[SciPy-Dev] Out of Core Sparse Matrices

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Thu May 28 02:25:12 EDT 2015

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Aidan Macdonald <aidan at brightcloud.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I work for Brightcloud and part of my work required me to write Out of Core Sparse Matrices. I was thinking of submitting these to Scipy as it currently has Sparse Matrices, but not out of core.
> I was wondering if this code would be a desired addition to SciPy. Also, currently it uses the Python Sqlite3 library. Is it okay to use the Sqlite3 package?

Hi Aidan,

I think we'd be able to give you better advice/suggestions if you
could give us a pointer to the code and/or docs, to get a sense of
what kind of general approach, public API, dependencies, etc. that
you're talking about?


Nathaniel J. Smith -- http://vorpus.org

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