[SciPy-Dev] Unpacking the mailing list: Discourse, Slack = Mailing list

Pamphile Roy roy.pamphile at gmail.com
Thu May 20 06:37:38 EDT 2021

Hi András,

> On 20.05.2021, at 12:20, Andras Deak <deak.andris at gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you happen to have know if there might be any accessibilty issues
> with discourse, slack and the like? I have both accessibility in the
> traditional sense in mind, as well as things like governments that
> censor internet access. I have no idea about either of these things,
> and for all I know the alternatives might be perfect replacements, so
> this is just an aspect that should also be considered for such a
> switch :)

Interesting question. My understanding is that both platforms have accessibility policy or are looking at it:

https://slack.com/intl/en-at/accessibility-plan <https://slack.com/intl/en-at/accessibility-plan>
https://meta.discourse.org/tag/accessibility <https://meta.discourse.org/tag/accessibility> 

As for being blocked, Slack is not accessible (or inconsistently) in some countries.
Discourse seems ok and depends on your IP and your content.

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