[SciPy-Dev] the demise of SciPy Central

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 06:29:46 EDT 2017

Hi all,

SciPy Central has been down for weeks, and barely anyone has noticed (2 bug
reports). Almost no new content has been created the last year, and the use
cases it tried to address are now covered pretty well by StackOverflow and
Github/gists. A bit more discussion with Surya and Pauli, who have done
most of the maintenance for the site the last couple of years, happened on

In https://github.com/scipy/scipy.org/pull/226 I've removed links to it
from scipy.org. I propose we go ahead and merge that, and shut down the
site completely.

This is in no way a judgement of the work especially Surya put in during
and after his GSoC - more an acknowledgement that times have changed. And
maybe that we should collectively try to stay away from sysadmin duties as
much as possible (scipy.org, mailman, etc. also have not been fun).

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