[SciPy-Dev] Allow specification of matrix permutation method in scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs()

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sun Mar 8 12:15:37 EDT 2015

08.03.2015, 06:54, Paul Nation kirjoitti:
> In my case, I am looking to set the ordering used in splu to reduce the 
> fill-in in the LU factors.  I do not think that this can be accomplished 
> using the M matrix.  However, using such a feature may be too 
> specialized to justify inclusion into SciPy.

I think what you are trying to do is achievable with the combination of
the OPinv & Minv keyword arguments. The eigenvalue solver itself
operates in a matrix-free fashion, and the splu decompositions in it are
a convenience feature.

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