[SciPy-Dev] Scipy wiki is down again

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sat Oct 24 12:10:06 EDT 2015

Nathaniel Smith <njs <at> pobox.com> writes:
> Yeah, the wiki was terribly out of date and probably needs to just die
> (is there anything there that's still relevant aside from the "for
> matlab users" page?), but there is a meta problem that is
> zero^Wepsilon communication between the people maintaining the
> infrastructure and the rest of us, so we stumble forward as best we
> can .

The wiki dump is available (and links to it have been also before 
on this list years ago), the static website is on github, so there
should be no blockers to this.

> > Here is the dump. Go forth and convert!
> >
> > https://www.dropbox.com/s/54r9ug6bzbsjxdb/scipy-wiki-dump.tbz2?dl=0
> It would be super helpful if you could also say a few words about what
> to do with these pages once they are downloaded. Are you suggesting
> they go into scipy's sphinx docs, or into some other static website
> build somewhere? I don't actually know where the source to scipy.org
> is stored...

What to do with the old wiki content is up to discussion.
I don't think anyone has a plan on what parts of it is still of
value, what not, and whether a wiki would still be useful.

Previous discussions of this matter as a rule have just fizzled
out, probably because there are more interesting things to do.

When the scipy.org site was set up three years ago (see previous
posts on this list), I moved only the content having directly to
do with the software.

The fate of scipy cookbook has also been discussed before on this
list, and its conversion to ipython notebooks was also done, 
see links in previous posts. However, the bitrot is great, and
new tools for doing things in a better way appeared, so much
of the content is outdated.

The "numpy for matlab users" was probably one of the valuable
extra pages. I have no recollection of what else was there,
but that should be visible in the dump.

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