[SciPy-Dev] Extend odeint to handle matrices and complex numbers

Benny Malengier benny.malengier at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 18:00:20 EST 2015


It would be most useful to add that to odes, https://github.com/bmcage/odes
which interfaces the modern (Krylov precond, ...) cvode code instead of the
old codebases included in scipy.
We have been working on a new api for odes which returns named tuples, see
the examples here: https://github.com/bmcage/odes/tree/master/docs/ipython
(chrome might be needed). This as a way to move forward the ode solvers in
scipy which don't have a nice/good/liked API (many suggestions for rewrites
have been suggested in the past). The solution as named tuple can be
accessed as sol.values.t and roots eg sol.roots.t, ...

One drawback to deprecate the old solvers in scipy has been the complex
solver zvode. Allen Hindmarsh (
http://history.siam.org/oralhistories/hindmarsh.htm) did not include a
complex solver in the new codes in sundials. Several people have indicated
their need for (transparent) complex ODE solvers. Your approach might solve

Personally, I advise against using old solvers as lsode or vode as
available in scipy for actual academic (or industrial) use.


2015-11-16 23:12 GMT+01:00 Warren Weckesser <warren.weckesser at gmail.com>:

> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Marcel Oliver <
> m.oliver at jacobs-university.de> wrote:
>> Warren Weckesser writes:
>>  > I wrote a wrapper of odeint called odeintw that is currently available
>> on
>>  > github: https://github.com/WarrenWeckesser/odeintw
>>  >
>>  > To quote from README.md in the repository:
>>  >
>>  >     odeintw provides a wrapper of scipy.integrate.odeint that allows
>>  >     it to handle complex and matrix differential equations.
>>  >     That is, it can solve equations of the form
>>  >
>>  >         dZ/dt = F(Z, t, param1, param2, ...)
>>  >
>>  >     where t is real and Z is a real or complex array.
>>  >
>>  > What do folks think of adding this functionality directly to odeint in
>> scipy?
>>  > It would be completely backwards compatible, and would not introduce
>> any
>>  > overhead in the callbacks if the inputs are 1-d real arrays.
>>  >
>>  > Warren
>> I cannot really comment on the code internals, but to have transparent
>> nd-array-valued vector fields would be a major improvement (so don't
>> stop at "matrix"!).
> I shouldn't have said "matrix", because in fact it already handles
> n-dimensional arrays.
> The case of a 2-d matrix is just the most common request that I've seen.
> For example, in the following a system in the shape of a 2x2x2 array is
> solved:
> In [21]: from odeintw import odeintw
> In [22]: def func(x, t):
>    ....:     return -x
>    ....:
> In [23]: x0 = np.arange(8.0).reshape(2,2,2)
> In [24]: t = np.arange(5.0)
> In [25]: sol = odeintw(func, x0, t)
> In [26]: sol.shape
> Out[26]: (5, 2, 2, 2)
>> I have encountered the need over and over again, and one can always
>> flatten out the structures, but a lot of code clarity, in particular
>> the closeness between mathematical representation and the code, is
>> getting lost.
>> And why stop at odeint?  There is integrate.ode which currently has
>> the same limitation.
> That's certainly possible.  I referred to odeintw as a wrapper of odeint
> (and it is), but most of the code is actually about wrapping the user's
> callback functions (i.e. the differential equations and the Jacobian
> function, if given).
> Warren
>> --Marcel
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