
+        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
+            if (Aj[jj] == i)
+                diag += Ax[jj];
+        }
+        Yx[i] = diag;
+    }
+ * Expand a compressed row pointer into a row array
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   Bi  - row indices
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output array Bi must be preallocated
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Complexity: Linear
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I>
+void expandptr(const I n_row,
+               const I Ap[], 
+                     I Bi[])
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+            Bi[jj] = i;
+        }
+    }
+ * Scale the rows of a CSR matrix *in place*
+ *
+ *   A[i,:] *= X[i]
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_scale_rows(const I n_row,
+                    const I n_col, 
+	                const I Ap[], 
+	                const I Aj[], 
+	                      T Ax[],
+	                const T Xx[])
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+            Ax[jj] *= Xx[i];
+        }
+    }
+ * Scale the columns of a CSR matrix *in place*
+ *
+ *   A[:,i] *= X[i]
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_scale_columns(const I n_row,
+                       const I n_col, 
+	                   const I Ap[], 
+	                   const I Aj[], 
+	                         T Ax[],
+	                   const T Xx[])
+    const I nnz = Ap[n_row];
+    for(I i = 0; i < nnz; i++){
+        Ax[i] *= Xx[Aj[i]];
+    }
+ * Compute the number of occupied RxC blocks in a matrix
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
+ *   I  R             - row blocksize
+ *   I  C             - column blocksize
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   I  num_blocks    - number of blocks
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Complexity: Linear
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I>
+I csr_count_blocks(const I n_row,
+                   const I n_col,
+                   const I R,
+                   const I C,
+                   const I Ap[], 
+                   const I Aj[])
+    std::vector<I> mask(n_col/C + 1,-1);
+    I n_blks = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I bi = i/R;
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+            I bj = Aj[jj]/C;
+            if(mask[bj] != bi){
+                mask[bj] = bi;
+                n_blks++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return n_blks;
+ * Convert a CSR matrix to BSR format
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col           - number of columns in A
+ *   I  R               - row blocksize
+ *   I  C               - column blocksize
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]     - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzero values
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   I  Bp[n_row/R + 1] - block row pointer
+ *   I  Bj[nnz(B)]      - column indices
+ *   T  Bx[nnz(B)]      - nonzero blocks
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Complexity: Linear
+ *   Output arrays must be preallocated (with Bx initialized to zero)
+ *
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_tobsr(const I n_row,
+	           const I n_col, 
+	           const I R, 
+	           const I C, 
+	           const I Ap[], 
+	           const I Aj[], 
+	           const T Ax[],
+	                 I Bp[],
+                     I Bj[],
+	                 T Bx[])
+    std::vector<T*> blocks(n_col/C + 1, (T*)0 );
+    assert( n_row % R == 0 );
+    assert( n_col % C == 0 );
+    I n_brow = n_row / R;
+    //I n_bcol = n_col / C;
+    I RC = R*C;
+    I n_blks = 0;
+    Bp[0] = 0;
+    for(I bi = 0; bi < n_brow; bi++){
+        for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
+            I i = R*bi + r;  //row index
+            for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+                I j = Aj[jj]; //column index
+                I bj = j / C;
+                I c  = j % C;
+                if( blocks[bj] == 0 ){
+                    blocks[bj] = Bx + RC*n_blks;
+                    Bj[n_blks] = bj;
+                    n_blks++;
+                }
+                *(blocks[bj] + C*r + c) += Ax[jj];
+            }
+        }
+        for(I jj = Ap[R*bi]; jj < Ap[R*(bi+1)]; jj++){
+            blocks[Aj[jj] / C] = 0;
+        }
+        Bp[bi+1] = n_blks;
+    }
+ * Sort CSR column indices inplace
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]     - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzeros 
+ *
+ */
+template <class I>
+bool csr_has_sorted_indices(const I n_row, 
+                            const I Ap[],
+                            const I Aj[])
+  for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+      for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1] - 1; jj++){
+          if(Aj[jj] > Aj[jj+1]){
+              return false;
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  return true;
+template< class T1, class T2 >
+bool kv_pair_less(const std::pair<T1,T2>& x, const std::pair<T1,T2>& y){
+    return x.first < y.first;
+template<class I, class T>
+void csr_sort_indices(const I n_row,
+                      const I Ap[], 
+                            I Aj[], 
+                            T Ax[])
+    std::vector< std::pair<I,T> > temp;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I row_start = Ap[i];
+        I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
+        temp.clear();
+        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
+            temp.push_back(std::make_pair(Aj[jj],Ax[jj]));
+        }
+        std::sort(temp.begin(),temp.end(),kv_pair_less<I,T>);
+        for(I jj = row_start, n = 0; jj < row_end; jj++, n++){
+            Aj[jj] = temp[n].first;
+            Ax[jj] = temp[n].second;
+        }
+    }    
+ * Compute B = A for CSR matrix A, CSC matrix B
+ *
+ * Also, with the appropriate arguments can also be used to:
+ *   - compute B = A^t for CSR matrix A, CSR matrix B
+ *   - compute B = A^t for CSC matrix A, CSC matrix B
+ *   - convert CSC->CSR
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   I  Bp[n_col+1] - column pointer
+ *   I  Bj[nnz(A)]  - row indices
+ *   T  Bx[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Bp, Bj, Bx must be preallocated
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Input:  column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
+ *   Output: row indices *will be* in sorted order
+ *
+ *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + max(n_row,n_col))
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_tocsc(const I n_row,
+	           const I n_col, 
+	           const I Ap[], 
+	           const I Aj[], 
+	           const T Ax[],
+	                 I Bp[],
+	                 I Bi[],
+	                 T Bx[])
+    const I nnz = Ap[n_row];
+    //compute number of non-zero entries per column of A 
+    std::fill(Bp, Bp + n_col, 0);
+    for (I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){            
+        Bp[Aj[n]]++;
+    }
+    //cumsum the nnz per column to get Bp[]
+    for(I col = 0, cumsum = 0; col < n_col; col++){     
+        I temp  = Bp[col];
+        Bp[col] = cumsum;
+        cumsum += temp;
+    }
+    Bp[n_col] = nnz; 
+    for(I row = 0; row < n_row; row++){
+        for(I jj = Ap[row]; jj < Ap[row+1]; jj++){
+            I col  = Aj[jj];
+            I dest = Bp[col];
+            Bi[dest] = row;
+            Bx[dest] = Ax[jj];
+            Bp[col]++;
+        }
+    }  
+    for(I col = 0, last = 0; col <= n_col; col++){
+        I temp  = Bp[col];
+        Bp[col] = last;
+        last    = temp;
+    }
+ * Compute C = A*B for CSR matrices A,B
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row       - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col       - number of columns in B (hence C is n_row by n_col)
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
+ *   I  Bp[?]       - row pointer
+ *   I  Bj[nnz(B)]  - column indices
+ *   T  Bx[nnz(B)]  - nonzeros
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   I  Cp[n_row+1] - row pointer
+ *   I  Cj[nnz(C)]  - column indices
+ *   T  Cx[nnz(C)]  - nonzeros
+ *   
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Cp, Cj, and Cx must be preallocated
+ *   The value of nnz(C) will be stored in Ap[n_row] after the first pass.
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Input:  A and B column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order 
+ *   Output: C column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
+ *           Cx will not contain any zero entries
+ *
+ *   Complexity: O(n_row*K^2 + max(n_row,n_col)) 
+ *                 where K is the maximum nnz in a row of A
+ *                 and column of B.
+ *
+ *
+ *  This is an implementation of the SMMP algorithm:
+ *
+ *    "Sparse Matrix Multiplication Package (SMMP)"
+ *      Randolph E. Bank and Craig C. Douglas
+ *
+ *    http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/445062.html
+ *    http://www.mgnet.org/~douglas/ccd-codes.html
+ *
+ */
+ * Pass 1 computes CSR row pointer for the matrix product C = A * B
+ *
+ */
+template <class I>
+void csr_matmat_pass1(const I n_row,
+                      const I n_col, 
+                      const I Ap[], 
+                      const I Aj[], 
+                      const I Bp[],
+                      const I Bj[],
+                            I Cp[])
+//    // method that uses O(1) temp storage
+//    const I hash_size = 1 << 5;
+//    I vals[hash_size];
+//    I mask[hash_size];
+//    std::set<I> spill;    
+//    for(I i = 0; i < hash_size; i++){
+//        vals[i] = -1;
+//        mask[i] = -1;
+//    }
+//    Cp[0] = 0;
+//    I slow_inserts = 0;
+//    I total_inserts = 0;
+//    I nnz = 0;
+//    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+//        spill.clear();
+//        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+//            I j = Aj[jj];
+//            for(I kk = Bp[j]; kk < Bp[j+1]; kk++){
+//                I k = Bj[kk];
+//                // I hash = k & (hash_size - 1);
+//                I hash = ((I)2654435761 * k) & (hash_size -1 );
+//                total_inserts++;
+//                if(mask[hash] != i){
+//                    mask[hash] = i;                        
+//                    vals[hash] = k;
+//                    nnz++;
+//                } else {
+//                    if (vals[hash] != k){
+//                        slow_inserts++;
+//                        spill.insert(k);
+//                    }
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }       
+//        nnz += spill.size();
+//        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
+//    }
+//    std::cout << "slow fraction " << ((float) slow_inserts)/ ((float) total_inserts) << std::endl;
+    // method that uses O(n) temp storage
+    std::vector<I> mask(n_col,-1);
+    Cp[0] = 0;
+    I nnz = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            for(I kk = Bp[j]; kk < Bp[j+1]; kk++){
+                I k = Bj[kk];
+                if(mask[k] != i){
+                    mask[k] = i;                        
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+            }
+        }         
+        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
+    }
+ * Pass 2 computes CSR entries for matrix C = A*B using the 
+ * row pointer Cp[] computed in Pass 1.
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_matmat_pass2(const I n_row,
+      	              const I n_col, 
+      	              const I Ap[], 
+      	              const I Aj[], 
+      	              const T Ax[],
+      	              const I Bp[],
+      	              const I Bj[],
+      	              const T Bx[],
+      	                    I Cp[],
+      	                    I Cj[],
+      	                    T Cx[])
+    std::vector<I> next(n_col,-1);
+    std::vector<T> sums(n_col, 0);
+    I nnz = 0;
+    Cp[0] = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I head   = -2;
+        I length =  0;
+        I jj_start = Ap[i];
+        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
+        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            T v = Ax[jj];
+            I kk_start = Bp[j];
+            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
+            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
+                I k = Bj[kk];
+                sums[k] += v*Bx[kk];
+                if(next[k] == -1){
+                    next[k] = head;                        
+                    head = k;
+                    length++;
+                }
+            }
+        }         
+        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
+            if(sums[head] != 0){
+                Cj[nnz] = head;
+                Cx[nnz] = sums[head];
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            I temp = head;                
+            head = next[head];
+            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
+            sums[temp] =  0;                              
+        }
+        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
+    }
+ * Compute C = A (bin_op) B for CSR matrices A,B
+ *
+ *   bin_op(x,y) - binary operator to apply elementwise
+ *
+ *   
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I    n_row       - number of rows in A (and B)
+ *   I    n_col       - number of columns in A (and B)
+ *   I    Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
+ *   I    Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
+ *   T    Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
+ *   I    Bp[?]       - row pointer
+ *   I    Bj[nnz(B)]  - column indices
+ *   T    Bx[nnz(B)]  - nonzeros
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   I    Cp[n_row+1] - row pointer
+ *   I    Cj[nnz(C)]  - column indices
+ *   T    Cx[nnz(C)]  - nonzeros
+ *   
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Cp, Cj, and Cx must be preallocated
+ *   If nnz(C) is not known a priori, a conservative bound is:
+ *          nnz(C) <= nnz(A) + nnz(B)
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Input:  A and B column indices are assumed to be in sorted order 
+ *   Output: C column indices are assumed to be in sorted order
+ *           Cx will not contain any zero entries
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T, class bin_op>
+void csr_binop_csr(const I n_row,
+                   const I n_col, 
+                   const I Ap[], 
+                   const I Aj[], 
+                   const T Ax[],
+                   const I Bp[],
+                   const I Bj[],
+                   const T Bx[],
+                         I Cp[],
+                         I Cj[],
+                         T Cx[],
+                   const bin_op& op)
+    //Method that works for sorted indices
+    // assert( csr_has_sorted_indices(n_row,Ap,Aj) );
+    // assert( csr_has_sorted_indices(n_row,Bp,Bj) );
+    Cp[0] = 0;
+    I nnz = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I A_pos = Ap[i];
+        I B_pos = Bp[i];
+        I A_end = Ap[i+1];
+        I B_end = Bp[i+1];
+        I A_j = Aj[A_pos];
+        I B_j = Bj[B_pos];
+        //while not finished with either row
+        while(A_pos < A_end && B_pos < B_end){
+            if(A_j == B_j){
+                T result = op(Ax[A_pos],Bx[B_pos]);
+                if(result != 0){
+                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+                    Cx[nnz] = result;
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+            } else if (A_j < B_j) {
+                T result = op(Ax[A_pos],0);
+                if (result != 0){
+                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+                    Cx[nnz] = result;
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+            } else {
+                //B_j < A_j
+                T result = op(0,Bx[B_pos]);
+                if (result != 0){
+                    Cj[nnz] = B_j;
+                    Cx[nnz] = result;
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+            }
+        }
+        //tail
+        while(A_pos < A_end){
+            T result = op(Ax[A_pos],0);
+            if (result != 0){
+                Cj[nnz] = Aj[A_pos];
+                Cx[nnz] = result;
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            A_pos++;
+        }
+        while(B_pos < B_end){
+            T result = op(0,Bx[B_pos]);
+            if (result != 0){
+                Cj[nnz] = Bj[B_pos];
+                Cx[nnz] = result;
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            B_pos++;
+        }
+        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
+    }
+/* element-wise binary operations*/
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_elmul_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                   const I Ap [], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
+                   const I Bp [], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
+                   I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
+    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::multiplies<T>());
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_eldiv_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                   const I Ap [], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
+                   const I Bp [], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
+                   I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
+    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::divides<T>());
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_plus_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                 const I Ap [], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
+                 const I Bp [], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
+                   I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
+    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::plus<T>());
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_minus_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
+                   const I Ap[], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
+                   const I Bp[], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
+                         I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
+    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::minus<T>());
+ * Sum together duplicate column entries in each row of CSR matrix A
+ *
+ *   
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I    n_row       - number of rows in A (and B)
+ *   I    n_col       - number of columns in A (and B)
+ *   I    Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
+ *   I    Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
+ *   T    Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
+ *   
+ * Note:
+ *   The column indicies within each row must be in sorted order.
+ *   Ap, Aj, and Ax will be modified *inplace*
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_sum_duplicates(const I n_row,
+                        const I n_col, 
+                              I Ap[], 
+                              I Aj[], 
+                              T Ax[])
+    I nnz = 0;
+    I row_end = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I jj = row_end;
+        row_end = Ap[i+1];
+        while( jj < row_end ){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            T x = Ax[jj];
+            jj++;
+            while( Aj[jj] == j && jj < row_end ){
+                x += Ax[jj];
+                jj++;
+            }
+            Aj[nnz] = j;
+            Ax[nnz] = x;
+            nnz++;
+        }
+        Ap[i+1] = nnz;
+    }
+ * Eliminate zero entries from CSR matrix A
+ *
+ *   
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I    n_row       - number of rows in A (and B)
+ *   I    n_col       - number of columns in A (and B)
+ *   I    Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
+ *   I    Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
+ *   T    Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
+ *   
+ * Note:
+ *   Ap, Aj, and Ax will be modified *inplace*
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_eliminate_zeros(const I n_row,
+                         const I n_col, 
+                               I Ap[], 
+                               I Aj[], 
+                               T Ax[])
+    I nnz = 0;
+    I row_end = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I jj = row_end;
+        row_end = Ap[i+1];
+        while( jj < row_end ){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            T x = Ax[jj];
+            if(x != 0){
+                Aj[nnz] = j;
+                Ax[nnz] = x;
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            jj++;
+        }
+        Ap[i+1] = nnz;
+    }
+ * Compute Y += A*X for CSR matrix A and dense vectors X,Y
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
+ *   T  Xx[n_col]     - input vector
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   T  Yx[n_row]     - output vector
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
+ *
+ *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + n_row)
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_matvec(const I n_row,
+	            const I n_col, 
+	            const I Ap[], 
+	            const I Aj[], 
+	            const T Ax[],
+	            const T Xx[],
+	                  T Yx[])
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        T sum = Yx[i];
+        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
+            sum += Ax[jj] * Xx[Aj[jj]];
+        }
+        Yx[i] = sum;
+    }
+template<class I, class T>
+void get_csr_submatrix(const I n_row,
+		               const I n_col,
+		               const I Ap[], 
+		               const I Aj[], 
+		               const T Ax[],
+		               const I ir0,
+		               const I ir1,
+		               const I ic0,
+		               const I ic1,
+		               std::vector<I>* Bp,
+		               std::vector<I>* Bj,
+		               std::vector<T>* Bx)
+    I new_n_row = ir1 - ir0;
+    //I new_n_col = ic1 - ic0;  //currently unused
+    I new_nnz = 0;
+    I kk = 0;
+    // Count nonzeros total/per row.
+    for(I i = 0; i < new_n_row; i++){
+        I row_start = Ap[ir0+i];
+        I row_end   = Ap[ir0+i+1];
+        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
+            if ((Aj[jj] >= ic0) && (Aj[jj] < ic1)) {
+                new_nnz++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Allocate.
+    Bp->resize(new_n_row+1);
+    Bj->resize(new_nnz);
+    Bx->resize(new_nnz);
+    // Assign.
+    (*Bp)[0] = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < new_n_row; i++){
+        I row_start = Ap[ir0+i];
+        I row_end   = Ap[ir0+i+1];
+        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
+            if ((Aj[jj] >= ic0) && (Aj[jj] < ic1)) {
+                (*Bj)[kk] = Aj[jj] - ic0;
+                (*Bx)[kk] = Ax[jj];
+                kk++;
+            }
+        }
+        (*Bp)[i+1] = kk;
+    }

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/dia.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/dia.h	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/dia.h	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#ifndef __DIA_H__
+#define __DIA_H__
+#include <algorithm>
+ * Compute Y += A*X for DIA matrix A and dense vectors X,Y
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row            - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col            - number of columns in A
+ *   I  n_diags          - number of diagonals
+ *   I  L                - length of each diagonal
+ *   I  offsets[n_diags] - diagonal offsets 
+ *   T  diags[n_diags,L] - nonzeros 
+ *   T  Xx[n_col]        - input vector
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   T  Yx[n_row]        - output vector 
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
+ *   Negative offsets correspond to lower diagonals
+ *   Positive offsets correspond to upper diagonals
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void dia_matvec(const I n_row,
+                const I n_col,
+                const I n_diags,
+                const I L,
+	            const I offsets[], 
+	            const T diags[], 
+	            const T Xx[],
+	                  T Yx[])
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_diags; i++){
+        const I k = offsets[i];  //diagonal offset
+        const I i_start = std::max(0,-k);
+        const I j_start = std::max(0, k);
+        const I j_end   = std::min(std::min(n_row + k, n_col),L);
+        const I N = j_end - j_start;  //number of elements to process
+        const T * diag = diags + i*L + j_start;
+        const T * x = Xx + j_start;
+              T * y = Yx + i_start;
+        for(I n = 0; n < N; n++){
+            y[n] += diag[n] * x[n]; 
+        }
+    }

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/scratch.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/scratch.h	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/scratch.h	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ * These are sparsetools functions that are not currently used
+ * 
+ */
+ * Compute C = A*B for CSR matrices A,B
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row       - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col       - number of columns in B (hence C is n_row by n_col)
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
+ *   I  Bp[?]       - row pointer
+ *   I  Bj[nnz(B)]  - column indices
+ *   T  Bx[nnz(B)]  - nonzeros
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   vec<I> Cp - row pointer
+ *   vec<I> Cj - column indices
+ *   vec<T> Cx - nonzeros
+ *   
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Cp, Cj, and Cx will be allocated within in the method
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Input:  A and B column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order 
+ *   Output: C column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
+ *           Cx will not contain any zero entries
+ *
+ *   Complexity: O(n_row*K^2 + max(n_row,n_col)) 
+ *                 where K is the maximum nnz in a row of A
+ *                 and column of B.
+ *
+ *
+ *  This implementation closely follows the SMMP algorithm:
+ *
+ *    "Sparse Matrix Multiplication Package (SMMP)"
+ *      Randolph E. Bank and Craig C. Douglas
+ *
+ *    http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/445062.html
+ *    http://www.mgnet.org/~douglas/ccd-codes.html
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csrmucsr(const I n_row,
+      	      const I n_col, 
+      	      const I Ap[], 
+      	      const I Aj[], 
+      	      const T Ax[],
+      	      const I Bp[],
+      	      const I Bj[],
+      	      const T Bx[],
+      	      std::vector<I>* Cp,
+      	      std::vector<I>* Cj,
+      	      std::vector<T>* Cx)
+    Cp->resize(n_row+1,0);
+    std::vector<I> next(n_col,-1);
+    std::vector<T> sums(n_col, 0);
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I head = -2;
+        I length =  0;
+        I jj_start = Ap[i];
+        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
+        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            I kk_start = Bp[j];
+            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
+            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
+                I k = Bj[kk];
+                sums[k] += Ax[jj]*Bx[kk];
+                if(next[k] == -1){
+                    next[k] = head;                        
+                    head = k;
+                    length++;
+                }
+            }
+        }         
+        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
+            if(sums[head] != 0){
+                Cj->push_back(head);
+                Cx->push_back(sums[head]);
+            }
+            I temp = head;                
+            head = next[head];
+            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
+            sums[temp]  =  0;                              
+        }
+        (*Cp)[i+1] = Cx->size();
+    }
+ * Compute M = A for CSR matrix A, dense matrix M
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col           - number of columns in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]     - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzeros 
+ *   T  Mx[n_row*n_col] - dense matrix
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output array Mx is assumed to be allocated and
+ *   initialized to 0 by the caller.
+ *
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_todense(const I  n_row,
+                 const I  n_col,
+                 const I  Ap[],
+                 const I  Aj[],
+                 const T  Ax[],
+                       T  Mx[])
+    I row_base = 0;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+        I row_start = Ap[i];
+        I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
+        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
+            I j = Aj[jj];
+            Mx[row_base + j] = Ax[jj];
+        }	
+        row_base += n_col;
+    }
+ * Compute B = A for CSR matrix A, COO matrix B
+ *
+ * Also, with the appropriate arguments can also be used to:
+ *   - convert CSC->COO
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
+ *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
+ *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
+ *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   vec<I> Bi  - row indices
+ *   vec<I> Bj  - column indices
+ *   vec<T> Bx  - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Bi, Bj, Bx will be allocated within in the method
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Complexity: Linear.
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void csr_tocoo(const I n_row,
+	           const I n_col, 
+               const I Ap[], 
+               const I Aj[], 
+               const T Ax[],
+               std::vector<I>* Bi,
+               std::vector<I>* Bj,
+               std::vector<T>* Bx)
+  I nnz = Ap[n_row];
+  Bi->reserve(nnz);
+  Bi->reserve(nnz);
+  Bx->reserve(nnz);
+  for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+    I row_start = Ap[i];
+    I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
+    for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
+      Bi->push_back(i);
+      Bj->push_back(Aj[jj]);
+      Bx->push_back(Ax[jj]);
+    }
+  }
+ * Construct CSC matrix A from diagonals
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   I  n_row                            - number of rows in A
+ *   I  n_col                            - number of columns in A
+ *   I  n_diags                          - number of diagonals
+ *   I  diags_indx[n_diags]              - where to place each diagonal 
+ *   T  diags[n_diags][min(n_row,n_col)] - diagonals
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   vec<I> Ap  - row pointer
+ *   vec<I> Aj  - column indices
+ *   vec<T> Ax  - nonzeros
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   Output arrays Ap, Aj, Ax will be allocated within in the method
+ *
+ * Note: 
+ *   Output: row indices are not in sorted order
+ *
+ *   Complexity: Linear
+ * 
+ */
+template <class I, class T>
+void spdiags(const I n_row,
+             const I n_col,
+             const I n_diag,
+             const I offsets[],
+             const T diags[],
+             std::vector<I> * Ap,
+             std::vector<I> * Ai,
+             std::vector<T> * Ax)
+    const I diags_length = std::min(n_row,n_col);
+    Ap->push_back(0);
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_col; i++){
+        for(I j = 0; j < n_diag; j++){
+            if(offsets[j] <= 0){              //sub-diagonal
+                I row = i - offsets[j];
+                if (row >= n_row){ continue; }
+                Ai->push_back(row);
+                Ax->push_back(diags[j*diags_length + i]);
+            } else {                          //super-diagonal
+                I row = i - offsets[j];
+                if (row < 0 || row >= n_row){ continue; }
+                Ai->push_back(row);
+                Ax->push_back(diags[j*diags_length + row]);
+            }
+        }
+        Ap->push_back(Ai->size());
+    }
+template <class I, class T, int R, int C, class bin_op>
+void bsr_binop_bsr_fixed(const I n_brow, const I n_bcol, 
+                         const I Ap[],   const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
+                         const I Bp[],   const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
+                               I Cp[],         I Cj[],          T Cx[],
+                         const bin_op& op)
+   //Method that works for unsorted indices
+    const I RC = R*C;
+    T zeros[RC] = {0};
+    Cp[0] = 0;
+    I nnz = 0;
+    std::cout << "using bsr_ fixed" << std::endl;
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
+        I A_pos = Ap[i];
+        I B_pos = Bp[i];
+        I A_end = Ap[i+1];
+        I B_end = Bp[i+1];
+        I A_j = Aj[A_pos];
+        I B_j = Bj[B_pos];
+        //while not finished with either row
+        while(A_pos < A_end && B_pos < B_end){
+            if(A_j == B_j){
+                Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+                vec_binop_vec<RC> (Ax + RC*A_pos, Bx + RC*B_pos, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
+                if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+            } else if (A_j < B_j) {
+                Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+                vec_binop_vec<RC> (Ax + RC*A_pos, zeros, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
+                if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+            } else {
+                //B_j < A_j
+                Cj[nnz] = B_j;
+                vec_binop_vec<RC> (zeros, Bx + RC*A_pos, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
+                if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
+                    nnz++;
+                }
+                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+            }
+        }
+        //tail
+        while(A_pos < A_end){
+            Cj[nnz] = A_j;
+            vec_binop_vec<RC> (Ax + RC*A_pos, zeros, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
+            if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
+        }
+        while(B_pos < B_end){
+            Cj[nnz] = B_j;
+            vec_binop_vec<RC> (zeros, Bx + RC*A_pos, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
+            if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
+                nnz++;
+            }
+            B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
+        }
+        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
+    }

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.h	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.h	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -1,2268 +1,25 @@
  * sparsetools.h 
- *   A collection of CSR/CSC/COO/BSR matrix conversion and arithmetic functions.
+ *   A collection of routines for sparse matrix operations:
- * Original code by Nathan Bell
+ * Original code by Nathan Bell ( http://www.wnbell.com/ ) 
- */
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include "fixed_size.h"
- * Extract main diagonal of CSR matrix A
+ * Files/formats are:
+ *  csr.h - Compressed Sparse Row format
+ *  csc.h - Compressed Sparse Column format
+ *  coo.h - COOrdinate format
+ *  bsr.h - Block Sparse Row format
+ *  dia.h - DIAgonal format
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
- *   T  Ax[n_col]     - nonzeros
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   T  Yx[min(n_row,n_col)] - diagonal entries
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
- *
- *   Duplicate entries will be summed.
- *
- *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + min(n_row,n_col))
- * 
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_diagonal(const I n_row,
-                  const I n_col, 
-	              const I Ap[], 
-	              const I Aj[], 
-	              const T Ax[],
-	                    T Yx[])
-    const I N = std::min(n_row, n_col);
-    for(I i = 0; i < N; i++){
-        I row_start = Ap[i];
-        I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
+#include "csr.h" 
+#include "csc.h"
+#include "coo.h"
+#include "bsr.h"
+#include "dia.h"
-        T diag = 0;
-        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
-            if (Aj[jj] == i)
-                diag += Ax[jj];
-        }
-        Yx[i] = diag;
-    }
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_diagonal(const I n_brow,
-                  const I n_bcol, 
-                  const I R,
-                  const I C,
-	              const I Ap[], 
-	              const I Aj[], 
-	              const T Ax[],
-	                    T Yx[])
-    const I N  = std::min(R*n_brow, C*n_bcol);
-    const I RC = R*C;
-    for(I i = 0; i < N; i++){
-        Yx[i] = 0;
-    }
-    if ( R == C ){
-        //main diagonal with square blocks
-        const I end = std::min(n_brow,n_bcol);
-        for(I i = 0; i < end; i++){
-            for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-                if (i == Aj[jj]){
-                    I row = R*i;
-                    const T * val = Ax + RC*jj;
-                    for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
-                        Yx[row + bi] = *val;
-                        val += C + 1;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } 
-    else 
-    {
-        //This could be made faster
-        const I end = (N/R) + (N % R == 0 ? 0 : 1);
-        for(I i = 0; i < end; i++){
-            for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-                const I base_row = R*i;
-                const I base_col = C*Aj[jj];
-                const T * base_val = Ax + RC*jj;
-                for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
-                    const I row = base_row + bi;
-                    if (row >= N) break;
-                    for(I bj = 0; bj < C; bj++){
-                        const I col = base_col + bj;
-                        if (row == col){
-                            Yx[row] = base_val[bi*C + bj];
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Expand a compressed row pointer into a row array
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   Bi  - row indices
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output array Bi must be preallocated
- *
- * Note: 
- *   Complexity: Linear
- * 
- */
-template <class I>
-void expandptr(const I n_row,
-               const I Ap[], 
-                     I Bi[])
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-            Bi[jj] = i;
-        }
-    }
- * Scale the rows of a CSR matrix *in place*
- *
- *   A[i,:] *= X[i]
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_scale_rows(const I n_row,
-                    const I n_col, 
-	                const I Ap[], 
-	                const I Aj[], 
-	                      T Ax[],
-	                const T Xx[])
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-            Ax[jj] *= Xx[i];
-        }
-    }
- * Scale the columns of a CSR matrix *in place*
- *
- *   A[:,i] *= X[i]
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_scale_columns(const I n_row,
-                       const I n_col, 
-	                   const I Ap[], 
-	                   const I Aj[], 
-	                         T Ax[],
-	                   const T Xx[])
-    const I nnz = Ap[n_row];
-    for(I i = 0; i < nnz; i++){
-        Ax[i] *= Xx[Aj[i]];
-    }
- * Scale the rows of a BSR matrix *in place*
- *
- *   A[i,:] *= X[i]
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_scale_rows(const I n_brow,
-                    const I n_bcol, 
-                    const I R,
-                    const I C,
-	                const I Ap[], 
-	                const I Aj[], 
-	                      T Ax[],
-	                const T Xx[])
-    const I RC = R*C;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-            for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
-                const T s = Xx[R*i + bi];
-                T * block_row = Ax + RC*jj + C*bi;
-                for(I bj = 0; bj < C; bj++){
-                    block_row[bj] *= s;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Scale the columns of a BSR matrix *in place*
- *
- *   A[:,i] *= X[i]
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_scale_columns(const I n_brow,
-                       const I n_bcol, 
-                       const I R,
-                       const I C,
-	                   const I Ap[], 
-	                   const I Aj[], 
-	                         T Ax[],
-	                   const T Xx[])
-    const I bnnz = Ap[n_brow];
-    const I RC  = R*C;
-    for(I i = 0; i < bnnz; i++){
-        const T * scales = Xx + C*Aj[i] ;
-        T * block = Ax + RC*i;
-        for(I bi = 0; bi < R; bi++){
-            for(I bj = 0; bj < C; bj++){
-                block[C*bi + bj] *= scales[bj];
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Compute the number of occupied RxC blocks in a matrix
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
- *   I  R             - row blocksize
- *   I  C             - column blocksize
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   I  num_blocks    - number of blocks
- *
- * Note: 
- *   Complexity: Linear
- * 
- */
-template <class I>
-I csr_count_blocks(const I n_row,
-                   const I n_col,
-                   const I R,
-                   const I C,
-                   const I Ap[], 
-                   const I Aj[])
-    std::vector<I> mask(n_col/C + 1,-1);
-    I n_blks = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        I bi = i/R;
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-            I bj = Aj[jj]/C;
-            if(mask[bj] != bi){
-                mask[bj] = bi;
-                n_blks++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return n_blks;
- * Convert a CSR matrix to BSR format
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col           - number of columns in A
- *   I  R               - row blocksize
- *   I  C               - column blocksize
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]     - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzero values
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   I  Bp[n_row/R + 1] - block row pointer
- *   I  Bj[nnz(B)]      - column indices
- *   T  Bx[nnz(B)]      - nonzero blocks
- *
- * Note:
- *   Complexity: Linear
- *   Output arrays must be preallocated (with Bx initialized to zero)
- *
- * 
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_tobsr(const I n_row,
-	           const I n_col, 
-	           const I R, 
-	           const I C, 
-	           const I Ap[], 
-	           const I Aj[], 
-	           const T Ax[],
-	                 I Bp[],
-                     I Bj[],
-	                 T Bx[])
-    std::vector<T*> blocks(n_col/C + 1, (T*)0 );
-    assert( n_row % R == 0 );
-    assert( n_col % C == 0 );
-    I n_brow = n_row / R;
-    //I n_bcol = n_col / C;
-    I RC = R*C;
-    I n_blks = 0;
-    Bp[0] = 0;
-    for(I bi = 0; bi < n_brow; bi++){
-        for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
-            I i = R*bi + r;  //row index
-            for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-                I j = Aj[jj]; //column index
-                I bj = j / C;
-                I c  = j % C;
-                if( blocks[bj] == 0 ){
-                    blocks[bj] = Bx + RC*n_blks;
-                    Bj[n_blks] = bj;
-                    n_blks++;
-                }
-                *(blocks[bj] + C*r + c) += Ax[jj];
-            }
-        }
-        for(I jj = Ap[R*bi]; jj < Ap[R*(bi+1)]; jj++){
-            blocks[Aj[jj] / C] = 0;
-        }
-        Bp[bi+1] = n_blks;
-    }
- * Sort CSR column indices inplace
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]     - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzeros 
- *
- */
-template <class I>
-bool csr_has_sorted_indices(const I n_row, 
-                            const I Ap[],
-                            const I Aj[])
-  for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-      for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1] - 1; jj++){
-          if(Aj[jj] > Aj[jj+1]){
-              return false;
-          }
-      }
-  }
-  return true;
-template< class T1, class T2 >
-bool kv_pair_less(const std::pair<T1,T2>& x, const std::pair<T1,T2>& y){
-    return x.first < y.first;
-template<class I, class T>
-void csr_sort_indices(const I n_row,
-                      const I Ap[], 
-                            I Aj[], 
-                            T Ax[])
-    std::vector< std::pair<I,T> > temp;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        I row_start = Ap[i];
-        I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
-        temp.clear();
-        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
-            temp.push_back(std::make_pair(Aj[jj],Ax[jj]));
-        }
-        std::sort(temp.begin(),temp.end(),kv_pair_less<I,T>);
-        for(I jj = row_start, n = 0; jj < row_end; jj++, n++){
-            Aj[jj] = temp[n].first;
-            Ax[jj] = temp[n].second;
-        }
-    }    
- * Sort the column block indices of a BSR matrix inplace
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_brow        - number of row blocks in A
- *   I  n_bcol        - number of column blocks in A
- *   I  R             - rows per block
- *   I  C             - columns per block
- *   I  Ap[n_brow+1]  - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nblk(A)]   - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_sort_indices(const I n_brow,
-	                  const I n_bcol, 
-                      const I R,
-                      const I C,
-	                        I Ap[], 
-	                        I Aj[], 
-	                        T Ax[])
-    if( R == 1 && C == 1 ){
-        csr_sort_indices(n_brow, Ap, Aj, Ax);
-        return;
-    }
-    const I nblks = Ap[n_brow];
-    const I RC    = R*C;
-    const I nnz   = RC*nblks;
-    //compute permutation of blocks using tranpose(CSR)
-    std::vector<I> perm(nblks);
-    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++)
-        perm[i] = i;
-    csr_sort_indices(n_brow, Ap, Aj, &perm[0]);
-    std::vector<T> Ax_copy(nnz);
-    std::copy(Ax, Ax + nnz, Ax_copy.begin());
-    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++){
-        const T * input = &Ax_copy[RC * perm[i]];
-              T * output = Ax + RC*i;
-        std::copy(input, input + RC, output);
-    }
- * Compute B = A for CSR matrix A, CSC matrix B
- *
- * Also, with the appropriate arguments can also be used to:
- *   - compute B = A^t for CSR matrix A, CSR matrix B
- *   - compute B = A^t for CSC matrix A, CSC matrix B
- *   - convert CSC->CSR
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   I  Bp[n_col+1] - column pointer
- *   I  Bj[nnz(A)]  - row indices
- *   T  Bx[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output arrays Bp, Bj, Bx must be preallocated
- *
- * Note: 
- *   Input:  column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
- *   Output: row indices *will be* in sorted order
- *
- *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + max(n_row,n_col))
- * 
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_tocsc(const I n_row,
-	           const I n_col, 
-	           const I Ap[], 
-	           const I Aj[], 
-	           const T Ax[],
-	                 I Bp[],
-	                 I Bi[],
-	                 T Bx[])
-    const I nnz = Ap[n_row];
-    //compute number of non-zero entries per column of A 
-    std::fill(Bp, Bp + n_col, 0);
-    for (I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){            
-        Bp[Aj[n]]++;
-    }
-    //cumsum the nnz per column to get Bp[]
-    for(I col = 0, cumsum = 0; col < n_col; col++){     
-        I temp  = Bp[col];
-        Bp[col] = cumsum;
-        cumsum += temp;
-    }
-    Bp[n_col] = nnz; 
-    for(I row = 0; row < n_row; row++){
-        for(I jj = Ap[row]; jj < Ap[row+1]; jj++){
-            I col  = Aj[jj];
-            I dest = Bp[col];
-            Bi[dest] = row;
-            Bx[dest] = Ax[jj];
-            Bp[col]++;
-        }
-    }  
-    for(I col = 0, last = 0; col <= n_col; col++){
-        I temp  = Bp[col];
-        Bp[col] = last;
-        last    = temp;
-    }
- * Compute transpose(A) BSR matrix A
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_brow        - number of row blocks in A
- *   I  n_bcol        - number of column blocks in A
- *   I  R             - rows per block
- *   I  C             - columns per block
- *   I  Ap[n_brow+1]  - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nblk(A)]   - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   I  Bp[n_col+1]   - row pointer
- *   I  Bj[nblk(A)]   - column indices
- *   T  Bx[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output arrays Bp, Bj, Bx must be preallocated
- *
- * Note: 
- *   Input:  column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
- *   Output: row indices *will be* in sorted order
- *
- *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + max(n_row,n_col))
- * 
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_transpose(const I n_brow,
-	               const I n_bcol, 
-                   const I R,
-                   const I C,
-	               const I Ap[], 
-	               const I Aj[], 
-	               const T Ax[],
-	                     I Bp[],
-	                     I Bj[],
-	                     T Bx[])
-    const I nblks = Ap[n_brow];
-    const I RC    = R*C;
-    //compute permutation of blocks using tranpose(CSR)
-    std::vector<I> perm_in (nblks);
-    std::vector<I> perm_out(nblks);
-    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++)
-        perm_in[i] = i;
-    csr_tocsc(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, &perm_in[0], Bp, Bj, &perm_out[0]);
-    for(I i = 0; i < nblks; i++){
-        const T * Ax_blk = Ax + RC * perm_out[i];
-              T * Bx_blk = Bx + RC * i;
-        for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
-            for(I c = 0; c < C; c++){
-                Bx_blk[c * R + r] = Ax_blk[r * C + c];
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Compute C = A*B for CSR matrices A,B
- *
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row       - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col       - number of columns in B (hence C is n_row by n_col)
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
- *   I  Bp[?]       - row pointer
- *   I  Bj[nnz(B)]  - column indices
- *   T  Bx[nnz(B)]  - nonzeros
- * Output Arguments:
- *   I  Cp[n_row+1] - row pointer
- *   I  Cj[nnz(C)]  - column indices
- *   T  Cx[nnz(C)]  - nonzeros
- *   
- * Note:
- *   Output arrays Cp, Cj, and Cx must be preallocated
- *   The value of nnz(C) will be stored in Ap[n_row] after the first pass.
- *
- * Note: 
- *   Input:  A and B column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order 
- *   Output: C column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
- *           Cx will not contain any zero entries
- *
- *   Complexity: O(n_row*K^2 + max(n_row,n_col)) 
- *                 where K is the maximum nnz in a row of A
- *                 and column of B.
- *
- *
- *  This is an implementation of the SMMP algorithm:
- *
- *    "Sparse Matrix Multiplication Package (SMMP)"
- *      Randolph E. Bank and Craig C. Douglas
- *
- *    http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/445062.html
- *    http://www.mgnet.org/~douglas/ccd-codes.html
- *
- */
- * Pass 1 computes CSR row pointer for the matrix product C = A * B
- *
- */
-template <class I>
-void csr_matmat_pass1(const I n_row,
-                      const I n_col, 
-                      const I Ap[], 
-                      const I Aj[], 
-                      const I Bp[],
-                      const I Bj[],
-                            I Cp[])
-//    // method that uses O(1) temp storage
-//    const I hash_size = 1 << 5;
-//    I vals[hash_size];
-//    I mask[hash_size];
-//    std::set<I> spill;    
-//    for(I i = 0; i < hash_size; i++){
-//        vals[i] = -1;
-//        mask[i] = -1;
-//    }
-//    Cp[0] = 0;
-//    I slow_inserts = 0;
-//    I total_inserts = 0;
-//    I nnz = 0;
-//    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-//        spill.clear();
-//        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-//            I j = Aj[jj];
-//            for(I kk = Bp[j]; kk < Bp[j+1]; kk++){
-//                I k = Bj[kk];
-//                // I hash = k & (hash_size - 1);
-//                I hash = ((I)2654435761 * k) & (hash_size -1 );
-//                total_inserts++;
-//                if(mask[hash] != i){
-//                    mask[hash] = i;                        
-//                    vals[hash] = k;
-//                    nnz++;
-//                } else {
-//                    if (vals[hash] != k){
-//                        slow_inserts++;
-//                        spill.insert(k);
-//                    }
-//                }
-//            }
-//        }       
-//        nnz += spill.size();
-//        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
-//    }
-//    std::cout << "slow fraction " << ((float) slow_inserts)/ ((float) total_inserts) << std::endl;
-    // method that uses O(n) temp storage
-    std::vector<I> mask(n_col,-1);
-    Cp[0] = 0;
-    I nnz = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-            I j = Aj[jj];
-            for(I kk = Bp[j]; kk < Bp[j+1]; kk++){
-                I k = Bj[kk];
-                if(mask[k] != i){
-                    mask[k] = i;                        
-                    nnz++;
-                }
-            }
-        }         
-        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
-    }
- * Pass 2 computes CSR entries for matrix C = A*B using the 
- * row pointer Cp[] computed in Pass 1.
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_matmat_pass2(const I n_row,
-      	              const I n_col, 
-      	              const I Ap[], 
-      	              const I Aj[], 
-      	              const T Ax[],
-      	              const I Bp[],
-      	              const I Bj[],
-      	              const T Bx[],
-      	                    I Cp[],
-      	                    I Cj[],
-      	                    T Cx[])
-    std::vector<I> next(n_col,-1);
-    std::vector<T> sums(n_col, 0);
-    I nnz = 0;
-    Cp[0] = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        I head   = -2;
-        I length =  0;
-        I jj_start = Ap[i];
-        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
-        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
-            I j = Aj[jj];
-            T v = Ax[jj];
-            I kk_start = Bp[j];
-            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
-            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
-                I k = Bj[kk];
-                sums[k] += v*Bx[kk];
-                if(next[k] == -1){
-                    next[k] = head;                        
-                    head = k;
-                    length++;
-                }
-            }
-        }         
-        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
-            if(sums[head] != 0){
-                Cj[nnz] = head;
-                Cx[nnz] = sums[head];
-                nnz++;
-            }
-            I temp = head;                
-            head = next[head];
-            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
-            sums[temp] =  0;                              
-        }
-        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
-    }
-template <class I, class T, int R, int C, int N>
-void bsr_matmat_pass2_fixed(const I n_brow,  const I n_bcol, 
-      	                    const I Ap[],    const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
-      	                    const I Bp[],    const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
-      	                          I Cp[],          I Cj[],          T Cx[])
-    const I RC = R*C;
-    const I RN = R*N;
-    const I NC = N*C;
-    const I SIZE = RC*Cp[n_brow];
-    for(I i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
-        Cx[i] = 0;
-    }
-    std::vector<I>  next(n_bcol,-1);
-    std::vector<T*> mats(n_bcol);
-    I nnz = 0;
-    Cp[0] = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
-        I head   = -2;
-        I length =  0;
-        I jj_start = Ap[i];
-        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
-        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
-            I j = Aj[jj];
-            I kk_start = Bp[j];
-            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
-            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
-                I k = Bj[kk];
-                if(next[k] == -1){
-                    next[k] = head;                        
-                    head = k;
-                    Cj[nnz] = k;
-                    mats[k] = Cx + RC*nnz;
-                    nnz++;
-                    length++;
-                }
-                const T * A = Ax + jj*RN;
-                const T * B = Bx + kk*NC;
-                T * result = mats[k];
-                matmat<R,C,N>(A,B,result);
-            }
-        }         
-        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
-            I temp = head;                
-            head = next[head];
-            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
-        }
-    }
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_matmat_pass2(const I n_brow,  const I n_bcol, 
-                      const I R,       const I C,       const I N,
-      	              const I Ap[],    const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
-      	              const I Bp[],    const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
-      	                    I Cp[],          I Cj[],          T Cx[])
-    assert(R > 0 && C > 0 && N > 0);
-#define F(X,Y,Z) bsr_matmat_pass2_fixed<I,T,X,Y,Z>
-    void (*dispatch[4][4][4])(I,I,const I*,const I*,const T*,
-                                  const I*,const I*,const T*,
-                                        I*,      I*,      T*) = \
-    {
-        { { F(1,1,1), F(1,1,2), F(1,1,3), F(1,1,4) },
-          { F(1,2,1), F(1,2,2), F(1,2,3), F(1,2,4) },
-          { F(1,3,1), F(1,3,2), F(1,3,3), F(1,3,4) },
-          { F(1,4,1), F(1,4,2), F(1,4,3), F(1,4,4) },
-        },
-        { { F(2,1,1), F(2,1,2), F(2,1,3), F(2,1,4) },
-          { F(2,2,1), F(2,2,2), F(2,2,3), F(2,2,4) },
-          { F(2,3,1), F(2,3,2), F(2,3,3), F(2,3,4) },
-          { F(2,4,1), F(2,4,2), F(2,4,3), F(2,4,4) },
-        },
-        { { F(3,1,1), F(3,1,2), F(3,1,3), F(3,1,4) },
-          { F(3,2,1), F(3,2,2), F(3,2,3), F(3,2,4) },
-          { F(3,3,1), F(3,3,2), F(3,3,3), F(3,3,4) },
-          { F(3,4,1), F(3,4,2), F(3,4,3), F(3,4,4) },
-        },
-        { { F(4,1,1), F(4,1,2), F(4,1,3), F(4,1,4) },
-          { F(4,2,1), F(4,2,2), F(4,2,3), F(4,2,4) },
-          { F(4,3,1), F(4,3,2), F(4,3,3), F(4,3,4) },
-          { F(4,4,1), F(4,4,2), F(4,4,3), F(4,4,4) },
-        }
-    };
-    if (R <= 4 && C <= 4 && N <= 4){
-        dispatch[R-1][N-1][C-1](n_brow,n_bcol,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx);
-        return;
-    }
-#undef F
-    if( R == 1 && N == 1 && C == 1 ){
-        csr_matmat_pass2(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, Ax, Bp, Bj, Bx, Cp, Cj, Cx);
-        return;
-    }
-    const I RC = R*C;
-    const I RN = R*N;
-    const I NC = N*C;
-    const I SIZE = RC*Cp[n_brow];
-    for(I i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
-        Cx[i] = 0;
-    }
-    std::vector<I>  next(n_bcol,-1);
-    std::vector<T*> mats(n_bcol);
-    I nnz = 0;
-    Cp[0] = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
-        I head   = -2;
-        I length =  0;
-        I jj_start = Ap[i];
-        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
-        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
-            I j = Aj[jj];
-            I kk_start = Bp[j];
-            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
-            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
-                I k = Bj[kk];
-                if(next[k] == -1){
-                    next[k] = head;                        
-                    head = k;
-                    Cj[nnz] = k;
-                    mats[k] = Cx + RC*nnz;
-                    nnz++;
-                    length++;
-                }
-                const T * A = Ax + jj*RN;
-                const T * B = Bx + kk*NC;
-                T * result = mats[k];
-                for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
-                    for(I c = 0; c < C; c++){
-                        for(I n = 0; n < N; n++){
-                            result[C*r + c] += A[N*r + n] * B[C*n + c];
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }         
-        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
-            I temp = head;                
-            head = next[head];
-            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
-        }
-    }
-template <class I, class T>
-bool is_nonzero_block(const T block[], const I blocksize){
-    for(I i = 0; i < blocksize; i++){
-        if(block[i] != 0){
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-template <class I, class T, class bin_op>
-void bsr_binop_bsr(const I n_brow, const I n_bcol, 
-                   const I R,      const I C, 
-                   const I Ap[],   const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[],   const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],         I Cj[],          T Cx[],
-                   const bin_op& op)
-    assert( R > 0 && C > 0);
-    if( R == 1 && C == 1 ){
-        csr_binop_csr(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, Ax, Bp, Bj, Bx, Cp, Cj, Cx, op); //use CSR for 1x1 blocksize 
-        return;
-    }
-    const I RC = R*C;
-    T * result = Cx;
-    Cp[0] = 0;
-    I nnz = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
-        I A_pos = Ap[i];
-        I B_pos = Bp[i];
-        I A_end = Ap[i+1];
-        I B_end = Bp[i+1];
-        I A_j = Aj[A_pos];
-        I B_j = Bj[B_pos];
-        //while not finished with either row
-        while(A_pos < A_end && B_pos < B_end){
-            if(A_j == B_j){
-                for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
-                    result[n] = op(Ax[RC*A_pos + n],Bx[RC*B_pos + n]);
-                }
-                if( is_nonzero_block(result,RC) ){
-                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-                    result += RC;
-                    nnz++;
-                }
-                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-            } else if (A_j < B_j) {
-                for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
-                    result[n] = op(Ax[RC*A_pos + n],0);
-                }
-                if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
-                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-                    result += RC;
-                    nnz++;
-                }
-                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-            } else {
-                //B_j < A_j
-                for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
-                    result[n] = op(0,Bx[RC*B_pos + n]);
-                }
-                if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
-                    Cj[nnz] = B_j;
-                    result += RC;
-                    nnz++;
-                }
-                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-            }
-        }
-        //tail
-        while(A_pos < A_end){
-            for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
-                result[n] = op(Ax[RC*A_pos + n],0);
-            }
-            if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
-                Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-                result += RC;
-                nnz++;
-            }
-            A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-        }
-        while(B_pos < B_end){
-            for(I n = 0; n < RC; n++){
-                result[n] = op(0,Bx[RC*B_pos + n]);
-            }
-            if(is_nonzero_block(result,RC)){
-                Cj[nnz] = B_j;
-                result += RC;
-                nnz++;
-            }
-            B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-        }
-        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
-    }
-/* element-wise binary operations*/
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_elmul_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C, 
-                   const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
-    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::multiplies<T>());
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_eldiv_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C,
-                   const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
-    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::divides<T>());
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_plus_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C, 
-                  const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
-                  const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
-                        I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
-    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::plus<T>());
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_minus_bsr(const I n_row, const I n_col, const I R, const I C, 
-                   const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],       I Cj[],       T Cx[])
-    bsr_binop_bsr(n_row,n_col,R,C,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::minus<T>());
- * Compute C = A (bin_op) B for CSR matrices A,B
- *
- *   bin_op(x,y) - binary operator to apply elementwise
- *
- *   
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I    n_row       - number of rows in A (and B)
- *   I    n_col       - number of columns in A (and B)
- *   I    Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
- *   I    Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
- *   T    Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
- *   I    Bp[?]       - row pointer
- *   I    Bj[nnz(B)]  - column indices
- *   T    Bx[nnz(B)]  - nonzeros
- * Output Arguments:
- *   I    Cp[n_row+1] - row pointer
- *   I    Cj[nnz(C)]  - column indices
- *   T    Cx[nnz(C)]  - nonzeros
- *   
- * Note:
- *   Output arrays Cp, Cj, and Cx must be preallocated
- *   If nnz(C) is not known a priori, a conservative bound is:
- *          nnz(C) <= nnz(A) + nnz(B)
- *
- * Note: 
- *   Input:  A and B column indices are assumed to be in sorted order 
- *   Output: C column indices are assumed to be in sorted order
- *           Cx will not contain any zero entries
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T, class bin_op>
-void csr_binop_csr(const I n_row,
-                   const I n_col, 
-                   const I Ap[], 
-                   const I Aj[], 
-                   const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[],
-                   const I Bj[],
-                   const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],
-                         I Cj[],
-                         T Cx[],
-                   const bin_op& op)
-    //Method that works for sorted indices
-    // assert( csr_has_sorted_indices(n_row,Ap,Aj) );
-    // assert( csr_has_sorted_indices(n_row,Bp,Bj) );
-    Cp[0] = 0;
-    I nnz = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        I A_pos = Ap[i];
-        I B_pos = Bp[i];
-        I A_end = Ap[i+1];
-        I B_end = Bp[i+1];
-        I A_j = Aj[A_pos];
-        I B_j = Bj[B_pos];
-        //while not finished with either row
-        while(A_pos < A_end && B_pos < B_end){
-            if(A_j == B_j){
-                T result = op(Ax[A_pos],Bx[B_pos]);
-                if(result != 0){
-                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-                    Cx[nnz] = result;
-                    nnz++;
-                }
-                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-            } else if (A_j < B_j) {
-                T result = op(Ax[A_pos],0);
-                if (result != 0){
-                    Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-                    Cx[nnz] = result;
-                    nnz++;
-                }
-                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-            } else {
-                //B_j < A_j
-                T result = op(0,Bx[B_pos]);
-                if (result != 0){
-                    Cj[nnz] = B_j;
-                    Cx[nnz] = result;
-                    nnz++;
-                }
-                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-            }
-        }
-        //tail
-        while(A_pos < A_end){
-            T result = op(Ax[A_pos],0);
-            if (result != 0){
-                Cj[nnz] = Aj[A_pos];
-                Cx[nnz] = result;
-                nnz++;
-            }
-            A_pos++;
-        }
-        while(B_pos < B_end){
-            T result = op(0,Bx[B_pos]);
-            if (result != 0){
-                Cj[nnz] = Bj[B_pos];
-                Cx[nnz] = result;
-                nnz++;
-            }
-            B_pos++;
-        }
-        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
-    }
-/* element-wise binary operations*/
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_elmul_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                   const I Ap [], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
-                   const I Bp [], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
-                   I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
-    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::multiplies<T>());
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_eldiv_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                   const I Ap [], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
-                   const I Bp [], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
-                   I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
-    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::divides<T>());
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_plus_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                 const I Ap [], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
-                 const I Bp [], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
-                   I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
-    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::plus<T>());
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_minus_csr(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                   const I Ap[], const I Aj [], const T Ax [],
-                   const I Bp[], const I Bj [], const T Bx [],
-                         I Cp[], I Cj[], T Cx[])
-    csr_binop_csr(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Bp,Bj,Bx,Cp,Cj,Cx,std::minus<T>());
- * Sum together duplicate column entries in each row of CSR matrix A
- *
- *   
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I    n_row       - number of rows in A (and B)
- *   I    n_col       - number of columns in A (and B)
- *   I    Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
- *   I    Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
- *   T    Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
- *   
- * Note:
- *   The column indicies within each row must be in sorted order.
- *   Ap, Aj, and Ax will be modified *inplace*
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_sum_duplicates(const I n_row,
-                        const I n_col, 
-                              I Ap[], 
-                              I Aj[], 
-                              T Ax[])
-    I nnz = 0;
-    I row_end = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        I jj = row_end;
-        row_end = Ap[i+1];
-        while( jj < row_end ){
-            I j = Aj[jj];
-            T x = Ax[jj];
-            jj++;
-            while( Aj[jj] == j && jj < row_end ){
-                x += Ax[jj];
-                jj++;
-            }
-            Aj[nnz] = j;
-            Ax[nnz] = x;
-            nnz++;
-        }
-        Ap[i+1] = nnz;
-    }
- * Eliminate zero entries from CSR matrix A
- *
- *   
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I    n_row       - number of rows in A (and B)
- *   I    n_col       - number of columns in A (and B)
- *   I    Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
- *   I    Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
- *   T    Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
- *   
- * Note:
- *   Ap, Aj, and Ax will be modified *inplace*
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_eliminate_zeros(const I n_row,
-                         const I n_col, 
-                               I Ap[], 
-                               I Aj[], 
-                               T Ax[])
-    I nnz = 0;
-    I row_end = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        I jj = row_end;
-        row_end = Ap[i+1];
-        while( jj < row_end ){
-            I j = Aj[jj];
-            T x = Ax[jj];
-            if(x != 0){
-                Aj[nnz] = j;
-                Ax[nnz] = x;
-                nnz++;
-            }
-            jj++;
-        }
-        Ap[i+1] = nnz;
-    }
- * Compute B = A for COO matrix A, CSR matrix B
- *
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row      - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col      - number of columns in A
- *   I  nnz        - number of nonzeros in A
- *   I  Ai[nnz(A)] - row indices
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)] - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)] - nonzeros
- * Output Arguments:
- *   I Bp  - row pointer
- *   I Bj  - column indices
- *   T Bx  - nonzeros
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output arrays Bp, Bj, and Bx must be preallocated
- *
- * Note: 
- *   Input:  row and column indices *are not* assumed to be ordered
- *           
- *   Note: duplicate entries are carried over to the CSR represention
- *
- *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + max(n_row,n_col))
- * 
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void coo_tocsr(const I n_row,
-               const I n_col,
-               const I nnz,
-               const I Ai[],
-               const I Aj[],
-               const T Ax[],
-                     I Bp[],
-                     I Bj[],
-                     T Bx[])
-    //compute number of non-zero entries per row of A 
-    std::fill(Bp, Bp + n_row, 0);
-    for (I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){            
-        Bp[Ai[n]]++;
-    }
-    //cumsum the nnz per row to get Bp[]
-    for(I i = 0, cumsum = 0; i < n_row; i++){     
-        I temp = Bp[i];
-        Bp[i] = cumsum;
-        cumsum += temp;
-    }
-    Bp[n_row] = nnz; 
-    //write Aj,Ax into Bj,Bx
-    for(I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){
-        I row  = Ai[n];
-        I dest = Bp[row];
-        Bj[dest] = Aj[n];
-        Bx[dest] = Ax[n];
-        Bp[row]++;
-    }
-    for(I i = 0, last = 0; i <= n_row; i++){
-        I temp = Bp[i];
-        Bp[i]  = last;
-        last   = temp;
-    }
-    //now Bp,Bj,Bx form a CSR representation (with possible duplicates)
- * Compute Y += A*X for CSR matrix A and dense vectors X,Y
- *
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
- *   T  Xx[n_col]     - input vector
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   T  Yx[n_row]     - output vector
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
- *
- *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + n_row)
- * 
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csr_matvec(const I n_row,
-	            const I n_col, 
-	            const I Ap[], 
-	            const I Aj[], 
-	            const T Ax[],
-	            const T Xx[],
-	                  T Yx[])
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-        T sum = Yx[i];
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-            sum += Ax[jj] * Xx[Aj[jj]];
-        }
-        Yx[i] = sum;
-    }
- * Compute Y += A*X for CSC matrix A and dense vectors X,Y
- *
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
- *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - column pointer
- *   I  Ai[nnz(A)]    - row indices
- *   T  Ax[n_col]     - nonzeros 
- *   T  Xx[n_col]     - input vector
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   T  Yx[n_row]     - output vector 
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
- *   
- *   Complexity: Linear.  Specifically O(nnz(A) + n_col)
- * 
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_matvec(const I n_row,
-	            const I n_col, 
-	            const I Ap[], 
-	            const I Ai[], 
-	            const T Ax[],
-	            const T Xx[],
-	                  T Yx[])
-    for(I j = 0; j < n_col; j++){
-        I col_start = Ap[j];
-        I col_end   = Ap[j+1];
-        for(I ii = col_start; ii < col_end; ii++){
-            I row    = Ai[ii];
-            Yx[row] += Ax[ii] * Xx[j];
-        }
-    }
- * Compute Y += A*X for DIA matrix A and dense vectors X,Y
- *
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row            - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col            - number of columns in A
- *   I  n_diags          - number of diagonals
- *   I  L                - length of each diagonal
- *   I  offsets[n_diags] - diagonal offsets 
- *   T  diags[n_diags,L] - nonzeros 
- *   T  Xx[n_col]        - input vector
- *
- * Output Arguments:
- *   T  Yx[n_row]        - output vector 
- *
- * Note:
- *   Output array Yx must be preallocated
- *   Negative offsets correspond to lower diagonals
- *   Positive offsets correspond to upper diagonals
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void dia_matvec(const I n_row,
-                const I n_col,
-                const I n_diags,
-                const I L,
-	            const I offsets[], 
-	            const T diags[], 
-	            const T Xx[],
-	                  T Yx[])
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_diags; i++){
-        const I k = offsets[i];  //diagonal offset
-        const I i_start = std::max(0,-k);
-        const I j_start = std::max(0, k);
-        const I j_end   = std::min(std::min(n_row + k, n_col),L);
-        const I N = j_end - j_start;  //number of elements to process
-        const T * diag = diags + i*L + j_start;
-        const T * x = Xx + j_start;
-              T * y = Yx + i_start;
-        for(I n = 0; n < N; n++){
-            y[n] += diag[n] * x[n]; 
-        }
-    }
-//template <class I, class T>
-//void bsr_tocsr(const I n_brow,
-//	           const I n_bcol, 
-//	           const I R, 
-//	           const I C, 
-//	           const I Ap[], 
-//	           const I Aj[], 
-//	           const T Ax[],
-//	                 I Bp[],
-//                     I Bj[]
-//	                 T Bx[])
-//    const I RC = R*C;
-//    for(I brow = 0; brow < n_brow; brow++){
-//        I row_size = C * (Ap[brow + 1] - Ap[brow]);
-//        for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
-//            Bp[R*brow + r] = RC * Ap[brow] + r * row_size
-//        }
-//    }
-template <class I, class T, int R, int C>
-void bsr_matvec_fixed(const I n_brow,
-	                  const I n_bcol, 
-	                  const I Ap[], 
-	                  const I Aj[], 
-	                  const T Ax[],
-	                  const T Xx[],
-	                        T Yx[])
-    for(I i = 0; i < R*n_brow; i++){
-        Yx[i] = 0;
-    }
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++) {
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++) {
-            I j = Aj[jj];
-            matvec<R,C,1,1>(Ax + jj*R*C, Xx + j*C, Yx + i*R);
-        }
-    }
- * Generate the table below with:
- *   out = ''
- *   N = 8
- *   for i in range(N):
- *       out += '{'
- *       for j in range(N-1):
- *           out += ' F(%d,%d),' % (i+1,j+1)
- *       out += ' F(%d,%d) },\n' % (i+1,j+2)
- *   out = out[:-2]
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_matvec(const I n_brow,
-	            const I n_bcol, 
-	            const I R, 
-	            const I C, 
-	            const I Ap[], 
-	            const I Aj[], 
-	            const T Ax[],
-	            const T Xx[],
-	                  T Yx[])
-    assert(R > 0 && C > 0);
-    if( R == 1 && C == 1 ){
-        csr_matvec(n_brow, n_bcol, Ap, Aj, Ax, Xx, Yx); //use CSR for 1x1 blocksize 
-        return;
-    }
-#define F(X,Y) bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,X,Y>
-    void (*dispatch[8][8])(I,I,const I*,const I*,const T*,const T*,T*) = \
-        {
-          { F(1,1), F(1,2), F(1,3), F(1,4), F(1,5), F(1,6), F(1,7), F(1,8) },
-          { F(2,1), F(2,2), F(2,3), F(2,4), F(2,5), F(2,6), F(2,7), F(2,8) },
-          { F(3,1), F(3,2), F(3,3), F(3,4), F(3,5), F(3,6), F(3,7), F(3,8) },
-          { F(4,1), F(4,2), F(4,3), F(4,4), F(4,5), F(4,6), F(4,7), F(4,8) },
-          { F(5,1), F(5,2), F(5,3), F(5,4), F(5,5), F(5,6), F(5,7), F(5,8) },
-          { F(6,1), F(6,2), F(6,3), F(6,4), F(6,5), F(6,6), F(6,7), F(6,8) },
-          { F(7,1), F(7,2), F(7,3), F(7,4), F(7,5), F(7,6), F(7,7), F(7,8) },
-          { F(8,1), F(8,2), F(8,3), F(8,4), F(8,5), F(8,6), F(8,7), F(8,8) }
-        };
-    if (R <= 8 && C <= 8){
-        dispatch[R-1][C-1](n_brow,n_bcol,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx);
-        return;
-    }
-#undef F
-    //otherwise use general method
-    for(I i = 0; i < R*n_brow; i++){
-        Yx[i] = 0;
-    }
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
-        const T * A = Ax + R * C * Ap[i];
-              T * y = Yx + R * i;
-        for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
-            const T * x = Xx + C*Aj[jj];
-            //TODO replace this with a proper matvec
-            for( I r = 0; r < R; r++ ){
-                T sum = 0;
-                for( I c = 0; c < C; c++ ){
-                    sum += (*A) * x[c];
-                    A++;
-                }
-                y[r] += sum;
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Compute B += A for COO matrix A, dense matrix B
- *
- * Input Arguments:
- *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
- *   I  n_col           - number of columns in A
- *   I  nnz             - number of nonzeros in A
- *   I  Ai[nnz(A)]      - row indices
- *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
- *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzeros 
- *   T  Bx[n_row*n_col] - dense matrix
- *
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void coo_todense(const I n_row,
-                 const I n_col,
-                 const I nnz,
-                 const I Ai[],
-                 const I Aj[],
-                 const T Ax[],
-                       T Bx[])
-    for(I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){
-        Bx[ n_col * Ai[n] + Aj[n] ] += Ax[n];
-    }
-template<class I, class T>
-void get_csr_submatrix(const I n_row,
-		               const I n_col,
-		               const I Ap[], 
-		               const I Aj[], 
-		               const T Ax[],
-		               const I ir0,
-		               const I ir1,
-		               const I ic0,
-		               const I ic1,
-		               std::vector<I>* Bp,
-		               std::vector<I>* Bj,
-		               std::vector<T>* Bx)
-    I new_n_row = ir1 - ir0;
-    //I new_n_col = ic1 - ic0;  //currently unused
-    I new_nnz = 0;
-    I kk = 0;
-    // Count nonzeros total/per row.
-    for(I i = 0; i < new_n_row; i++){
-        I row_start = Ap[ir0+i];
-        I row_end   = Ap[ir0+i+1];
-        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
-            if ((Aj[jj] >= ic0) && (Aj[jj] < ic1)) {
-                new_nnz++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Allocate.
-    Bp->resize(new_n_row+1);
-    Bj->resize(new_nnz);
-    Bx->resize(new_nnz);
-    // Assign.
-    (*Bp)[0] = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < new_n_row; i++){
-        I row_start = Ap[ir0+i];
-        I row_end   = Ap[ir0+i+1];
-        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
-            if ((Aj[jj] >= ic0) && (Aj[jj] < ic1)) {
-                (*Bj)[kk] = Aj[jj] - ic0;
-                (*Bx)[kk] = Ax[jj];
-                kk++;
-            }
-        }
-        (*Bp)[i+1] = kk;
-    }
- * Derived methods
- */
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_diagonal(const I n_row,
-                  const I n_col, 
-	              const I Ap[], 
-	              const I Aj[], 
-	              const T Ax[],
-	                    T Yx[])
-{ csr_diagonal(n_col, n_row, Ap, Aj, Ax, Yx); }
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_tocsr(const I n_row,
-               const I n_col, 
-               const I Ap[], 
-               const I Ai[], 
-               const T Ax[],
-                     I Bp[],
-                     I Bj[],
-                     T Bx[])
-{ csr_tocsc<I,T>(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bj, Bx); }
-template <class I>
-void csc_matmat_pass1(const I n_row,
-                      const I n_col, 
-                      const I Ap[], 
-                      const I Ai[], 
-                      const I Bp[],
-                      const I Bi[],
-                            I Cp[])
-{ csr_matmat_pass1(n_col, n_row, Bp, Bi, Ap, Ai, Cp); }
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_matmat_pass2(const I n_row,
-      	              const I n_col, 
-      	              const I Ap[], 
-      	              const I Ai[], 
-      	              const T Ax[],
-      	              const I Bp[],
-      	              const I Bi[],
-      	              const T Bx[],
-      	                    I Cp[],
-      	                    I Ci[],
-      	                    T Cx[])
-{ csr_matmat_pass2(n_col, n_row, Bp, Bi, Bx, Ap, Ai, Ax, Cp, Ci, Cx); }
-template<class I, class T>
-void coo_tocsc(const I n_row,
-      	       const I n_col,
-      	       const I nnz,
-      	       const I Ai[],
-      	       const I Aj[],
-      	       const T Ax[],
-      	             I Bp[],
-      	             I Bi[],
-      	             T Bx[])
-{ coo_tocsr<I,T>(n_col, n_row, nnz, Aj, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx); }
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_elmul_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                   const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
-    csr_elmul_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_eldiv_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                   const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
-    csr_eldiv_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_plus_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                  const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
-                  const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
-                        I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
-    csr_plus_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);
-template <class I, class T>
-void csc_minus_csc(const I n_row, const I n_col, 
-                   const I Ap[], const I Ai[], const T Ax[],
-                   const I Bp[], const I Bi[], const T Bx[],
-                         I Cp[],       I Ci[],       T Cx[])
-    csr_minus_csr(n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Ax, Bp, Bi, Bx, Cp, Ci, Cx);
- * These are sparsetools functions that are not currently used
- * 
- */
-// * Compute C = A*B for CSR matrices A,B
-// *
-// *
-// * Input Arguments:
-// *   I  n_row       - number of rows in A
-// *   I  n_col       - number of columns in B (hence C is n_row by n_col)
-// *   I  Ap[n_row+1] - row pointer
-// *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]  - column indices
-// *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]  - nonzeros
-// *   I  Bp[?]       - row pointer
-// *   I  Bj[nnz(B)]  - column indices
-// *   T  Bx[nnz(B)]  - nonzeros
-// * Output Arguments:
-// *   vec<I> Cp - row pointer
-// *   vec<I> Cj - column indices
-// *   vec<T> Cx - nonzeros
-// *   
-// * Note:
-// *   Output arrays Cp, Cj, and Cx will be allocated within in the method
-// *
-// * Note: 
-// *   Input:  A and B column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order 
-// *   Output: C column indices *are not* assumed to be in sorted order
-// *           Cx will not contain any zero entries
-// *
-// *   Complexity: O(n_row*K^2 + max(n_row,n_col)) 
-// *                 where K is the maximum nnz in a row of A
-// *                 and column of B.
-// *
-// *
-// *  This implementation closely follows the SMMP algorithm:
-// *
-// *    "Sparse Matrix Multiplication Package (SMMP)"
-// *      Randolph E. Bank and Craig C. Douglas
-// *
-// *    http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/445062.html
-// *    http://www.mgnet.org/~douglas/ccd-codes.html
-// *
-// */
-//template <class I, class T>
-//void csrmucsr(const I n_row,
-//      	      const I n_col, 
-//      	      const I Ap[], 
-//      	      const I Aj[], 
-//      	      const T Ax[],
-//      	      const I Bp[],
-//      	      const I Bj[],
-//      	      const T Bx[],
-//      	      std::vector<I>* Cp,
-//      	      std::vector<I>* Cj,
-//      	      std::vector<T>* Cx)
-//    Cp->resize(n_row+1,0);
-//    std::vector<I> next(n_col,-1);
-//    std::vector<T> sums(n_col, 0);
-//    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-//        I head = -2;
-//        I length =  0;
-//        I jj_start = Ap[i];
-//        I jj_end   = Ap[i+1];
-//        for(I jj = jj_start; jj < jj_end; jj++){
-//            I j = Aj[jj];
-//            I kk_start = Bp[j];
-//            I kk_end   = Bp[j+1];
-//            for(I kk = kk_start; kk < kk_end; kk++){
-//                I k = Bj[kk];
-//                sums[k] += Ax[jj]*Bx[kk];
-//                if(next[k] == -1){
-//                    next[k] = head;                        
-//                    head = k;
-//                    length++;
-//                }
-//            }
-//        }         
-//        for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
-//            if(sums[head] != 0){
-//                Cj->push_back(head);
-//                Cx->push_back(sums[head]);
-//            }
-//            I temp = head;                
-//            head = next[head];
-//            next[temp] = -1; //clear arrays
-//            sums[temp]  =  0;                              
-//        }
-//        (*Cp)[i+1] = Cx->size();
-//    }
-// * Compute M = A for CSR matrix A, dense matrix M
-// *
-// * Input Arguments:
-// *   I  n_row           - number of rows in A
-// *   I  n_col           - number of columns in A
-// *   I  Ap[n_row+1]     - row pointer
-// *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]      - column indices
-// *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]      - nonzeros 
-// *   T  Mx[n_row*n_col] - dense matrix
-// *
-// * Note:
-// *   Output array Mx is assumed to be allocated and
-// *   initialized to 0 by the caller.
-// *
-// */
-//template <class I, class T>
-//void csr_todense(const I  n_row,
-//                 const I  n_col,
-//                 const I  Ap[],
-//                 const I  Aj[],
-//                 const T  Ax[],
-//                       T  Mx[])
-//    I row_base = 0;
-//    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-//        I row_start = Ap[i];
-//        I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
-//        for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
-//            I j = Aj[jj];
-//            Mx[row_base + j] = Ax[jj];
-//        }	
-//        row_base += n_col;
-//    }
-// * Compute B = A for CSR matrix A, COO matrix B
-// *
-// * Also, with the appropriate arguments can also be used to:
-// *   - convert CSC->COO
-// *
-// * Input Arguments:
-// *   I  n_row         - number of rows in A
-// *   I  n_col         - number of columns in A
-// *   I  Ap[n_row+1]   - row pointer
-// *   I  Aj[nnz(A)]    - column indices
-// *   T  Ax[nnz(A)]    - nonzeros
-// *
-// * Output Arguments:
-// *   vec<I> Bi  - row indices
-// *   vec<I> Bj  - column indices
-// *   vec<T> Bx  - nonzeros
-// *
-// * Note:
-// *   Output arrays Bi, Bj, Bx will be allocated within in the method
-// *
-// * Note: 
-// *   Complexity: Linear.
-// * 
-// */
-//template <class I, class T>
-//void csr_tocoo(const I n_row,
-//	           const I n_col, 
-//               const I Ap[], 
-//               const I Aj[], 
-//               const T Ax[],
-//               std::vector<I>* Bi,
-//               std::vector<I>* Bj,
-//               std::vector<T>* Bx)
-//  I nnz = Ap[n_row];
-//  Bi->reserve(nnz);
-//  Bi->reserve(nnz);
-//  Bx->reserve(nnz);
-//  for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
-//    I row_start = Ap[i];
-//    I row_end   = Ap[i+1];
-//    for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){
-//      Bi->push_back(i);
-//      Bj->push_back(Aj[jj]);
-//      Bx->push_back(Ax[jj]);
-//    }
-//  }
-// * Construct CSC matrix A from diagonals
-// *
-// * Input Arguments:
-// *   I  n_row                            - number of rows in A
-// *   I  n_col                            - number of columns in A
-// *   I  n_diags                          - number of diagonals
-// *   I  diags_indx[n_diags]              - where to place each diagonal 
-// *   T  diags[n_diags][min(n_row,n_col)] - diagonals
-// *
-// * Output Arguments:
-// *   vec<I> Ap  - row pointer
-// *   vec<I> Aj  - column indices
-// *   vec<T> Ax  - nonzeros
-// *
-// * Note:
-// *   Output arrays Ap, Aj, Ax will be allocated within in the method
-// *
-// * Note: 
-// *   Output: row indices are not in sorted order
-// *
-// *   Complexity: Linear
-// * 
-// */
-//template <class I, class T>
-//void spdiags(const I n_row,
-//             const I n_col,
-//             const I n_diag,
-//             const I offsets[],
-//             const T diags[],
-//             std::vector<I> * Ap,
-//             std::vector<I> * Ai,
-//             std::vector<T> * Ax)
-//    const I diags_length = std::min(n_row,n_col);
-//    Ap->push_back(0);
-//    for(I i = 0; i < n_col; i++){
-//        for(I j = 0; j < n_diag; j++){
-//            if(offsets[j] <= 0){              //sub-diagonal
-//                I row = i - offsets[j];
-//                if (row >= n_row){ continue; }
-//                Ai->push_back(row);
-//                Ax->push_back(diags[j*diags_length + i]);
-//            } else {                          //super-diagonal
-//                I row = i - offsets[j];
-//                if (row < 0 || row >= n_row){ continue; }
-//                Ai->push_back(row);
-//                Ax->push_back(diags[j*diags_length + row]);
-//            }
-//        }
-//        Ap->push_back(Ai->size());
-//    }
-//template <class I, class T, int R, int C, class bin_op>
-//void bsr_binop_bsr_fixed(const I n_brow, const I n_bcol, 
-//                         const I Ap[],   const I Aj[],    const T Ax[],
-//                         const I Bp[],   const I Bj[],    const T Bx[],
-//                               I Cp[],         I Cj[],          T Cx[],
-//                         const bin_op& op)
-//   //Method that works for unsorted indices
-//    const I RC = R*C;
-//    T zeros[RC] = {0};
-//    Cp[0] = 0;
-//    I nnz = 0;
-//    std::cout << "using bsr_ fixed" << std::endl;
-//    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
-//        I A_pos = Ap[i];
-//        I B_pos = Bp[i];
-//        I A_end = Ap[i+1];
-//        I B_end = Bp[i+1];
-//        I A_j = Aj[A_pos];
-//        I B_j = Bj[B_pos];
-//        //while not finished with either row
-//        while(A_pos < A_end && B_pos < B_end){
-//            if(A_j == B_j){
-//                Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-//                vec_binop_vec<RC> (Ax + RC*A_pos, Bx + RC*B_pos, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
-//                if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
-//                    nnz++;
-//                }
-//                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-//                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-//            } else if (A_j < B_j) {
-//                Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-//                vec_binop_vec<RC> (Ax + RC*A_pos, zeros, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
-//                if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
-//                    nnz++;
-//                }
-//                A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-//            } else {
-//                //B_j < A_j
-//                Cj[nnz] = B_j;
-//                vec_binop_vec<RC> (zeros, Bx + RC*A_pos, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
-//                if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
-//                    nnz++;
-//                }
-//                B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-//            }
-//        }
-//        //tail
-//        while(A_pos < A_end){
-//            Cj[nnz] = A_j;
-//            vec_binop_vec<RC> (Ax + RC*A_pos, zeros, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
-//            if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
-//                nnz++;
-//            }
-//            A_j = Aj[++A_pos]; 
-//        }
-//        while(B_pos < B_end){
-//            Cj[nnz] = B_j;
-//            vec_binop_vec<RC> (zeros, Bx + RC*A_pos, Cx + RC*nnz, op);
-//            if( is_nonzero_block(Cx + RC*nnz,RC) ){
-//                nnz++;
-//            }
-//            B_j = Bj[++B_pos];
-//        }
-//        Cp[i+1] = nnz;
-//    }

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.i
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.i	2008-03-18 10:56:47 UTC (rev 4034)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.i	2008-03-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 4035)
@@ -162,7 +162,13 @@
-%include "sparsetools.h"
+/*%include "sparsetools.h"*/
+%include "csr.h" 
+%include "csc.h"
+%include "coo.h"
+%include "bsr.h"
+%include "dia.h"
   * Order is important here, list int before float, float before 
   * double, scalar before complex, etc.

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