[SciPy-Dev] GSoC 2018: Cythonizing

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 10:04:23 EST 2018

> - Is there an interest? ;)

I'd be happy to co-mentor on any relevant `scipy.signal` bits at least, as
I've done some Cython work there.

- Is the original proposal in scikit-image still unfinished and are the
>   potential mentors still interested in mentoring?
- If there is a general interest to cythonize C or Python code during a
>   GSoC project, which parts / sub-packages of SciPy would you priorize?

I don't know the answer to either of these questions -- I'll let others

If this receives positive feedback I'd be happy to draft a more complete
> proposal / application based on the discussion around this.

For GSoC we need to ensure (at least) that the project fits 1) the needs of
SciPy, 2) the GSoC program scope / timeline, 3) possible mentors, and 4)
your goals. My sense is that a proposal based on code Cythonizing (with
proper benchmark testing and regression protection) would be good for SciPy
maintainability and could be crafted to have a reasonable scope. In terms
of mentors, I feel comfortable mentoring changes to the `signal` module but
not `ndimage`, so we'd need to find a qualified primary volunteer mentor if
that ends up being the primary proposal direction.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the list of GSoC ideas is not meant
to be exhaustive. So if you have some other ideas for SciPy functionality,
feel free to throw those out for discussion as well. In my experience,
genuine intrinsic enthusiasm for a project -- finding something you'd enjoy
working on in your free time even if you weren't getting paid to do so --
can help make for successful GSoC applications and experiences.

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