[SciPy-Dev] Discontinued Rackspace Open Compute Discount

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Sun Feb 9 06:29:05 EST 2020

> You might ping Ernest Durbin @ the PSF to see if they can help out.
The PSF already has substantial cloud infrastructure and relationships
with the big vendors (e.g. I think PyPI gets free storage in S3), so
they might be able to set up another storage bucket pretty easily.

The problem is that we would need to automate the clean-up of old
build artifacts. On Rackspace, the
https://github.com/ogrisel/wheelhouse-uploader tool I developed would
do that automatically (for nightly-builds) but honestly. I used Apache
Libcloud so it might work almost out of the box with AWS S3 blob
storage but I have never tested and honestly  I am not interested in
maintaining that tool if more standard alternatives based on twine can
do handle retention logic automatically without custom development.

Also, managing AWS upload credentials for a bunch of loosely coupled
open source projects will be a mess (it was for the rackspace based
solution, Matthew Brett was a SPOF with only myself as a high latency
backup spare). I would rather have each project be autonomous in their
ability to share and revoke upload credentials among maintainers.


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