[Scipy-svn] r3646 - trunk/scipy/sparse/tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Dec 14 00:24:19 EST 2007

Author: wnbell
Date: 2007-12-13 23:24:17 -0600 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 3646


Copied: trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_base.py (from rev 3645, trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_sparse.py)

Deleted: trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_sparse.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_sparse.py	2007-12-14 05:20:23 UTC (rev 3645)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_sparse.py	2007-12-14 05:24:17 UTC (rev 3646)
@@ -1,1152 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Authors: Travis Oliphant, Ed Schofield, Robert Cimrman, Nathan Bell, and others
-""" Test functions for sparse matrices
-__usage__ = """
-Build sparse:
-  python setup.py build
-Run tests if scipy is installed:
-  python -c 'import scipy;scipy.sparse.test(<level>)'
-Run tests if sparse is not installed:
-  python tests/test_sparse.py [<level>]
-import numpy
-from numpy import arange, zeros, array, dot, ones, matrix, asmatrix, \
-        asarray, vstack
-import random
-from numpy.testing import *
-from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, \
-        coo_matrix, lil_matrix, extract_diagonal, speye
-from scipy.linsolve import splu
-class _TestCommon:
-    """test common functionality shared by all sparse formats"""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.dat = matrix([[1,0,0,2],[3,0,1,0],[0,2,0,0]],'d')
-        self.datsp = self.spmatrix(self.dat)
-    def check_empty(self):
-        """Test manipulating empty matrices. Fails in SciPy SVN <= r1768
-        """
-        shape = (5, 5)
-        for mytype in ['int32', 'float32', 'float64', 'complex64', 'complex128']:
-            a = self.spmatrix(shape, dtype=mytype)
-            b = a + a
-            c = 2 * a
-            d = a * a.tocsc()
-            e = a * a.tocsr()
-            f = a * a.tocoo()
-            for m in [a,b,c,d,e,f]:
-                assert_equal(m.A, a.A*a.A)
-                # These fail in all revisions <= r1768:
-                assert_equal(m.dtype,mytype)
-                assert_equal(m.A.dtype,mytype)
-    def check_abs(self):
-        A = matrix([[-1, 0, 17],[0, -5, 0],[1, -4, 0],[0,0,0]],'d')
-        assert_equal(abs(A),abs(self.spmatrix(A)).todense())
-    def check_neg(self):
-        A = matrix([[-1, 0, 17],[0, -5, 0],[1, -4, 0],[0,0,0]],'d')
-        assert_equal(-A,(-self.spmatrix(A)).todense())
-    def check_sum(self):
-        """Does the matrix's sum(,axis=0) method work?
-        """
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.sum(), self.datsp.sum())
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.sum(axis=None), self.datsp.sum(axis=None))
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.sum(axis=0), self.datsp.sum(axis=0))
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.sum(axis=1), self.datsp.sum(axis=1))
-    def check_mean(self):
-        """Does the matrix's mean(,axis=0) method work?
-        """
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.mean(), self.datsp.mean())
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.mean(axis=None), self.datsp.mean(axis=None))
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.mean(axis=0), self.datsp.mean(axis=0))
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat.mean(axis=1), self.datsp.mean(axis=1))
-    def check_todense(self):
-        chk = self.datsp.todense()
-        assert_array_equal(chk,self.dat)
-        a = matrix([1.,2.,3.])
-        dense_dot_dense = a * self.dat
-        check = a * self.datsp.todense()
-        assert_array_equal(dense_dot_dense, check)
-        b = matrix([1.,2.,3.,4.]).T
-        dense_dot_dense = self.dat * b
-        check2 = self.datsp.todense() * b
-        assert_array_equal(dense_dot_dense, check2)
-    def check_toarray(self):
-        dat = asarray(self.dat)
-        chk = self.datsp.toarray()
-        assert_array_equal(chk, dat)
-        a = array([1.,2.,3.])
-        dense_dot_dense = dot(a, dat)
-        check = dot(a, self.datsp.toarray())
-        assert_array_equal(dense_dot_dense, check)
-        b = array([1.,2.,3.,4.])
-        dense_dot_dense = dot(dat, b)
-        check2 = dot(self.datsp.toarray(), b)
-        assert_array_equal(dense_dot_dense, check2)
-    def check_mul_scalar(self):
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat*2,(self.datsp*2).todense())
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat*17.3,(self.datsp*17.3).todense())
-    def check_imul_scalar(self):
-        a = self.datsp.copy()
-        a *= 2
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat*2,a.todense())
-        a = self.datsp.copy()
-        a *= 17.3
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat*17.3,a.todense())
-    def check_idiv_scalar(self):
-        a = self.datsp.copy()
-        a /= 2
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat/2,a.todense())
-        a = self.datsp.copy()
-        a /= 17.3
-        assert_array_equal(self.dat/17.3,a.todense())
-    def check_rmul_scalar(self):
-        assert_array_equal(2*self.dat,(2*self.datsp).todense())
-        assert_array_equal(17.3*self.dat,(17.3*self.datsp).todense())
-    def check_add(self):
-        a = self.datsp
-        b = self.datsp.copy()
-        b[0,2] = 2.0
-        c = a + b
-        assert_array_equal(c.todense(),[[2,0,2,4],[6,0,2,0],[0,4,0,0]])
-    def check_radd(self):
-        a = self.datsp
-        b = self.datsp.copy()
-        b[0,2] = 2.0
-        c = a.todense() + b
-        assert_array_equal(c,[[2,0,2,4],[6,0,2,0],[0,4,0,0]])
-    def check_sub(self):
-        assert_array_equal((self.datsp - self.datsp).todense(),[[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
-        A = self.spmatrix(matrix([[1,0,0,4],[-1,0,0,0],[0,8,0,-5]],'d'))
-        assert_array_equal((self.datsp - A).todense(),self.dat - A.todense())
-        assert_array_equal((A - self.datsp).todense(),A.todense() - self.dat)
-    def check_rsub(self):
-        assert_array_equal((self.dat - self.datsp),[[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
-        assert_array_equal((self.datsp - self.dat),[[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
-        A = self.spmatrix(matrix([[1,0,0,4],[-1,0,0,0],[0,8,0,-5]],'d'))
-        assert_array_equal((self.dat - A),self.dat - A.todense())
-        assert_array_equal((A - self.dat),A.todense() - self.dat)
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense() - self.datsp,A.todense() - self.dat)
-        assert_array_equal(self.datsp - A.todense(),self.dat - A.todense())
-    def check_elmul(self):
-        a = self.datsp
-        b = self.datsp.copy()
-        b[0,2] = 2.0
-        c = a ** b
-        assert_array_equal(c.todense(),[[1,0,0,4],[9,0,1,0],[0,4,0,0]])
-    def check_eldiv(self):
-        assert_array_equal((self.datsp / self.datsp).todense(),[[1,0,0,1],[1,0,1,0],[0,1,0,0]])
-        denom = self.spmatrix(matrix([[1,0,0,4],[-1,0,0,0],[0,8,0,-5]],'d'))
-        res = matrix([[1,0,0,0.5],[-3,0,numpy.inf,0],[0,0.25,0,0]],'d')
-        assert_array_equal((self.datsp / denom).todense(),res)
-    def check_rmatvec(self):
-        M = self.spmatrix(matrix([[3,0,0],[0,1,0],[2,0,3.0],[2,3,0]]))
-        assert_array_almost_equal([1,2,3,4]*M, dot([1,2,3,4], M.toarray()))
-        row = matrix([[1,2,3,4]])
-        assert_array_almost_equal(row*M, row*M.todense())
-    def check_matvec(self):
-        M = self.spmatrix(matrix([[3,0,0],[0,1,0],[2,0,3.0],[2,3,0]]))
-        col = matrix([1,2,3]).T
-        assert_array_almost_equal(M * col, M.todense() * col)
-        #check result dimensions (ticket #514)
-        assert_equal((M * array([1,2,3])).shape,(4,))
-        assert_equal((M * array([[1],[2],[3]])).shape,(4,1))
-        assert_equal((M * matrix([[1],[2],[3]])).shape,(4,1))
-        #ensure exception is raised for improper dimensions
-        bad_vecs = [array([1,2]), array([1,2,3,4]), array([[1],[2]]),
-                    matrix([1,2,3]), matrix([[1],[2]])]
-        caught = 0
-        for x in bad_vecs:
-            try:
-                y = M * x
-            except ValueError:
-                caught += 1
-        assert_equal(caught,len(bad_vecs))
-        # Should this be supported or not?!
-        #flat = array([1,2,3])
-        #assert_array_almost_equal(M*flat, M.todense()*flat)
-        # Currently numpy dense matrices promote the result to a 1x3 matrix,
-        # whereas sparse matrices leave the result as a rank-1 array.  Which
-        # is preferable?
-        # Note: the following command does not work.  Both NumPy matrices
-        # and spmatrices should raise exceptions!
-        # assert_array_almost_equal(M*[1,2,3], M.todense()*[1,2,3])
-        # The current relationship between sparse matrix products and array
-        # products is as follows:
-        assert_array_almost_equal(M*array([1,2,3]), dot(M.A,[1,2,3]))
-        assert_array_almost_equal(M*[[1],[2],[3]], asmatrix(dot(M.A,[1,2,3])).T)
-        # Note that the result of M * x is dense if x has a singleton dimension.
-        # Currently M.matvec(asarray(col)) is rank-1, whereas M.matvec(col)
-        # is rank-2.  Is this desirable?
-    def check_matmat_sparse(self):
-        a = matrix([[3,0,0],[0,1,0],[2,0,3.0],[2,3,0]])
-        a2 = array([[3,0,0],[0,1,0],[2,0,3.0],[2,3,0]])
-        b = matrix([[0,1],[1,0],[0,2]],'d')
-        asp = self.spmatrix(a)
-        bsp = self.spmatrix(b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal((asp*bsp).todense(), a*b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( asp*b, a*b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a*bsp, a*b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a2*bsp, a*b)
-        # Now try performing cross-type multplication:
-        csp = bsp.tocsc()
-        c = b
-        assert_array_almost_equal((asp*csp).todense(), a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal((asp.matmat(csp)).todense(), a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( asp*c, a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a*csp, a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a2*csp, a*c)
-        csp = bsp.tocsr()
-        assert_array_almost_equal((asp*csp).todense(), a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal((asp.matmat(csp)).todense(), a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( asp*c, a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a*csp, a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a2*csp, a*c)
-        csp = bsp.tocoo()
-        assert_array_almost_equal((asp*csp).todense(), a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal((asp.matmat(csp)).todense(), a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( asp*c, a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a*csp, a*c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal( a2*csp, a*c)
-        # Test provided by Andy Fraser, 2006-03-26
-        L = 30
-        frac = .3
-        random.seed(0) # make runs repeatable
-        A = zeros((L,2))
-        for i in xrange(L):
-            for j in xrange(2):
-                r = random.random()
-                if r < frac:
-                    A[i,j] = r/frac
-        A = self.spmatrix(A)
-        B = A*A.T
-        assert_array_almost_equal(B.todense(), A.todense() * A.T.todense())
-        assert_array_almost_equal(B.todense(), A.todense() * A.todense().T)
-    def check_matmat_dense(self):
-        a = matrix([[3,0,0],[0,1,0],[2,0,3.0],[2,3,0]])
-        asp = self.spmatrix(a)
-        # check both array and matrix types
-        bs = [ array([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]), matrix([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) ]
-        for b in bs:
-            result = asp*b
-            assert( isinstance(result, type(b)) )
-            assert_equal( result.shape, (4,2) )
-            assert_equal( result, dot(a,b) )
-    def check_tocoo(self):
-        a = self.datsp.tocoo()
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a.todense(), self.dat)
-    def check_tolil(self):
-        a = self.datsp.tolil()
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a.todense(), self.dat)
-    def check_todok(self):
-        a = self.datsp.todok()
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a.todense(), self.dat)
-    def check_tocsc(self):
-        a = self.datsp.tocsc()
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a.todense(), self.dat)
-        b = complexsp = self.spmatrix(self.dat+3j)
-        c = b.tocsc()
-        assert_array_almost_equal(c.todense(), self.dat+3j)
-    def check_tocsr(self):
-        a = self.datsp.tocsr()
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a.todense(), self.dat)
-    def check_transpose(self):
-        a = self.datsp.transpose()
-        b = self.dat.transpose()
-        assert_array_equal(a.todense(), b)
-        assert_array_equal(a.transpose().todense(), self.dat)
-        assert_array_equal(a.transpose().todense(), self.datsp.todense())
-    def check_large(self):
-        # Create a 100x100 matrix with 100 non-zero elements
-        # and play around with it
-        A = dok_matrix((100,100))
-        for k in range(100):
-            i = random.randrange(100)
-            j = random.randrange(100)
-            A[i,j] = 1.
-        csr = A.tocsr()
-        csc = A.tocsc()
-        csc2 = csr.tocsc()
-        coo = A.tocoo()
-        csr2 = coo.tocsr()
-        assert_array_equal(A.transpose().todense(), csr.transpose().todense())
-        assert_array_equal(csc.todense(), csr.todense())
-        assert_array_equal(csr.todense(), csr2.todense())
-        assert_array_equal(csr2.todense().transpose(), coo.transpose().todense())
-        assert_array_equal(csr2.todense(), csc2.todense())
-        csr_plus_csc = csr + csc
-        csc_plus_csr = csc + csr
-        assert_array_equal(csr_plus_csc.todense(), (2*A).todense())
-        assert_array_equal(csr_plus_csc.todense(), csc_plus_csr.todense())
-    def check_add_dense(self):
-        """ Check whether adding a dense matrix to a sparse matrix works
-        """
-        sum1 = self.dat + self.datsp
-        assert_array_equal(sum1, 2*self.dat)
-        sum2 = self.datsp + self.dat
-        assert_array_equal(sum2, 2*self.dat)
-    def check_sub_dense(self):
-        """ Check whether adding a dense matrix to a sparse matrix works
-        """
-        sum1 = 3*self.dat - self.datsp
-        assert_array_equal(sum1, 2*self.dat)
-        sum2 = 3*self.datsp - self.dat
-        assert_array_equal(sum2, 2*self.dat)
-    def check_copy(self):
-        """ Check whether the copy=True and copy=False keywords work
-        """
-        pass
-    # Eventually we'd like to allow matrix products between dense
-    # and sparse matrices using the normal dot() function:
-    #def check_dense_dot_sparse(self):
-    #    a = array([1.,2.,3.])
-    #    dense_dot_dense = dot(a, self.dat)
-    #    dense_dot_sparse = dot(a, self.datsp)
-    #    assert_array_equal(dense_dot_dense, dense_dot_sparse)
-    #def check_sparse_dot_dense(self):
-    #    b = array([1.,2.,3.,4.])
-    #    dense_dot_dense = dot(self.dat, b)
-    #    dense_dot_sparse = dot(self.datsp, b)
-    #    assert_array_equal(dense_dot_dense, dense_dot_sparse)
-    def check_extract_diagonal(self):
-        """
-        Test extraction of main diagonal from sparse matrices
-        """
-        L = []
-        L.append(array([[0,0,3],[1,6,4],[5,2,0]]))
-        L.append(array([[1,2,3]]))
-        L.append(array([[7],[6],[5]]))
-        L.append(array([[2]]))
-        for A in L:
-            assert_array_equal(numpy.diag(A),extract_diagonal(self.spmatrix(A)))
-class _TestGetSet:
-    def check_setelement(self):
-        a = self.datsp - self.datsp
-        a[1,2] = 4.0
-        a[0,1] = 3
-        a[2,0] = 2.0
-        a[0,-1] = 8
-        a[-1,-2] = 7
-        assert_array_equal(a.todense(),[[0,3,0,8],[0,0,4,0],[2,0,7,0]])
-    def check_getelement(self):
-        assert_equal(self.datsp[0,0],1)
-        assert_equal(self.datsp[0,1],0)
-        assert_equal(self.datsp[1,0],3)
-        assert_equal(self.datsp[2,1],2)
-class _TestSolve:
-    def check_solve(self):
-        """ Test whether the lu_solve command segfaults, as reported by Nils
-        Wagner for a 64-bit machine, 02 March 2005 (EJS)
-        """
-        n = 20
-        A = self.spmatrix((n,n), dtype=complex)
-        x = numpy.random.rand(n)
-        y = numpy.random.rand(n-1)+1j*numpy.random.rand(n-1)
-        r = numpy.random.rand(n)
-        for i in range(len(x)):
-            A[i,i] = x[i]
-        for i in range(len(y)):
-            A[i,i+1] = y[i]
-            A[i+1,i] = numpy.conjugate(y[i])
-        B = A.tocsc()
-        xx = splu(B).solve(r)
-        # Don't actually test the output until we know what it should be ...
-class _TestHorizSlicing:
-    """Tests horizontal slicing (e.g. [:, 0]).  Tests for individual sparse
-    matrix types that implement this should derive from this class.
-    """
-    def check_get_horiz_slice(self):
-        """Test for new slice functionality (EJS)"""
-        B = asmatrix(arange(50.).reshape(5,10))
-        A = self.spmatrix(B)
-        assert_array_equal(B[1,:], A[1,:].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(B[1,2:5], A[1,2:5].todense())
-        C = matrix([[1, 2, 1], [4, 0, 6], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
-        D = self.spmatrix(C)
-        assert_array_equal(C[1, 1:3], D[1, 1:3].todense())
-        # Now test slicing when a row contains only zeros
-        E = matrix([[1, 2, 1], [4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
-        F = self.spmatrix(E)
-        assert_array_equal(E[1, 1:3], F[1, 1:3].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(E[2, -2:], F[2, -2:].A)
-        # The following should raise exceptions:
-        caught = 0
-        try:
-            a = A[:,11]
-        except IndexError:
-            caught += 1
-        try:
-            a = A[6,3:7]
-        except IndexError:
-            caught += 1
-        assert caught == 2
-class _TestVertSlicing:
-    """Tests vertical slicing (e.g. [:, 0]).  Tests for individual sparse
-    matrix types that implement this should derive from this class.
-    """
-    def check_get_vert_slice(self):
-        """Test for new slice functionality (EJS)"""
-        B = asmatrix(arange(50.).reshape(5,10))
-        A = self.spmatrix(B)
-        assert_array_equal(B[2:5,0], A[2:5,0].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(B[:,1], A[:,1].todense())
-        C = matrix([[1, 2, 1], [4, 0, 6], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
-        D = self.spmatrix(C)
-        assert_array_equal(C[1:3, 1], D[1:3, 1].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(C[:, 2], D[:, 2].todense())
-        # Now test slicing when a column contains only zeros
-        E = matrix([[1, 0, 1], [4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
-        F = self.spmatrix(E)
-        assert_array_equal(E[:, 1], F[:, 1].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(E[-2:, 2], F[-2:, 2].todense())
-        # The following should raise exceptions:
-        caught = 0
-        try:
-            a = A[:,11]
-        except IndexError:
-            caught += 1
-        try:
-            a = A[6,3:7]
-        except IndexError:
-            caught += 1
-        assert caught == 2
-class _test_slicing:
-    """Tests vertical and horizontal slicing (e.g. [:,0:2]). Tests for
-    individual sparse matrix types that implement this should derive from this
-    class.
-    """
-    def check_get_slices(self):
-        B = asmatrix(arange(50.).reshape(5,10))
-        A = self.spmatrix(B)
-        assert_array_equal(B[2:5,0:3], A[2:5,0:3].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(B[1:,:-1], A[1:,:-1].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(B[:-1,1:], A[:-1,1:].todense())
-        # Now test slicing when a column contains only zeros
-        E = matrix([[1, 0, 1], [4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
-        F = self.spmatrix(E)
-        assert_array_equal(E[1:2, 1:2], F[1:2, 1:2].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(E[:, 1:], F[:, 1:].todense())
-class _test_fancy_indexing:
-    """Tests fancy indexing features.  The tests for any matrix formats
-    that implement these features should derive from this class.
-    """
-    # This isn't supported by any matrix objects yet:
-    def check_sequence_indexing(self):
-        B = asmatrix(arange(50.).reshape(5,10))
-        A = self.spmatrix(B)
-        assert_array_equal(B[(1,2),(3,4)], A[(1,2),(3,4)].todense())
-        assert_array_equal(B[(1,2,3),(3,4,5)], A[(1,2,3),(3,4,5)].todense())
-    def check_fancy_indexing(self):
-        """Test for new indexing functionality"""
-        B = ones((5,10), float)
-        A = dok_matrix(B)
-        # Write me!
-        # Both slicing and fancy indexing: not yet supported
-        # assert_array_equal(B[(1,2),:], A[(1,2),:].todense())
-        # assert_array_equal(B[(1,2,3),:], A[(1,2,3),:].todense())
-class _test_arith:
-    """
-    Test real/complex arithmetic
-    """
-    def arith_init(self):
-        #these can be represented exactly in FP (so arithmetic should be exact)
-        self.A = matrix([[   -1.5,      0,       0,    2.25],
-                         [  3.125,      0,  -0.125,       0],
-                         [      0, -5.375,       0,       0]],'float64')
-        self.B = matrix([[      0,  3.375,       0,  -7.875],
-                         [  6.625,   4.75,       0,       0],
-                         [    3.5, 6.0625,       0,       1]],'float64')
-        self.C = matrix([[  0.375,       0,      -5,     2.5],
-                         [      0,    7.25,       0,  -4.875],
-                         [      0, -0.0625,       0,       0]],'complex128')
-        self.C.imag = matrix([[    1.25,     0,  0, -3.875],
-                              [       0, 4.125,  0,   2.75],
-                              [ -0.0625,     0,  0,      1]],'float64')
-        #fractions are all x/16ths
-        assert_array_equal((self.A*16).astype('int32'),16*self.A)
-        assert_array_equal((self.B*16).astype('int32'),16*self.B)
-        assert_array_equal((self.C.real*16).astype('int32'),16*self.C.real)
-        assert_array_equal((self.C.imag*16).astype('int32'),16*self.C.imag)
-        self.Asp = self.spmatrix(self.A)
-        self.Bsp = self.spmatrix(self.B)
-        self.Csp = self.spmatrix(self.C)
-        #supported types
-        self.dtypes =  ['int8','uint8','int16','int32','int64',
-                        'float32','float64','complex64','complex128']
-    def check_conversion(self):
-        self.arith_init()
-        #check whether dtype and value is preserved in conversion
-        for x in self.dtypes:
-            A = self.A.astype(x)
-            B = self.B.astype(x)
-            C = self.C.astype(x)
-            Asp = self.spmatrix(A)
-            Bsp = self.spmatrix(B)
-            Csp = self.spmatrix(C)
-            assert_equal(A.dtype,Asp.dtype)
-            assert_equal(B.dtype,Bsp.dtype)
-            assert_equal(C.dtype,Csp.dtype)
-            assert_array_equal(A,Asp.todense())
-            assert_array_equal(B,Bsp.todense())
-            assert_array_equal(C,Csp.todense())
-    def check_add_sub(self):
-        self.arith_init()
-        #basic tests
-        assert_array_equal(self.A+self.B,(self.Asp+self.Bsp).todense())
-        assert_array_equal(self.A+self.C,(self.Asp+self.Csp).todense())
-        #check conversions
-        for x in self.dtypes:
-            for y in self.dtypes:
-                A = self.A.astype(x)
-                B = self.B.astype(y)
-                C = self.C.astype(y)
-                Asp = self.spmatrix(A)
-                Bsp = self.spmatrix(B)
-                Csp = self.spmatrix(C)
-                #addition
-                D1 = A + B
-                D2 = A + C
-                D3 = B + C
-                S1 = Asp + Bsp
-                S2 = Asp + Csp
-                S3 = Bsp + Csp
-                assert_equal(D1.dtype,S1.dtype)
-                assert_equal(D2.dtype,S2.dtype)
-                assert_equal(D3.dtype,S3.dtype)
-                assert_array_equal(D1,S1.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D2,S2.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D3,S3.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D1,Asp + B)          #check sparse + dense
-                assert_array_equal(D2,Asp + C)
-                assert_array_equal(D3,Bsp + C)
-                assert_array_equal(D1,A + Bsp)          #check dense + sparse
-                assert_array_equal(D2,A + Csp)
-                assert_array_equal(D3,B + Csp)
-                #subtraction
-                D1 = A - B
-                D2 = A - C
-                D3 = B - C
-                S1 = Asp - Bsp
-                S2 = Asp - Csp
-                S3 = Bsp - Csp
-                assert_equal(D1.dtype,S1.dtype)
-                assert_equal(D2.dtype,S2.dtype)
-                assert_equal(D3.dtype,S3.dtype)
-                assert_array_equal(D1,S1.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D2,S2.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D3,S3.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D1,Asp - B)          #check sparse - dense
-                assert_array_equal(D2,Asp - C)
-                assert_array_equal(D3,Bsp - C)
-                assert_array_equal(D1,A - Bsp)          #check dense - sparse
-                try:
-                    assert_array_equal(D2,A - Csp)
-                except:
-                    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-                assert_array_equal(D3,B - Csp)
-    def check_mu(self):
-        self.arith_init()
-        #basic tests
-        assert_array_equal(self.A*self.B.T,(self.Asp*self.Bsp.T).todense())
-        assert_array_equal(self.A*self.C.T,(self.Asp*self.Csp.T).todense())
-        for x in self.dtypes:
-            for y in self.dtypes:
-                A = self.A.astype(x)
-                B = self.B.astype(y)
-                C = self.C.astype(y)
-                Asp = self.spmatrix(A)
-                Bsp = self.spmatrix(B)
-                Csp = self.spmatrix(C)
-                D1 = A * B.T
-                D2 = A * C.T
-                D3 = B * C.T
-                S1 = Asp * Bsp.T
-                S2 = Asp * Csp.T
-                S3 = Bsp * Csp.T
-                assert_array_equal(D1,S1.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D2,S2.todense())
-                assert_array_equal(D3,S3.todense())
-                assert_equal(D1.dtype,S1.dtype)
-                assert_equal(D2.dtype,S2.dtype)
-                assert_equal(D3.dtype,S3.dtype)
-class TestCSR(_TestCommon, _TestHorizSlicing, _TestVertSlicing,
-              _TestGetSet, _TestSolve,
-              _test_slicing, _test_arith, NumpyTestCase):
-    spmatrix = csr_matrix
-    def check_constructor1(self):
-        b = matrix([[0,4,0],
-                   [3,0,0],
-                   [0,2,0]],'d')
-        bsp = csr_matrix(b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.data,[4,3,2])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indices,[1,0,1])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indptr,[0,1,2,3])
-        assert_equal(bsp.getnnz(),3)
-        assert_equal(bsp.getformat(),'csr')
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.todense(),b)
-    def check_constructor2(self):
-        b = zeros((6,6),'d')
-        b[3,4] = 5
-        bsp = csr_matrix(b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.data,[5])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indices,[4])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indptr,[0,0,0,0,1,1,1])
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.todense(),b)
-    def check_constructor3(self):
-        b = matrix([[1,0],
-                   [0,2],
-                   [3,0]],'d')
-        bsp = csr_matrix(b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.data,[1,2,3])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indices,[0,1,0])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indptr,[0,1,2,3])
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.todense(),b)
-### currently disabled
-##    def check_constructor4(self):
-##        """try using int64 indices"""
-##        data = arange( 6 ) + 1
-##        col = array( [1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2], dtype='int64' )
-##        ptr = array( [0, 2, 4, 6], dtype='int64' )
-##        a = csr_matrix( (data, col, ptr), dims = (3,3) )
-##        b = matrix([[0,1,2],
-##                    [4,3,0],
-##                    [5,0,6]],'d')
-##        assert_equal(a.indptr.dtype,numpy.dtype('int64'))
-##        assert_equal(a.indices.dtype,numpy.dtype('int64'))
-##        assert_array_equal(a.todense(),b)
-    def check_constructor4(self):
-        """using (data, ij) format"""
-        row  = numpy.array([2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 2])
-        col  = numpy.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1])
-        data = numpy.array([  6.,  10.,   3.,   9.,   1.,   4.,
-                              11.,   2.,   8.,   5.,   7.])
-        ij = vstack((row,col))
-        csr = csr_matrix((data,ij),(4,3))
-        assert_array_equal(arange(12).reshape(4,3),csr.todense())
-    def check_constructor5(self):
-        """infer dimensions from arrays"""
-        indptr  = array([0,1,3,3])
-        indices = array([0,5,1,2])
-        data    = array([1,2,3,4])
-        csr = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr))
-        assert_array_equal(csr.shape,(3,6))
-    def check_sort_indices(self):
-        data    = arange( 5 )
-        indices = array( [7, 2, 1, 5, 4] )
-        indptr  = array( [0, 3, 5] )
-        asp = csr_matrix( (data, indices, indptr), dims = (2,10) )
-        bsp = asp.copy()
-        asp.sort_indices( )
-        assert_array_equal(asp.indices,[1, 2, 7, 4, 5])
-        for ir in range( asp.shape[0] ):
-            for ic in range( asp.shape[1] ):
-                assert_equal( asp[ir, ic], bsp[ir, ic] )
-    def check_get_submatrix(self):
-        a = csr_matrix( array([[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,5],[0,2,0,1]]) )
-        i0 = slice( 0, 2 )
-        i1 = ( 1, 3 )
-        b = a.get_submatrix( i0, i1 )
-        aa = a.toarray()
-        ab = b.toarray()
-        assert b.dtype == a.dtype
-        assert b.shape == (2,2)
-        assert_equal( ab, aa[i0,i1[0]:i1[1]] )
-class TestCSC(_TestCommon, _TestHorizSlicing, _TestVertSlicing,
-              _TestGetSet, _TestSolve,
-               _test_slicing, _test_arith, NumpyTestCase):
-    spmatrix = csc_matrix
-    def check_constructor1(self):
-        b = matrix([[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,2,0,3]],'d')
-        bsp = csc_matrix(b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.data,[1,2,1,3])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indices,[0,2,1,2])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indptr,[0,1,2,3,4])
-        assert_equal(bsp.getnnz(),4)
-        assert_equal(bsp.shape,b.shape)
-        assert_equal(bsp.getformat(),'csc')
-    def check_constructor2(self):
-        b = zeros((6,6),'d')
-        b[2,4] = 5
-        bsp = csc_matrix(b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.data,[5])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indices,[2])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indptr,[0,0,0,0,0,1,1])
-    def check_constructor3(self):
-        b = matrix([[1,0],[0,0],[0,2]],'d')
-        bsp = csc_matrix(b)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(bsp.data,[1,2])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indices,[0,2])
-        assert_array_equal(bsp.indptr,[0,1,2])
-    def check_constructor4(self):
-        """using (data, ij) format"""
-        row  = numpy.array([2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 2])
-        col  = numpy.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1])
-        data = numpy.array([  6.,  10.,   3.,   9.,   1.,   4.,
-                              11.,   2.,   8.,   5.,   7.])
-        ij = vstack((row,col))
-        csc = csc_matrix((data,ij),(4,3))
-        assert_array_equal(arange(12).reshape(4,3),csc.todense())
-    def check_constructor5(self):
-        """infer dimensions from arrays"""
-        indptr  = array([0,1,3,3])
-        indices = array([0,5,1,2])
-        data    = array([1,2,3,4])
-        csc = csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr))
-        assert_array_equal(csc.shape,(6,3))
-    def check_sort_indices(self):
-        data = arange( 5 )
-        row = array( [7, 2, 1, 5, 4] )
-        ptr = [0, 3, 5]
-        asp = csc_matrix( (data, row, ptr), dims = (10,2) )
-        bsp = asp.copy()
-        asp.sort_indices() 
-        assert_array_equal(asp.indices,[1, 2, 7, 4, 5])
-        for ir in range( asp.shape[0] ):
-            for ic in range( asp.shape[1] ):
-                assert_equal( asp[ir, ic], bsp[ir, ic] )
-    def check_get_submatrix(self):
-        a = csc_matrix( array([[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,5],[0,2,0,1]]) )
-        i0 = slice( 0, 2 )
-        i1 = ( 1, 3 )
-        b = a.get_submatrix( i0, i1 )
-        aa = a.toarray()
-        ab = b.toarray()
-        assert_equal(b.dtype, a.dtype)
-        assert_equal(b.shape, (2,2))
-        assert_equal( ab, aa[i0,i1[0]:i1[1]] )
-class TestDOK(_TestCommon, _TestGetSet, _TestSolve, NumpyTestCase):
-    spmatrix = dok_matrix
-    def check_mult(self):
-        A = dok_matrix((10,10))
-        A[0,3] = 10
-        A[5,6] = 20
-        D = A*A.T
-        E = A*A.H
-        assert_array_equal(D.A, E.A)
-    def check_add(self):
-        A = dok_matrix((3,2))
-        A[0,1] = -10
-        A[2,0] = 20
-        A = A + 10
-        B = matrix([[10, 0], [10, 10], [30, 10]])
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-    def check_convert(self):
-        """Test provided by Andrew Straw.  Fails in SciPy <= r1477.
-        """
-        (m, n) = (6, 7)
-        a=dok_matrix((m, n))
-        # set a few elements, but none in the last column
-        a[2,1]=1
-        a[0,2]=2
-        a[3,1]=3
-        a[1,5]=4
-        a[4,3]=5
-        a[4,2]=6
-        # assert that the last column is all zeros
-        assert_array_equal( a.toarray()[:,n-1], zeros(m,) )
-        # make sure it still works for CSC format
-        csc=a.tocsc()
-        assert_array_equal( csc.toarray()[:,n-1], zeros(m,) )
-        # now test CSR
-        (m, n) = (n, m)
-        b = a.transpose()
-        assert_equal(b.shape, (m, n))
-        # assert that the last row is all zeros
-        assert_array_equal( b.toarray()[m-1,:], zeros(n,) )
-        # make sure it still works for CSR format
-        csr=b.tocsr()
-        assert_array_equal( csr.toarray()[m-1,:], zeros(n,))
-    def check_set_slice(self):
-        """Test for slice functionality (EJS)"""
-        A = dok_matrix((5,10))
-        B = zeros((5,10), float)
-        A[:,0] = 1
-        B[:,0] = 1
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[1,:] = 2
-        B[1,:] = 2
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[:,:] = 3
-        B[:,:] = 3
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[1:5, 3] = 4
-        B[1:5, 3] = 4
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[1, 3:6] = 5
-        B[1, 3:6] = 5
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[1:4, 3:6] = 6
-        B[1:4, 3:6] = 6
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[1, 3:10:3] = 7
-        B[1, 3:10:3] = 7
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[1:5, 0] = range(1,5)
-        B[1:5, 0] = range(1,5)
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        A[0, 1:10:2] = xrange(1,10,2)
-        B[0, 1:10:2] = xrange(1,10,2)
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(), B)
-        caught = 0
-        # The next 6 commands should raise exceptions
-        try:
-            A[0,0] = range(100)
-        except TypeError:
-            caught += 1
-        try:
-            A[0,0] = arange(100)
-        except TypeError:
-            caught += 1
-        try:
-            A[0,:] = range(100)
-        except ValueError:
-            caught += 1
-        try:
-            A[:,1] = range(100)
-        except ValueError:
-            caught += 1
-        try:
-            A[:,1] = A.copy()
-        except:
-            caught += 1
-        assert_equal(caught,5)
-class TestLIL(_TestCommon, _TestHorizSlicing, _TestGetSet, _TestSolve,
-                NumpyTestCase, ParametricTestCase):
-    spmatrix = lil_matrix
-    B = lil_matrix((4,3))
-    B[0,0] = 2
-    B[1,2] = 7
-    B[2,1] = 3
-    B[3,0] = 10
-    def check_dot(self):
-        A = matrix(zeros((10,10)))
-        A[0,3] = 10
-        A[5,6] = 20
-        B = lil_matrix((10,10))
-        B[0,3] = 10
-        B[5,6] = 20
-        assert_array_equal(A * A.T, (B * B.T).todense())
-        assert_array_equal(A * A.H, (B * B.H).todense())
-    def check_scalar_mul(self):
-        x = lil_matrix((3,3))
-        x[0,0] = 2
-        x = x*2
-        assert_equal(x[0,0],4)
-        x = x*0
-        assert_equal(x[0,0],0)
-    def check_reshape(self):
-        x = lil_matrix((4,3))
-        x[0,0] = 1
-        x[2,1] = 3
-        x[3,2] = 5
-        x[0,2] = 7
-        for s in [(12,1),(1,12)]:
-            assert_array_equal(x.reshape(s).todense(),
-                               x.todense().reshape(s))
-    def check_lil_lil_assignment(self):
-        """ Tests whether a row of one lil_matrix can be assigned to
-        another.
-        """
-        B = self.B.copy()
-        A = B / 10
-        B[0,:] = A[0,:]
-        assert_array_equal(A[0,:].A, B[0,:].A)
-    def tst_inplace_op(self,op,arr,other,result):
-        cpy = arr
-        getattr(arr,"__i%s__" % op)(other)
-        assert_array_equal(cpy.todense(),arr.todense())
-        assert_array_equal(arr.todense(),result)
-    def testip_inplace_ops(self):
-        B = self.B[:3,:3].copy()
-        B[:,:] = B-B
-        C = B.todense()
-        data = {'add':(B,C+C),
-                'sub':(B,zeros(B.shape)),
-                'mul':(3,C*3)}
-        return [(self.tst_inplace_op,op,B,other,result)
-                for op,(other,result) in data.iteritems()]
-    def check_lil_slice_assignment(self):
-        B = lil_matrix((4,3))
-        B[0,0] = 5
-        B[1,2] = 3
-        B[2,1] = 7
-        expected = array([[10,0,0],
-                          [0,0,6],
-                          [0,14,0],
-                          [0,0,0]])
-        B[:,:] = B+B
-        assert_array_equal(B.todense(),expected)
-        block = [[1,0],[0,4]]
-        B[:2,:2] = csc_matrix(array(block))
-        assert_array_equal(B.todense()[:2,:2],block)
-    def check_lil_sequence_assignement(self):
-        A = lil_matrix((4,3))
-        B = speye(3,4,format='lil')
-        i0 = [0,1,2]
-        i1 = (0,1,2)
-        i2 = array( i0 )
-        A[0,i0] = B[i0,0]
-        A[1,i1] = B[i1,1]
-        A[2,i2] = B[i2,2]
-        assert_array_equal(A.todense(),B.T.todense())
-    def check_lil_iteration(self):
-        row_data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
-        B = lil_matrix(array(row_data))
-        for r,row in enumerate(B):
-            assert_array_equal(row.todense(),array(row_data[r],ndmin=2))
-    def check_lil_from_csr(self):
-        """ Tests whether a lil_matrix can be constructed from a
-        csr_matrix.
-        """
-        B = lil_matrix((10,10))
-        B[0,3] = 10
-        B[5,6] = 20
-        B[8,3] = 30
-        B[3,8] = 40
-        B[8,9] = 50
-        C = B.tocsr()
-        D = lil_matrix(C)
-        assert_array_equal(C.A, D.A)
-    def check_point_wise_multiply(self):
-        l = lil_matrix((4,3))
-        l[0,0] = 1
-        l[1,1] = 2
-        l[2,2] = 3
-        l[3,1] = 4
-        m = lil_matrix((4,3))
-        m[0,0] = 1
-        m[0,1] = 2
-        m[2,2] = 3
-        m[3,1] = 4
-        m[3,2] = 4
-        assert_array_equal(l.multiply(m).todense(),
-                           m.multiply(l).todense())
-        assert_array_equal(l.multiply(m).todense(),
-                           [[1,0,0],
-                            [0,0,0],
-                            [0,0,9],
-                            [0,16,0]])
-class TestCOO(_TestCommon, NumpyTestCase):
-    spmatrix = coo_matrix
-    def check_constructor1(self):
-        """unsorted triplet format"""
-        row  = numpy.array([2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 2])
-        col  = numpy.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1])
-        data = numpy.array([  6.,  10.,   3.,   9.,   1.,   4.,
-                              11.,   2.,   8.,   5.,   7.])
-        coo = coo_matrix((data,(row,col)),(4,3))
-        assert_array_equal(arange(12).reshape(4,3),coo.todense())
-    def check_constructor2(self):
-        """unsorted triplet format with duplicates (which are summed)"""
-        row  = numpy.array([0,1,2,2,2,2,0,0,2,2])
-        col  = numpy.array([0,2,0,2,1,1,1,0,0,2])
-        data = numpy.array([2,9,-4,5,7,0,-1,2,1,-5])
-        coo = coo_matrix((data,(row,col)),(3,3))
-        mat = matrix([[4,-1,0],[0,0,9],[-3,7,0]])
-        assert_array_equal(mat,coo.todense())
-    def check_constructor3(self):
-        """empty matrix"""
-        coo = coo_matrix( (4,3) )
-        assert_array_equal(coo.shape,(4,3))
-        assert_array_equal(coo.row,[])
-        assert_array_equal(coo.col,[])
-        assert_array_equal(coo.data,[])
-        assert_array_equal(zeros((4,3)),coo.todense())
-    def check_constructor4(self):
-        """from dense matrix"""
-        mat = numpy.array([[0,1,0,0],
-                           [7,0,3,0],
-                           [0,4,0,0]])
-        coo = coo_matrix(mat)
-        assert_array_equal(mat,coo.todense())
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    NumpyTest().run()

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