[SciPy-Dev] Github actions feedback

Pamphile Roy roy.pamphile at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 04:50:41 EDT 2021

> On 30.03.2021, at 00:30, Andrew Nelson <andyfaff at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm meeting with the github actions team tomorrow for a feedback session. I was going to mention our desire to test on aarch64.
> Does anyone else have feedback on what we'd like to see implemented in CI, Github actions or elsewhere?


On top of Ralf’s comments (+1000 for Azure CI).

Sorry if this is off-topic, listing my wish list:

I would like to have a separation between the discussion, git related events, and GitHub events (like adding a tag). Currently everything get’s pilled up and it creates super long threads.
Having a review tab would be better.
Add more filtering options for file changes. I am missing a file move/rename filter.
Would be great to link comments to code itself and not commit hash. Or another way. This way we could rebase, force-push, etc.
Discussions should somehow count as a contribution in GitHub stats. Some discussions are even more valuable than actual commits.
Be able to merge master or rebase from the UI. Annoying to ask contributors to do so.
Interactively playing with git history of a PR would be nice too. On Git Tower of Sublime Merge, you can select some commit in the history and concatenate them. It would be easier to clean up before merging.
For CI, have tools to compare what changed between two runs. Something like diff of logs/configs/files/env.
Some stop button in the UI for CI actions. When iterating over a doc PR for instance. Using skip CI in commit message is not so nice as it stays in the history.

I should stop thinking now ;)


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