[SciPy-Dev] CUTEst in Scipy

Antonio Ribeiro antonior92 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 14:24:14 EDT 2017


I am developing my google of summer proposal about constrained optimisation
in Scipy
and it will be very important to have a good set of benchmarks.

There is a great library with diverse optimisation benchmarks called CUTEst
<https://ccpforge.cse.rl.ac.uk/gf/project/cutest/wiki/>. It is under LGPL
2.1 license.

This CUTEst  library include a huge amount of problem sets
and is often used in optimisation papers. Furthermore, many of the available
optimisation software provide some interface to it. I am interested in
using problems from this set in my project and I want to ask how
 should I proceed?

1) Select a subset of tests from the CUTEst library and implement them in
native python under scipy.

2) Include some interface to CUTEst in scipy. By what I understand LGPL
license is
more restrictive than BSD-3 used by Scipy. In this case, could we ask for

3) There is an interface for CUTEst implemented in the library pyOpus
(under GPL3 license)
<http://fides.fe.uni-lj.si/pyopus/download1.html>.  Since this is a library
external to Scipy (with an incompatible license) how should I proceed in
this case: can I make my benchmarks dependent on it? Can we ask permission
for include this interface in Scipy?

Any suggestions on how to proceed and what to include in my proposal is
very welcome.

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