[SciPy-Dev] GSOC application : implement scipy.diff

Yizheng Zhao yizhengz at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Apr 3 09:15:10 EDT 2017

Hello developers:

I am Yizheng Zhao, a graduate students at Carnegie Mellon University majoring in Software Engineering. And I am interested for your diff project.

I’ve been using spicy for 2 years for scientific computing and data science and I am excited that I have this opportunity to make my own contribution to the community. 

Why me?
I majored in Math in college and I do a lot of project about numerical analysis.
I also have strong coding skills.

Here is my proposal, I am happy to receive any suggestions: )
https://github.com/YizhengZHAO/scipy/wiki/GSoC-2017-:-Implement-scipy.diff-(numerical-differentiation) <https://github.com/YizhengZHAO/scipy/wiki/GSoC-2017-:-Implement-scipy.diff-(numerical-differentiation)>

Yizheng Zhao

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