[SciPy-Dev] SciPy GSoC'15 participation?

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 01:58:16 EST 2019

Hi all,

It's the time of the year where GSoC kicks off again. Below email from
Terri, the lead PSF organizer, explains some of the deadlines and things
that are different from last year.

So: do we want to participate again this year? We already have one serious
proposal from a student in preparation, about scipy.fftpack (see earlier
thread on this list).

If we do want to participate, do we have volunteers for mentors and a
sub-org admin? I've done the latter for the last years, but this year I
really do not have the time (if you're interested: it doesn't take much
time compared to mentoring).


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Terri Oda <terri at toybox.ca>
Date: Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 11:02 PM
Subject: [GSoC-mentors] Python in GSoC 2019!
To: <gsoc-mentors at python.org>

Happy new year, everyone!

As you may have seen, we're starting to prepare Python's application for
GSoC 2019, and we need your ideas.  We've got a few eager students
already asking what you'd like them to work on.

The website has been updated for 2019: http://python-gsoc.org

New and notable:

- GSoC org applications open early this year, starting January 15th!
Google moves the dates around every year so students in different
countries with different schedules get opportunities to participate more
easily when the times line up with their scholastic year, and this is
one of the early years.

- We're asking for sub-orgs to get as many ideas ready as they can by
Feb 4th so that we have lots of ideas ready for when Google judges our
umbrella org ideas page.  We need well-formed ideas if we want to get
accepted, and now's a great time to catch the eye of the most eager
students!  Once you've got some ideas ready, you can make a pull request
to get yourself added to the page here:

- John has set up a Slack channel for Python GSoC.  It's bridged in to
link to the IRC channel, but may be a more familiar interface/mobile app
for people who aren't regular IRC users.  I know, it's not open source,
but we didn't have much luck with Zulip and while Matrix has been good
it's not quite solving the usability problem we have with the students,
so we're trying out the more popular Slack.  We'll see how it works this
year and if it's worth keeping, so if this is a thing you want us to
support, please use it!  (And if you see problems, please report them to
gsoc-admins at python.org so we can get them fixed.)

You can snag a Slack invite here:

- We've got space for some new sub-orgs this year!  If you know of any
projects that might want to try out GSoC with us this year, let us know,
or tell them to email gsoc-admins at python.org (or join irc/matrix/slack,
or whatever) to chat with us!


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