[SciPy-Dev] scipy.stats improvements

Abraham Escalante aeklant at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 23:47:48 EDT 2015


I just realised not everyone may be able to see the attached GSoC proposal
in my previous message. I apologise and here it is in a more friendly way:

Thanks again,

2015-03-06 10:52 GMT-06:00 Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>:

> Hi Abraham,
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 8:08 PM, Abraham Escalante <aeklant at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My name is Abraham Escalante. I would like to make a proposal for the
>> "scipy.stats improvements" project for the Google Summer of Code. I am new
>> to the Open Source community (although I do have experience with git and
>> github) and this seems to me like a perfect place to start contributing.
> Welcome!
>> I forked the scipy/scipy project and I've been perusing some of the
>> StatisticsCleanup issues since I would like to make my first contribution
>> before I actually make my formal proposal (and I know it would be a great
>> way for me to become acquainted with the code, guidelines, tests and the
>> like).
> That's definitely a good idea (and actually it's required).
>> I have a few questions that I would like to trouble you with:
>> 1) Most of the StatisticsCleanup open issues mention a "need for review"
>> and also "StatisticsReview guidelines". *Could you refer me to the
>> StatisticsReview guidelines?* (I have been looking but I have not been
>> able to find it in the forked project nor the scipy documentation). *What
>> does it mean to have an issue flagged as "review"?*
>> see https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/693 for an example of what I
>> mean.
> Ah, this was a pre-Github wiki page that has disappeared after Trac was
> disabled. I can't find the original anymore; I'll rewrite those guidelines
> on the Github scipy wiki. Basically it comes down to checking (and
> fixing/implementing if needed) the following:
> - is the implementation correct?
>   - needs checking against another implementation (R/Matlab) and/or a
> reliable reference
>   - this includes handling of small or empty arrays, and array_like (list,
> tuple) inputs
> - is the docstring complete?
>   - at a minimum should include a good summary line, parameters, returns
> section and needed details to understand the algorithm
>   - preferably also References and Examples sections
> - is the test coverage OK?
> For some functions that have StatisticsReview issues it's a matter of
> checking and making a few tweaks, for others it may be a complete rewrite
> (see https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/4563 for a recent example).
>> 2) I am currently going through the code (using the StatisticsCleanup
>> issues as a guide) and starting to read the SciPy statistics tutorial. *Do
>> you have any suggested reading* to get more familiarised with SciPy (the
>> statistics part in particular), Numpy or to brush up on my statistics
>> knowledge? (pretty much anything to get me up the learning curve would be
>> useful).
> The tutorial you started on is good, for a broad intro to numpy/scipy this
> is also a quite good tutorial: http://scipy-lectures.github.io/.
> Regarding books on statistics, there's an almost infinite choice, I'm not
> going to try to make  recommendation. Maybe the real statisticians on this
> list will give you their favorites:)
> When starting to work on scipy, reading the developer guidelines at
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-dev/dev/ is also a good idea.
> Cheers,
> Ralf
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Abraham Escalante.
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