[SciPy-Dev] Weekly Summary 2015/06/23

Abraham Escalante aeklant at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 15:09:17 EDT 2015

Hello all,

This week we had a lot of merged PRs and closed issues for `scipy.stats` so
the project is seeing some progress and I'm feeling good with the decision
to change the approach.

Here is a summary of the most important things:

*Week 4 topics:*

   - Trimmed statistics functions PR has been merged.
   - nan checks: An agreement seems close.
   - Deprecation of (M)ANOVA `f_value*` functions.
   - Deprecation of `threshold` is still in discussion.
   - 'alternative' keyword addition to `binom_test` and `mannwhitneu`.

*Week 5 topics:*

   - nan checks discussion.
   - Deprecation of `threshold` discussion.
   - Resume some previously started tasks:
      - ppcc_max.
      - 'alternative' keyword addition.
   - New batch of PRs:
      - `fligner`, `bartlett`, `ansari`, `shapiro`, `variation`, `moment`,
      `kruskal` and `kendalltau` are the likeliest prospects. I will start with
      as many as possible.

As usual, for your convenience here are some links of interest so that you
can contribute and/or follow the progress of the project.

   - Open Pull Requests <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pulls/aeklant>
   - Open StatisticsCleanup issues

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