[SciPy-Dev] linalg.solve keyword deprecation

Ilhan Polat ilhanpolat at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 06:20:32 EDT 2018

Hi there,

Some time ago, we have included different matrix structure types such as
symmetric, positive definite and hermitian together with the generic
matrices to solve AX=B problems in linalg.solve. Previously, there were two
keywords in the signature namely "debug" and "sym_pos". These keywords, in
my opinion, are obsolete and actually clutter the function signature
because the dummy keyword "debug" has no functionality and "sym_pos" is
covered by "assume_a" keyword as a special case.

Hence I've proposed to deprecate these in
https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/8715/files . Pauli also chimed in and
mentioned that this might not be a good idea since this is a central
function and the benefits might not be worth the effort and backwards
compatibility problems. With Python2 dying, I think the backwards
compatibility part won't be such important problem anymore and the benefit
is that we don't need to have such strange signature.

Thus, I'd like to ask around what others think about this since this indeed

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