[SciPy-Dev] Proposal to merge linalg.pinv and linalg.pinv2 and deprecate pinv2

Ilhan Polat ilhanpolat at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 15:20:58 EDT 2021

Currently, scipy has pinv, pinv2, pinvh pseudo inverse functions.

The first one sends the array to the least squares solver to solve

<rectangular matrix> @ X = Identity

with minimum-norm solution

And the other two forms the SVD based construction by inverting the SV/eig
diagonal and reforming the product in the reverse order i.e. the typical

However, the first one already does this in the lower level driver anyways
since that's what gelss driver does [1]. Hence I think it is better to
merge these and get rid of one as an alias in the deprecation cycle.



[1] https://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node27.html
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