[SciPy-Dev] Looking for technical reviewers

Cyrille Rossant cyrille.rossant at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 09:11:54 EST 2017

Hello, I'm looking for technical reviewers for 11 recipes of the upcoming
IPython Cookbook, 2nd edition (most of the contents of the book will be
freely available on GitHub)

If you're familiar with IPython/Jupyter, NumPy/SciPy, matplotlib, etc.
please feel free to go through these recipes and let me know before Nov
24th of any comments on GitHub : https://github.com/ipython-b

Here are the recipe names:

2.1. Using the latest features of Python 3
3.3. Mastering widgets in the Jupyter notebook
3.4. Creating custom Jupyter notebook widgets in Python, HTML, and
3.5. Configuring the Jupyter notebook
3.6. Introducing JupyterLab
5.1. Knowing Python to write faster code
5.11. Performing out-of-core computations on large arrays with Dask
6.1. Using matplotlib styles
6.2. Creating beautiful statistical plots easily with seaborn
6.5. Discovering interactive visualization libraries in the notebook
6.6. Creating plots with Altair and the Vega-Lite specification

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