[SciPy-Dev] API to control iteration in differential evolution #6923

Denis Laxalde denis at laxalde.org
Sat Jan 14 13:08:31 EST 2017

Jacob Stevenson a écrit :
> I also give a big +1 to exposing the individual steps in the algorithm.
> However I echo Evgeni in that treating it as an iterable `for step in
> solver:` is a bit unintuitive and I prefer the more straightforward
> `solver.make_a_single_step_then_pause()`.  For what it's worth the
> underlying solver in basinhopping uses this mechanism, although it's not
> exposed publicly.
> for i in range(niter):
>         new_global_min = bh.one_cycle()

See my answer to Evgeni's point; it's implemented as a `__next__` method.

> If we expose this functionality in differential_evolution we could do
> the same in basinhopping using whatever common syntax is agreed upon

That'd be nice, indeed.

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