[SciPy-Dev] Sprints at EuroSciPy

Juan Luis Cano juanlu001 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 10:44:37 EDT 2019

Hi all,

There are some free slots for the EuroSciPy sprints and the organizers
encouraged us to propose more:


I wonder if there are other people attending EuroSciPy interested in
sprinting, what topics could we choose (general bug triaging? high priority
defects? a specific sub package needing some love? some work on
numba-scipy?), and if people not attending (especially core developers)
would be open to participate remotely, perhaps answering questions on IRC
(or Matrix, see https://riot.im/app/#/room/#freenode_#scipy:matrix.org).

I have a general interest in scipy.integrate, scipy.optimize and
scipy.signal but I'm not an expert in anything. What I'd like is to see a
SciPy sprint at EuroSciPy to, you know, honor the name of the conference :)
If there's interest, I will propose it to the organizers.


Juan Luis Cano
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