[SciPy-Dev] Facilitate navigating to latest version of the docs

Robert McGibbon rmcgibbo at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 05:38:52 EST 2015


I've noticed that often, when googling for the documentation of a scipy
function, I often get the docs for that function from a mix of different
versions of scipy. Furthermore, on the mailing list, it's somewhat common
for people to ask questions about a function that are based on the
docstrings for an older version scipy (this might be because they're using
an older version of scipy, but I think in many cases it's what came up in
their search).

In the web documentation for scikit-learn, the version that you're browsing
is displayed somewhat prominently. Also for particularly old versions of
the docs, a red bar at the top of the screen lets you know that you're
browsing an outdated version, and offers a link to the latest stable
version. See this page
for example.

Something similar might be a good idea for the scipy documentation.

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