[SciPy-Dev] SLSQP on Ubuntu

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 16:45:02 EDT 2015

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Giselle Sosa Jones <giselle1701 at gmail.com>

> Hello
> I'm running SLSQP algorithm from Scipy on Ubuntu 12.04 and Python 3.3. The
> algorithm doesn't converge unless the starting point is really close to the
> solution. I tried it on Windows and it works perfectly, it converges easily
> and doesn't take too much iterations. On Ubuntu I either get the message
> "Inequality constraints incompatible", and sometimes I even get the message
> "Optimization terminated succesfully", but the values are not correct. Has
> anyone experienced the same thing? I have no clue to what's going on. Also
> I tried it with Python 2.7 on Ubuntu and still doesn't work, but on Windows
> it does.
> Thank you very much, I'm desperate.

That is strange. Is the problem small enough that you can post it somewhere
so we can try it out? Also, where did you get your windows scipy? There may
be compiler/library differences. I assume 64 bit versions on both?

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