[SciPy-Dev] welcome Xingyu and Tirth as GSoC students!

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Mon May 17 16:57:13 EDT 2021

On Mon, May 17, 2021, at 13:42, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> Xingyu's project is titled "Improve performance through the use of Pythran", her project summary can be found at https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#5526713011798016. The mentors are Serge Guelton and myself.
> Tirth's project is titled "Integrate library UNU.RAN into scipy.stats", his project summary can be found at https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#5912428874825728. The mentors are Christoph Baumgarten and Nicholas McKibben.

Congratulations, Xingyu and Tirth!  These sound like useful projects, and it will be fun to watch them evolve.

Tirth, I notice that UNU.RAN is GPL, so I'm curious how that is going to work with SciPy.

Xingyu, in the recent RBF PR by Trever Hines I was impressed to see how tidy Pythran code can be; so I am happy that we'll have more of that in SciPy.

Welcome on board!


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