[Scipy-svn] r4448 - trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Wed Jun 18 18:15:06 EDT 2008

Author: tom.waite
Date: 2008-06-18 17:15:03 -0500 (Wed, 18 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 4448

added for testing registration

Added: trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_registration.py
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_registration.py	2008-06-18 19:04:15 UTC (rev 4447)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_registration.py	2008-06-18 22:15:03 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.ndimage._registration as reg
+from scipy.testing import *
+def load_desc():
+    # this is for a 256x256x90 volume with 0.9375 x 0.9375 * 1.5 mm voxel sizes 
+    rows   = 256
+    cols   = 256
+    layers = 90
+    xsamp  = 0.9375
+    ysamp  = 0.9375
+    zsamp  = 1.5
+    desc = {'rows' : rows, 'cols' : cols, 'layers' : layers, 
+            'sample_x' : xsamp, 'sample_y' : ysamp, 'sample_z' : zsamp}
+    return desc
+def build_volume(imagedesc, S=[1500.0, 2500.0, 1000.0]):
+    """
+    build a 3D Gaussian volume. user passes in image dims in imagedesc
+    the sigma for each axis is S[3] where 0=z, 1=y, 2=x
+    volume3D = build_test_volume(imagedesc, S)
+    Parameters 
+    ----------
+    imagedesc : {dictionary}
+        volume dimensions and sampling
+    S : {tuple}
+        the Gaussian sigma for Z, Y and X
+    Returns 
+    -------
+    volume3D : {nd_array}
+        the 3D volume for testing
+    """
+    layers = imagedesc['layers']
+    rows   = imagedesc['rows']
+    cols   = imagedesc['cols']
+    L = layers/2
+    R = rows/2
+    C = cols/2
+    # build coordinates for 3D Gaussian volume
+    # coordinates are centered at (0, 0, 0)
+    [a, b, c] = np.mgrid[-L:L, -R:R, -C:C]
+    sigma    = np.array([S[0], S[1], S[2]])
+    aa       = (np.square(a))/sigma[0]
+    bb       = (np.square(b))/sigma[1]
+    cc       = (np.square(c))/sigma[2]
+    volume3D = (255.0*np.exp(-(aa + bb + cc))).astype(np.uint8)
+    return volume3D
+ # self.failUnless(diff(output, tcov) < eps)
+class TestRegistration(TestCase):
+    def test_affine_matrix_build_1(self):
+	"test_affine_matrix_build_1"
+        P = np.zeros(6)
+	M = reg.build_rotate_matrix(P)
+	E = np.eye(4)
+	match = (E==M).all()
+	assert_equal(match, True)
+	return
+    def test_affine_matrix_build_2(self):
+	"test_affine_matrix_build_2"
+        P = np.zeros(6)
+	P[0] = 1.0
+	M = reg.build_rotate_matrix(P)
+	E = np.array([
+		     [ 1. ,  0.        , 0.        , 0. ],
+       		     [ 0. ,  0.9998477 , 0.01745241, 0. ],
+       		     [ 0. , -0.01745241, 0.9998477 , 0. ],
+       		     [ 0. ,  0.        , 0.        , 1. ]
+		     ])
+	assert_array_almost_equal(E, M, decimal=6)
+	return
+    def test_affine_matrix_build_3(self):
+	"test_affine_matrix_build_3"
+        P = np.zeros(6)
+	P[0] = 1.0
+	P[1] = 1.0
+	P[2] = 1.0
+	M = reg.build_rotate_matrix(P)
+	E = np.array([
+                     [ 0.99969541,  0.01744975,  0.01745241,  0. ],
+                     [-0.01775429,  0.9996901 ,  0.01744975,  0. ],
+                     [-0.0171425 , -0.01775429,  0.99969541,  0. ],
+                     [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  1. ]
+		     ])
+	assert_array_almost_equal(E, M, decimal=6)
+	return
+    def test_autoalign_histogram_1(self):
+	"test_autoalign_histogram_1"
+	desc = load_desc()
+	gvol = build_volume(desc)
+        mat  = np.eye(4)
+	cost, joint = reg.check_alignment(gvol, mat, gvol, mat, ret_histo=1, lite=1)
+	# confirm that with lite=1 only have non-zero on the main diagonal
+        j_diag = joint.diagonal()
+        Z = np.diag(j_diag)
+        W = joint - Z
+	# clip the near-zero fuzz
+        W[abs(W) < 1e-10] = 0.0
+	assert_equal(W.max(), 0.0)
+	return
+    def test_autoalign_histogram_2(self):
+	"test_autoalign_histogram_2"
+	desc = load_desc()
+	gvol = build_volume(desc)
+        mat  = np.eye(4)
+	cost, joint = reg.check_alignment(gvol, mat, gvol, mat, ret_histo=1, lite=0)
+	# confirm that with lite=0 DO have non-zero on the main diagonal
+        j_diag = joint.diagonal()
+        Z = np.diag(j_diag)
+        W = joint - Z
+	# clip the near-zero fuzz
+        W[abs(W) < 1e-10] = 0.0
+	s = (W.max() > 0.0)
+	# make sure there are off-diagonal values
+	assert_equal(s, True)
+	return
+    def test_autoalign_ncc_value_1(self):
+	"test_autoalign_ncc_value_1"
+	desc = load_desc()
+	gvol = build_volume(desc)
+        mat  = np.eye(4)
+	cost = reg.check_alignment(gvol, mat, gvol, mat, method='ncc', lite=1)
+	# confirm the cross correlation is near 1.0 
+	t = abs(cost) + 0.0001
+	s = (t >= 1.0)
+	assert_equal(s, True)
+	return
+    def test_autoalign_ncc_value_2(self):
+	"test_autoalign_ncc_value_2"
+	desc = load_desc()
+	gvol = build_volume(desc)
+        mat  = np.eye(4)
+	cost = reg.check_alignment(gvol, mat, gvol, mat, method='ncc', lite=0)
+	# confirm the cross correlation is near 1.0 
+	t = abs(cost) + 0.0001
+	s = (t >= 1.0)
+	assert_equal(s, True)
+	return
+    def test_autoalign_nmi_value_1(self):
+	"test_autoalign_nmi_value_1"
+	desc = load_desc()
+	gvol = build_volume(desc)
+        mat  = np.eye(4)
+	cost = reg.check_alignment(gvol, mat, gvol, mat, method='nmi', lite=1)
+	# confirm the normalized mutual information is near -2.0 
+	assert_almost_equal(cost, -2.0, decimal=6)
+	return
+    def test_autoalign_nmi_value_2(self):
+	"test_autoalign_nmi_value_2"
+	desc = load_desc()
+	gvol = build_volume(desc)
+        mat  = np.eye(4)
+	cost = reg.check_alignment(gvol, mat, gvol, mat, method='nmi', lite=0)
+	# confirm the normalized mutual information is near -2.0 
+	assert_almost_equal(cost, -1.7973048186515352, decimal=6)
+	return
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    #nose.runmodule()
+    nose.run(argv=['', __file__])

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