[SciPy-Dev] Introduction my-self(introduction request)

Pamphile Roy roy.pamphile at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 03:29:39 EDT 2021

Hi Akhil,

Welcome to SciPy. We are always looking for new motivated contributors.

I believe you are referring to the GSoC21. In that case I would quote what Ralf said previously:
We are happy to help, but do expect that you
read the information we have put together on the ideas page (
https://github.com/scipy/scipy/wiki/GSoC-2021-project-ideas <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/wiki/GSoC-2021-project-ideas>) and try to
understand what is needed. If you have concrete questions or an early draft
of a proposal we can give you feedback. But we won't draft the proposal for
you - there are lots of examples, from the PSF template to the guidance in
https://google.github.io/gsocguides/student/writing-a-proposal.html <https://google.github.io/gsocguides/student/writing-a-proposal.html>

> On 25.03.2021, at 07:33, SIVALASETTY AKHILRAM <akhilram2001 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon respected community,
> I am Akhil Ram, I am new to this community. coming to i was currently pursuing b.tech 3rd year. I had good experience with python , c  and some good experience in machine learning.
> To showcase my abilities in python and machine learning i had done some projects.
>  But I was very new to open source contributions. I had gone through the ideas that were displayed under the idea section page. So, basically from my past experience I got to know what I can work on ("Improve performance through use of Pythran or Cython").
> please help me to get started on my journey.please ignore grammatical mistakes. If I am wrong to introduce myself to a different mailing list please let me know.
> thanking you,
> Akhil Ram Sivalasetty 
> akhilram2001 at gmail.com <mailto:akhilram2001 at gmail.com>
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