[Scipy-organizers] Registered twice by mistake

Anthony Scopatz scopatz at gmail.com
Mon May 5 12:51:04 EDT 2014

Hello Thomas,

We have forwarded you onto our financial team (Jodi and Bill) and they can
help you out.

Be Well
SciPy 2014 Communications Co-Chair

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Thomas Robitaille <robitaille at mpia.de>wrote:

> Hello,
> I appear to have registered (and paid) twice for SciPy 2014. I could not
> find any trace of my initial registration (which I did mid-may) so
> registered again today, but once I got the confirmation email (which
> only mentioned enthought, not scipy 2014), I found that I had already
> received the same email on April 12th. The PayPal transactions are:
>    6E052107JB5959454
>    6NJ80864MJ175450C
> Would it be possible to get re-funded for one of these? Note that in one
> case I paid USD 710 and in one USD 700. The reason is that on Apr 12th I
> had ticked the box for the lunch about women in scientific computing,
> but since I wasn't sure if it is intended to be attended only by women,
> I didn't pay it the second time around. If the lunch is intended to be
> only for women, then could you re-fund the USD 710 (6NJ8...)
> transaction? Otherwise, can you refund the other one?
> Thanks!
> Tom
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