[SciPy-Dev] Discontinued Rackspace Open Compute Discount

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Sat Feb 8 11:30:59 EST 2020

Hi all,

I received an email end of January that I just discovered today
telling me that the Rackspace Open Compute Discount grant we use to
host http://wheels.scipy.org for nightly builds and release management
of our community has been discontinued on December 31st 2019.

I would like to take down the Rackspace hosted cloudfiles as soon as
possible but we need to find a replacement as this will break all the
CIs that rely on nightly wheels and also all the wheel release
infrastructure for several project in the ecosystem.

Apparently the fees for January and the beginning of February already
sum to $936.51. This is a large cost because there were a bunch of
unused left-over block volumes that I already deleted.

To host wheels for nightly builds and release automation, a possible
alternatives include using the github release pages but they are not
really designed for this kind of workflow.

Alternatively there is a PyPI repo hosting feature in Azure Pipelines
in public preview but I am not sure how it works, if it's free for
open source projects and if we could use it as a replacement for the
Rackspace cloud storage we currently use to host
http://wheels.scipy.org .


Important: if you have uploaded any important files to one of the
cloud file storage / blob containers on Rackspace, please download a
copy as soon as possible.

But please do not download things you do not really want to keep to
avoid adding any unnecessary bandwidth costs. If you have file write
permission on one of those containers, please delete the files you own
and do not need anymore.

Feel free to join this room to discuss the matter interactively:

Feel free to reply to this email on the scipy-dev mailing list if you
have suggestions for setting up a free replacement.

http://twitter.com/ogrisel - http://github.com/ogrisel

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