[SciPy-Dev] cython_optimize.zeros concept

Mark Mikofski bwana.marko at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 15 06:39:36 EST 2018

Hi, I need to run a loop around the scipy.optimize.zeros functions like brentq and newton. Looping 100k takes a long time, so I started to try to cythonize some of the zeros functions. I've started with newton and bisect. Newton works, but bisect gives me "Illegal Instruction 4" on my mac running Python 2.7 and Xcode. If anyone has any feedback that would help a lot. https://github.com/mikofski/scipy/tree/cython_optimize/scipy/optimize/cython_optimize

“As I breath in, I calm my body, as I breath out, I smile” - Thich_Nhat_Hanh
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