[SciPy-Dev] 0.16.0 release

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sat May 9 11:00:55 EDT 2015

On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 9:40 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:

> The release manager is the person that has the final responsibility for
> what does and does not go into a release, what are considered blocking
> issues, etc. This part really has to be done by a core developer. However,
> there's a lot of other things that the release manager also usually takes
> care of which could equally well be done by one or more contributors who
> are not core developers. Here's a list:
> - build/test Windows and OS X binaries (.exe, .dmg, .whl)
> - automate those binary builds/tests further
> - tackle some of the issues that need to be resolved before the alpha /
> beta / final release

One thing that I could use a hand with is cleaning up the noise in the test
suite. Basically, just run latest master and investigate the warnings and
other printed output. In most cases what's needed is just silencing the
warning. On Python 3.x there are also some ResourceWarnings that need
fixing, probably by opening test files like ``with open('this_test_file',
'rb') as f:`` so they get closed automatically.

The only output that doesn't need investigating (because it's not fixable)
looks like:

    0-th dimension must be fixed to 3 but got 15

Any takers?


> - PRs to complete the release notes and contributor name mapping
> - a PR to the scipy.org repo to put the release in the News section
> - improve documentation of the release process itself (the less you know
> to start with, the better you can document it)
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