[Scipy-svn] r2424 - trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Dec 15 16:29:08 EST 2006

Author: mattknox_ca
Date: 2006-12-15 15:29:06 -0600 (Fri, 15 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 2424


Modified: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/corelib.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/corelib.py	2006-12-15 21:28:45 UTC (rev 2423)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/corelib.py	2006-12-15 21:29:06 UTC (rev 2424)
@@ -1,5 +1,101 @@
 import numpy
+from numpy import ma
+############## generally applicable functions ###############
+def apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args):
+    """ Execute func1d(arr[i],*args) where func1d takes 1-D arrays
+        and arr is an N-d array.  i varies so as to apply the function
+        along the given axis for each 1-d subarray in arr.
+        Slightly modified version of the standard numpy version to work with masked arrays.
+    """
+    nd = arr.ndim
+    if axis < 0:
+        axis += nd
+    if (axis >= nd):
+        raise ValueError("axis must be less than arr.ndim; axis=%d, rank=%d."
+            % (axis,nd))
+    ind = [0]*(nd-1)
+    i = numpy.zeros(nd,'O')
+    indlist = range(nd)
+    indlist.remove(axis)
+    i[axis] = slice(None,None)
+    outshape = numpy.asarray(arr.shape).take(indlist)
+    i.put(indlist, ind)
+    res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args)
+    #  if res is a number, then we have a smaller output array
+    if not hasattr(res,'shape') or len(res.shape) == 0:
+        outarr = ma.zeros(outshape,ma.asarray(res).dtype)
+        outarr[ind] = res
+        Ntot = numpy.product(outshape)
+        k = 1
+        while k < Ntot:
+            # increment the index
+            ind[-1] += 1
+            n = -1
+            while (ind[n] >= outshape[n]) and (n > (1-nd)):
+                ind[n-1] += 1
+                ind[n] = 0
+                n -= 1
+            i.put(indlist,ind)
+            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args)
+            outarr[ind] = res
+            k += 1
+        return outarr
+    else:
+        Ntot = numpy.product(outshape)
+        holdshape = outshape
+        outshape = list(arr.shape)
+        outshape[axis] = len(res)
+        outarr = ma.zeros(outshape,ma.asarray(res).dtype)
+        outarr[tuple(i.tolist())] = res
+        k = 1
+        while k < Ntot:
+            # increment the index
+            ind[-1] += 1
+            n = -1
+            while (ind[n] >= holdshape[n]) and (n > (1-nd)):
+                ind[n-1] += 1
+                ind[n] = 0
+                n -= 1
+            i.put(indlist, ind)
+            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args)
+            outarr[tuple(i.tolist())] = res
+            k += 1
+        return outarr
+def first_unmasked(m):
+    return __unmasked(m, False, 0)
+def last_unmasked(m):
+    return __unmasked(m, False, -1)
+def first_unmasked_val(m):
+    return __unmasked(m, True, 0)
+def last_unmasked_val(m):
+    return __unmasked(m, True, -1)
+def __unmasked(m, get_val, relpos):
+    idx = numpy.where(m.mask == False)
+    if len(idx) != 0 and len(idx[0]) != 0:
+        idx = idx[0][relpos]
+    else:
+        idx = None
+    if get_val:
+        if idx is None: return ma.masked
+        else: return m[idx]
+    else:
+        return idx
 #converts possible strings for frequency into acceptable values             
 def fmtFreq (freqStr):
     if freqStr is None:
@@ -10,24 +106,26 @@
         raise ValueError("Invalid frequency: "+str(freqStr))
+obsDict = {
+            "UNDEFINED":None,
+            "BEGINNING":first_unmasked_val,
+            "END":last_unmasked_val,
+            "AVERAGED":ma.average,
+            "SUMMED":ma.sum,
+            "MAXIMUM":ma.maximum,
+            "MINIMUM":ma.minimum
+          }
 #converts possible strings for observed into acceptable values
 def fmtObserv(obStr):
-    obsVals = (   "UNDEFINED",
-                  "BEGINNING",
-                  "END",
-                  "AVERAGED",
-                  "SUMMED",
-                  "ANNUALIZED",
-                  "FORMULA",
-                  "HIGH",
-                  "LOW")
+    obsVals = list(obsDict)
     if obStr is None:
         return None
     elif obStr.upper() in obsVals:
         return obStr.upper()    
-    elif obStr.upper() in ("UNDEFINED", "BEGIN", "END", "AVERAGE", "SUM", "ANNUAL" , "FORMULA", "HIGH", "LOW"):
+    elif obStr.upper() in ("UNDEFINED", "BEGIN", "END", "AVERAGE", "SUM", "MAX", "MIN"):
         obStr = obStr.upper()
         for x in obsVals:
             if obStr[:2] == x[:2]:

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