[SciPy-Dev] Introducing scipy.optimization.tgo; a global optimization routine.

Andrea Gavana andrea.gavana at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 11:45:40 EDT 2016

Hi Stefan,

    The algorithm seems very interesting. I haven't gone through the papers
(mostly because I don't have access to those journals 😊), so I can't
really say I understand the theoretical basis of it...

However, I believe it would be nice to put TGO through the grinder as I did
in the past with many other algorithms:


And take a look to the overall performances. I'm always on the lookout for
GO algorithms available in Python (and actually running on Windows as
well...), so I'll try to find some time soon enough to put TGO as well on
the tables and pictures.

Thank you for sharing!


On Monday, 4 April 2016, Stefan Endres <stefan.c.endres at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I’d like to present this implementation of the Topographical Global
> Optimisation (TGO) method, a powerfull global optimisation method first
> proposed by Törn (1990) [1]. The implementation is written entirely in
> python using mostly boolean numpy arrays to implement the core algorithm
> and using scipy.optimize.minimize to find local minima.
> https://github.com/Stefan-Endres/tgo
> TGO is a clustering method that uses graph theory to generate good
> starting points for local search methods from points distributed uniformly
> in the interior of the feasible set. These points are currently generated
> using the Sobol (1967) [3] sequence. The semi-empirical correlation by
> Hendorson et. al. (2015) [2] for k integer defining the k-t matrix. The
> latter publication used an (unpublished as far as I can tell) C/C++
> implementation which was comparatively succesful against commercial
> software (MIDACO 4.0).
> More details can be found in the docstrings in
> https://github.com/Stefan-Endres/tgo
> Some features in brief.
>    - Global optimisation of multivariate functions with
>       - Bounded or unbounded variables.
>       - Optional non-linear constraints.
>    - Returns an ordered list of all local minima with the res.xl
>    attribute and corresponding function values res.fun (this is something
>    that I’ve found very useful in my own research).
>    - Highly customisable to increase performance on difficult
>    optimisation problems.
>    - The functions were written entirely in python based on algorithms
>    available in open literature [2]
> As a quick visual illustration of the algorithm’s capabilities, a few
> results for common optimisation problems and their results:
> http://imgur.com/a/'ll MS0hG <http://imgur.com/a/MS0hG>
> I’ve also run a comparison of tgo with the other two global optimisation
> currently available.
> http://pastebin.com/8K72Xve8
> Note in all cases tgo found the correct answer, details on my system can
> be found at the end of the pastebin (it’s a terminal session dump). Also I
> apologise I’m not very familiar with the basinhopping algorithm so I didn’t
> know how many iterations where optimal for the problems and stuck with the
> default.
> Details on the functions used and their references can be found in the
> docstrings in the unittest script:
> https://github.com/Stefan-Endres/tgo/blob/master/test__tgo.py
> Potential issues
> The most important barrier I forsee is the large file size of the
> direction numbers used in generating the Sobol sampling points (
> new-joe-kuo-6.21201
> <https://github.com/Stefan-Endres/tgo/blob/master/new-joe-kuo-6.21201>)
> at 1.8MiB. The code to generate the Sobol points itself is not an issue,
> it’s a small script that was translated to Python by one of my advisers for
> the project (repository: https://bitbucket.org/alchemyst/sobol/src) from
> the original C++ code under a scipy compatible BSD style liscence (
> http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~fkuo/sobol/).
> I suggest the following solutions to this:
>    - Use latin hypercube sampling (LHS) to generate the initial points
>    instead. LHS is already used in _differentialevolution.py (I’ve tried
>    to do this, but I’m not sure how without initiating the entire
>    DifferentialEvolutionSolver object).
>    - Trim the data file to only including Sobol sequence sampling for
>    problems of up to 1000 dimensions. It’s easy to write something to download
>    higher dimensional data when a user specifies problems higher than 1000
>    dimensions.
> I think the sobol_points function is more appropriate numpy.random in the
> first from where it can be imported to tgo, but I'm not sure if it's wanted
> there.
> Everything else was written from scratch so there shouldn’t be any
> licensing issues.
> I’ve tried to follow the guidelines given in
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/hacking.html as close as
> possible with this repository:
> https://github.com/Stefan-Endres/scipy/branches
> It’s almost ready for a PR, in particular I don’t really know where/how to
> do the following checklists.
>    - Is the new functionality tagged with .. versionadded:: X.Y.Z (with
>    X.Y.Z the version number of the next release - can be found in setup.py)?
>    - Is the new functionality mentioned in the release notes of the next
>    release?
>    - Is the new functionality added to the reference guide?
> References
>    1. Törn, A (1990) “Topographical global optimization”, Reports on
>    Computer Science and Mathematics Ser. A, No 199, 8p. Abo Akademi
>    University, Sweden)
>    2. Henderson, N et. al (2015) “A new look at the topographical global
>    optimization method and its application to the phase stability analysis of
>    mixtures”, Chemical Engineering Science, 127, 151-174
>    3. Sobol, IM (1967) “The distribution of points in a cube and the
>    approximate evaluation of integrals. USSR Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 7,
>    86-112
> If you wish to learn more about the method I highly recommend Hendorson
> et. al.’s (2015) article which presents the material in an introductory
> fashion.
> Please let me know what you guys think! I will keep working on this if you
> think it’s something that could be included in scipy.
> Thank you for reading.
> Regards,
> -
> Stefan Endres
> Postgraduate Student: Institute of Applied Materials
> Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pretoria
> Cell: +27 (0) 82 972 42 89
> E-mail: Stefan.C.Endres at gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','Stefan.C.Endres at gmail.com');>
> St. Number: 11004968

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