[SciPy-Dev] ENH: Extend peak finding capabilities in scipy.signal (#8264)

Lars G. lagru at mailbox.org
Wed Feb 14 07:04:04 EST 2018

On 26.01.2018 20:49, Lars G. wrote:
> Dear SciPy devs,
> I'd like to highlight my current pull request which extends SciPy's peak
> finding capabilities in the signal module.
> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/8264
> I've tried to address all feedback that was given (until now) in said
> PR. 
> [...]

I am quite confident with the current state and would encourage a last
review. So feel free to chime in if you have some tweaks or refactoring
to suggest.

The only outstanding question is about the name of `find_peaks`. As the
discussion on this hasn't really yielded an agreed upon solution I'm
going to leave the name as it is for the time being.

Going forward I'd like to build on this with new PRs:

- Some parts (especially inside the big loops in `peak_prominences` and
`peak_widths`) would profit from one or two private functions written in
Cython. I get noticeable speed ups if I just replace a few steps of the
algorithms with Cython. `find_peaks` would profit from this as well. I
think this is worthwhile because prominence is a very useful parameter
and it shouldn't be to much work (unit tests and PYX file already exist).

- A tutorial that shows some more complicated use cases for the new
functions and peak finding in general. If I feel confident, I may even
give some examples and guidelines for `find_peaks_cwt` whose
documentation was described as confusing in the past.

Best regards,

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