[SciPy-Dev] SciPy Community Meetups are back!

rlucente at pipeline.com rlucente at pipeline.com
Fri Apr 30 07:47:26 EDT 2021

I went to the links to sign up / show interest but I am embarrassed that I
couldn't find a place to do that


Any specific suggestions would be appreciated


From: SciPy-Dev <scipy-dev-bounces+rlucente=pipeline.com at python.org> On
Behalf Of Pamphile Roy
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 5:49 AM
To: SciPy Developers List <scipy-dev at python.org>
Subject: [SciPy-Dev] SciPy Community Meetups are back!


Hi everyone,


I would like to propose regular SciPy Community meetings again!




For this first meeting, it would be good if as many people as possible could
join as we would decide things like frequency of such meeting.


Everyone is invited and encouraged to

join in and edit the work-in-progress meeting topics and notes at:






PS. share the news:

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